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西安市2020年九年级上学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Marys father is a(an) _ . He delivers letters and parcels.AarchitectBpostmanCengineerDfireman2 . We have lived in Beijing _ we came to China.Aso thatBeven thoughCas long asDever since3 . Where _ did you go during your holiday?AotherBothersCelseDthe other4 . Im glad to _ my friend Jenny. She told me something funny in the letter.Aget fromBhear fromChear of5 . Many tall buildingsnear my home last year.Aare builtBwere builtCbuildDbuilt6 . What were you doing at 4:00pm yesterday afternoon?I _ the classroom.AcleanedBwill cleanCwas cleaningDclean7 . We will visit Shanghai this Sunday _ it rains or its too cold.AsinceBifCunlessDUntil8 . Do you know _ here tomorrow?At 9 oclock.Awhen she cameBwhen she will comeCwhen did she come9 . This is Janes pen, and the ruler is_, too.AsheBhersCher10 . The CDs be Bills. He likes music.AmustBcantCcouldntDMustnt二、完型填空Luckily, Amy got four turkeys this Thanksgiving Day. She knew there were many other people who were going through a hard time, so she_to give away one of them as a gift. She made one turkey into sandwiches and planned to take them to the areas of the town where many people seemed to be in need of _.While Amy was _ the bus to get there, she saw two people who wore ragged(破旧的)clothes and were asking for food by the roadside. She offered each of them a sandwich along with a smile card,_told them to have a good day. And she received smiles in return.On the bus, a young mother got on with her little girl. The little girl asked her mother to _her a hamburger, but her mother didnt have enough money. Amy offered her one sandwich and the young mother was so_ . Then she gave the rest of sandwiches to other strangers along with smile cards. Amy got happiness and couldnt help _ .The act of giving and the warm smiles just filled her _with so much joy. Amy thought about _she had done. Maybe it couldnt help everyone, but it was meaningful even if it just helped one person. In fact, we _ feel more wonderful after we do a little favor(帮助)to others. Helping others can always bring happiness to ourselves.11 . AdecidedBforgotCrememberedDrefused12 . AdrinksBvegetablesCfoodDnoodles13 . Alooking forBwaiting forCpaying forDleaving for14 . AandBbutCsoDor15 . AsellBbuyCtakeDbring16 . AwonderfulBawfulCbeautifulDthankful17 . AsmilingBcryingCspeakingDshouting18 . AmindBbodyCheartDhead19 . AhowBwhyCwhichDwhat20 . AhardlyBneverCalwaysDseldom三、阅读单选阅读理解A dog cant speak any words , but it can “talk”. It has feeling just as you do. Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid . Watch a dog closely, and you can find out how it feels. You can see what it is trying to tell you. When you afraid , you may look down. When a dog is afraid, it may run away. When you are angry with other people, you stare at(凝视) them. An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.Do you feel “guilt”when you do something you shouldnt do? Dogs can feel guilty. too. Sometimes when I come home, my dog gives me a guilty look. Then I know it did something wrong.Dogs need love and care. Some dogs are very unhappy when they are alone for a long time. Some dogs even snap(撕咬) if they dont get enough care.You may have a dog or you may know a dog. Take care of it well if you want to have fun with it. Take it on walks. Dont make it do too many things . Always remember, a dog has needs and feelings just as you do. Talk to a dog, and it will talk to you.21 . When a dog is afraid, it may _.Alook downBrun awayCstare22 . The word “guilty” in the second paragraph means _.AhappyBexcitedCsorry23 . When a dog has a guilty look, you know that it _.Adid something wrongBwas angry with youCtried to talk to you.24 . Some dogs are very _when they are alone for a long time.AafraidBunluckyCunhappy25 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMake dogs do many things.BLeave dogs alone.CTry to be friendly to dogs.Can you make animals work for us? Some scientists think that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people. In a film shown on TV, you may see elephants, monkeys, tigers or some other animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that people can teach many different animals to do some of the easy work if they know they will get something to eat. We all know elephants can carry large logs(圆木), and dogs can look after houses.And we even teach animals to work in factories. In America, for example, people have usedapesto help make cars and scientists think that those large monkeys may drive trains one day. Now people are trying to get them to do the same thing that man does.26 . Scientists think animals can help people to do something.Aif they know they will get food after doing something.Bbecause animals are so clever.Cif they know the work is easy enough27 . can do some heavy work because they are so strong.ATigersBElephantsCMonkeys28 . What does the underlined word “apes” mean in Chinese?A猎豹B猿猴C孔雀29 . Scientists are planning to make big monkeys to_.Amake trainsBcarry logsCdrive trains30 . If we teach animals carefully, _.Asome animals can do the same things as man does.Ball the animals can work for us.Cmany animals can do all the work as we do.We should help everyone as much as we can, and we ourselves often need help. The great(强者) can help the small while the small can help the great. About this, a French writer told the following story.An ant(蚂蚁) was drinking by a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the side of the river, but she couldnt move at all. The poor ant got too tired, but she was still doing her best. At this time a bird saw her, she threw a piece of wood to her. With it the ant got to the side.When the ant was drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and carrying a gun(枪) in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. But the ant bit(咬) him in one of his feet just as he was going to kill the bird. He stopped to see what had bit him. And at that time the bird flew away at once.31 . Though the ant was too tired, she .Alost hopeBstopped tryingCcried for helpDwent on trying32 . We ourselves often need help means .AWe often need others helpBwe often help othersCothers need our helpDwe can only help ourselves33 . The whole story tells us .Ahow brave(勇敢) the bird wasBhow clever the ant wasChow the ant saved the birdDeveryone is in need of help sometimesPostman wantedNo experience necessary but you must be hardworking.Free to choose working hours.Have a drivers license.Write to No. 38 Changhong Rd, Xiangyang.English teacher wantedWarm and patient college students.Able to speak standard English, good with children.Time: on weekends.E-mail address: Sunshine School 163.com.Taxi drivers wantedFull-time taxi drivers. Over five years experience, good knowledge of the city.Under 45 years old.For more information, please come to Shunda Taxi Company to visit the manager.Tour guides wantedTwo years working experience.Good English and good at talking to people.Age: 20-30.Go to Friendship Traveling Company to ask the Manager for more information.34 . If you want to be a postman, its necessary for you to have _.Aworking experienceBgood knowledge of the cityCa drivers licenseDa college students card35 . Sunshine School needs _.Aexcellent English teachersBa hard-working postmanCfull-time driversDan outgoing tour guide36 . If you want to be a taxi driver, you should _.Abe over 45 years oldBknow the city very wellCwrite to No. 38 Changhong Rd.Dspeak English well37 . The tour guides wanted should _.Ahave no working experienceBbe patient with childrenCbe good at drivingDspeak good English38 . You can not get information by _ if you want to get a job above.Amaking a callBgoing to visit the managerCsending an e-mailDwriting a letter四、语法填空As the biggest movie of the year worldwide. Chinas sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth has won attention of the world, including Hollywood, in the past two 39 . (month). According to Netflix, the movie will 40 . (translate)into 28 languages and put on in 190 countries.The movie is from Liu Cixins story 41 . tells the crazy task to prevent the planet from being devoured(吞没)by the sun by installing engines(安装引擎)on the Earth to bring the Earth out of the solar system and find 42 . new home in the space.The wandering Earth has made over 4.3 billion yuan since 43 . (it)opening on Feb 5th. The first day of the Lunar New Year holiday, making it the second 44 . (high)grossing film Chinas box office records.Guo Fan, the director of the movie, is successfully 45 . (take)the Chinese sci-fi movie industry to a place where it has never been before. He told China Daily that he was hopeful about the ability of Chinas movie industry but it would still take us a long time 46 . (catch)up with Hollywood.The Wandering Earth sits on a very important position of the development of Chinas sci-fi works 47 . it shows Chinas sci-fi works have moved from the age of magazines and books 48 . the time of films and television.五、多任务混合问题Its Saturday. Han Ling has no classes today. She wants to buy a new dress. Her mother is at work, so she is going to the shop with her father. They go there by car. But her father doesnt like going shopping, so Han Ling does the shopping and her father sits in the car and waits for her.There are a lot of people in the shop. It is very crowded. Han Ling looks at the clothes and chooses from them. Her father waits and waits. About an hour goes by(流逝),Han Ling doesnt come out. Her father is worried about her. “Why does she stay in the shop for so long?” He comes out of the car. Just then(正在这时), a man comes up to him. “Excuse me,are you Han Lings father? ” “ Yes.” “ Han Ling is wating for you. She doesnt have enough money.” “ Oh, I see.”Then he follows(跟随) the man into the shop. Han Ling is very happy to see her father. She chooses a nice green dress. After her father pays the money, they go home together.请根据短文内容,回答下列问题:49 . Who does Han Ling go shopping with?_50 . What does Han Lings father do when she does the shopping?_51 . Why does Han Ling do shopping for a long time?_52 . Why is Han Ling happy when she sees her father?_53 . What does Han Ling choose?_六、将所给单词连成句子根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。54 . is, the, club, school, in, Alan, art _.55 . sports, play, can, what, Jim_?56 . call, at, please, 936-8723, me_.57 . can, story, join, the, I, club, telling_?58 . making, old, friends, he, with, like, people_.七、话题作文59 . 书面表达当前我国政府正致力于建设“节约型”社会,倡导节约,抵制浪费。作为学生,我们也能做些力所能及的事情,如步行或骑自行车去上学;随手关水、断电;减少物品的使用,回收、再利用废旧物品等。请根据要求和提示完成主题为“How to Save”的海报,号召更多的人加入到“节约”的行动中来。开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:1. 100150词左右;2. 文中不要出现作者本人的真实信息。提示:tap (水龙头)、uneaten food/ leftovers (剩余饭菜) How to SaveOur government is aiming to build an “economized society”. I think it is every citizens duty to work hard to achieve this goal. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、话题作文1、


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