长春市2019-2020年度英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today课时练习D卷

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长春市2019-2020年度英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today课时练习D卷_第1页
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长春市2019-2020年度英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today课时练习D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There will be _ rain and _ winds tomorrow.Astrong;heavyBheavy;bigCheavy;strongDbig;large2 . What would you do if you _ a car accident? I will call the police. AmetBmeetCwere meeting3 . October 12th was one ofdays in 2005,for Shenzhou VI was sent up successfully into the space.Athe most excitedBthe most excitingCmuch excitingDmore exciting4 . Are there any _ in your school?Yes,there are.AGermenBGermansCGermanDGermany5 . -How is our government going to deal with the office building?- It will be _ a library.Aturned offBturned onCturned outDturned into二、完型填空One day I found that my computer disappeared(消失). I looked for it everywhere. I asked, “Where is my computer?” Dad rushed into my room and shouted at me, “Your computer? I sold it!I found you were spending too much time playing online games!”I was very unhappy, but I knew it was to beg(乞求) him for my computer. All day long, I didbut sit in front of my desk. Thinking of my homework and reports, I was even more . I couldnt look up information on the Internet. What was more, getting used to typing(打字) on the computer, I wrote so just like a primary school student. I usually spent more than four hours talking with my friends online. But what could I do now?Ito go out and talk a walk. I walked into a park. I saw kids playing or doing exercise in the park and having fun. I suddenly felt. “How long ago did I last come to this park?” I asked myself. I used to play in the park every afternoon with my classmates. We played basketball and had a lot of fun. What happened to me?can I choose to lock myself in a room in front of a computer, wasting my time, doing nothing useful? I am a.6 . Aangrily BsadlyChappilyDcarefully7 . ASoBIfCAlthoughDBecause8 . AusefulBuselessChelpfulDpossible9 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything10 . AhappyBunhappyCangryDworried11 . Aquickly BslowlyCwell Dhappily12 . AforgotBdecidedChelpedDhated13 . AangryBdisappointedCrelaxedDunhappy14 . AHow BWhatCWhen DWho15 . AfoolBguest CleaderDwiser三、阅读单选Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)Dear Sir,Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery and asked for some loaves(块)of bread to sell. At that time I was twelve years old. A young lady was working that day. She gave me five loaves and wished me good luck.I took the loaves and went out to sell them. It took me all day, but I sold them all. At the end of the day. I had some money. I was the happiest boy in the world as I walked home that evening.The next day. I went to a bicycle shop. I paid a deposit(定金)on a new bicycle. And then I started my next job-as a newspaper delivery boy. Soon I could pay the rest of the money for the bicycle and the bike was mine. I was so proud!Today, I still work in the delivery business. I have a lot of trucks to send goods(货物)all over the country. I live in a beautiful house, but I dont ride a bicycle these days. I drive a large and nice car.I do not know who that young lady was. But because she gave me the start, I have become a successful man. Id like to show my thanks to her.Yours,George Jenkins16 . George Jenkins is years old now.A30B12C42DWe dont know17 . Thirty years ago, the man went to a bakery and .Aasked a young lady for some bread to sellBasked a young man for some bread to sellCasked a young lady for some bread to eatDasked a young lady for some money to buy a bicycle18 . What did the man do with the money made by selling bread?AHe went home to give it to his parents.BHe bought some newspapers to read.CHe paid the money as a deposit on a new bicycle.DHe bought some more bread.19 . How did the man feel after he sold all the bread?AHe was very sad.BHe was very surprised.CHe was amazed.DHe was pleased.20 . Why did the man work as a newspaper delivery boy after that?AHe wanted to help his father.BHe wanted to get money for the homeless animals.CHe wanted to earn college expense himself.DHe wanted to pay the money for the bicycle.21 . The man wrote the letter in order to .Agive the money back to that young ladyBpay for the breadCthank the lady for giving him the start thirty years agoDlet the boss of the bakery know the young lady was kind四、用单词的正确形式完成句子over take a message shower kitchen feet square metres22 . The Eiffel Tower is about 1,062 _ tall.23 . Ge Garden with an area of 24,000 _ houses over 60 types of bamboo.24 . Jims father is _ forty years old.25 . Im sorry. Daniel is not at home now. Can I _ ?26 . Do you always have a _ after getting up in this morning?五、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Mrs. Black is an _English woman. She likes cats. She has many _ at home. The students all like to come to _ home. They like to play _ her cats. More and more(越来越多的) cats come to the old womans home. Soon she has too many cats. The old woman cant feed (喂养) _all. “The students like my cats.” she thinks. So she _the students her cats. Then she is _. The students are happy. And the cats are happy, _.27 . _28 . _29 . _30 . _31 . _32 . _33 . _34 . _六、语法填空Do you know 35 . lives of children in Victorian Britain? Are you 36 . (interest) in it? I searched online and found out the 37 . (follow).In Victorian Britain, thousands of people came to the cities to work in 38 . (factory). Instead 39 . the green, open countryside, people lived in very small houses 40 . were very close to each other, with no space for children 41 . (play). Families in those days were quite big. People put their rubbish outside in the street, the street were always full of rubbish. As a result, there were many 42 . (ill).And life was harder for children in those times. They didnt always go to school, 43 . they had to work instead. They worked twelve hours a day in dangerous jobs for very little money. Many 44 . (hurt) in accidents with machines.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、语法填空1、


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