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贵州省2019-2020年度七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。A:Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do. A: 1 . B: Its on September 28th.A: 2 . B: Yes, we do. Its on October 17th. 3 . A: When is your school trip?B: Its on May 20th. 4 . A: Oh? Thats great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 5 . A: OK.ACan you come?BWhen is it?CThat day is also my thirteenth birthday.DDo you have a soccer game?EAnd we also have a basketball game on October 25th.FWhere is the soccer ball?二、完型填空Where do you like to go for shopping? I like to go to the supermarket because I can get _ I need in everyday(日常的)life. I shop there quite _ so I get some useful ideas. Things in supermarkets are usually _ than they are in small shops. Before shopping, we can _ a shopping list because we usually get those things that we dont need. When we are _ shopping, dont get the thing at the _ sight(看见), _ get the thing were looking for for a long time. After some comparison(比较), choose the _ one. When we _ the things, we can use a card because there is usually a discount _ them. It can help us save(节省)money.What do you think of my idea?6 . AnothingBeach thingCeverythingDsome7 . AalwaysBoftenCsometimesDseldom8 . AcheaperBbiggerCsmallerDless9 . AdoBuseCdrawDmake10 . AalreadyBneverCreallyDsure11 . AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast12 . AorBandConlyDbut13 . AlargestBbestCmost expensiveDpretty14 . AspendBtakeCpay forDcost15 . AatBonCinDby三、阅读单选Lots of people get money from ATMs before going shopping. If you dont know how to use an ATM, read the following instructions(说明) carefully.Put your card into the machine(机器).Look at the screen. Input(输入) yourpasswordinto the machine.Input how much money you want on the screen of the machine. Then press OK.Get the money from the machine. If you want, you can also get a receipt(收据).Take back your card.Remember these rules:Dont write your password on your card.Dont let other people know your password.If you lose your card, tell the bank at once.16 . What does the underlined word “password” mean in Chinese?A数字B规则C密码D银行卡17 . These are the instructions of the ATM. Put these things into right order.Get the money from the machine.Input the password into the machine.Take back your card.Put your card into the machine.Input how much money you want on the screen and press OK.ABCD18 . If you want, you can get _ from the ATM.Aa passwordBa receiptCa cardDa present19 . According to the passage, you _ .Ashouldnt write your password on the card.Bcan let your best friend know your password.Cshouldnt tell the bank that you lose your card.Dshouldnt use the ATM to get your money.20 . The passage is about _ .Awhere to get the moneyBhow to have a bank cardChow to use an ATMDwhen to use an ATMI love to go biking! Two years ago I bought an exercise bike(健身脚踏车). But soon I got bored with being at home, so I bought a used bike and started going for short rides. Now I plan day trips in my neighborhood (街区). When you drive a car, you miss many things. Its surprising how much more you can see when youre biking.-SamMy favourite thing to do at weekends is to go to the beach. The beach is beautiful all through the year. I usually drive there. If the weather is cold, I wear some warm clothes and go for long walks on the beach. When the weather is hot. I enjoy swimming or just lying in the sun.-BarbaraAt weekends I like to read books. If the weather is nice, Ill take a good book to the park and stay there reading for hours. I think theres nothing as delightful as reading a good book.-BillWeekends are for going hiking(徒步旅行) with my parents. We live near some beautiful mountains. Sometimes we camp out at night. We really enjoy cooking dinner over a campfire and spending a night under the stars!-Grace21 . Now Sam plans to_.Adrive a carBgo for short ridesCride his exercise bikeDgo biking in his neighborhood22 . Barbara_ if the weather is cold.Adrives on the beachBwalks on the beachCswims in the seaDlies in the sun23 . The underlined(划线的)word “delightful” in what Bill says probably means_ in Chinese.A有光线的B轻如羽毛的C令人愉快的D浅色调的24 . Which of the following is True about Grace?AShe goes hiking alone at weekendsBShe doesnt like cooking over a campfire.CShe and her parents sometimes camp out.DShe and her parents live in the mountains.25 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AFavouritesBSuggestionCShoppingDNatureDrriinnggg! Thats the sound children across the country do not want to hear the alarm bell(闹铃). This means children across the UK have to wake up bright and early to go to school.But students at one school in north-east England can lie in for one more hour before they go to school. Monkseaton High School says its OK for students to come into school an hour later than other schools.The headmaster, Dr Paul Kelley, says that it helps students to be more active in class. He feels that young people work better later in the day and a late start may be better for their school life than an early one.Dr Kelley told the BBC that teenagers dont work very well in the morning and their need to sleep is biological(生物学的).This new approach(做法) to teaching shows good results. The school has already seen a drop in the number of studentsplaying truant(逃学) by 27%. More importantly, Dr Kelley also said that exam results have improved by 20-30% over the past year. Lessons at Monkseaton High School begin at 10 a.m. and finish at 3.40 p.m. However, the school opens from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.26 . One of the results of starting school late is that _.Astudents dont do very well in examsBstudents become more politeCstudents feel tired in the afternoonDfewer students are absent(缺席) from school27 . We may learn from the passage that lessons at other schools in the UK may begin at _.A7 a.m.B8 a.m.C9 a.m.D10 a.m.28 . The underlined word “active” means “_”.A乐观B活跃C紧张D消极29 . The article may be _.Aa story in a newspaperBan advertisement in a magazineCa news report on the radioDa play on TV四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或音标,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。30 . My teacher says math is _(有用的).31 . The books about computer are in the school _(图书馆).32 . This is your English book. Where is _(我的)?33 . We _(出售) all our clothes at very good prices.34 . I think math is too _/difiklt/ for me.35 . Our school has an art _/festivl/ in January every year.36 . Today is Marys _(12) birthday. Her parents give her a new bike.37 . In our school, lunch time is _(从) 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.38 . My piano lesson _(结束) at 9:30.39 . July and August are my favorite _(月份) because we have no classes.五、句子配对40 . Where is Helen from?AL-I-L-Y.41 . How do you spell your name?ASorry, I dont know.42 . Whats her number?AShe is from the UK.43 . Who is that woman?AThanks!44 . You are so beautiful.AShe is my mother.六、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Nick was born without limbs(四肢),so life was not easy for him. At school many students played jokes on him because he looked different from everyone else. He 45 . (refuse)to be others friends. He always felt lonely others were chatting together. However, he faced that 46 . (brave). He learned 47 . (type) an write with two toes(脚趾)at the age of six, and he could even surf and play golf. Now Nick is one of 48 . (popular)speakers in the world. And his spirit has moved lots of young people. He has traveled to many countries and given speeches about his stories against 49 . (difficult). “Living life fully is about looking at what you have, not what you dont have,” he said . He 50 . (use) his stories to touch thousands of hearts around the world already. And he is going to continue to share his stories with others in rest of his life.“I tell people to keep on 51 . (get) up when they fall down and always love 52 . (they ).” he said, “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”Why dont we choose to be positive like him?七、信息匹配仔细阅读上栏中的信息,从下栏中选出与之相对应的话题,并将最佳答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。其中有一项为多余选项。53 . . This is my room. Look! A bed, a desk and a chair are in it. A computer is on the desk. 54 . . I have a soccer ball. Its white and black. I play soccer with my god friends. I think soccer is easy for me. 55 . . Gina is my good friend. She is 12. I think she is a nice girl. We are in the same class. She always helps me with my English. 56 . . This is a classroom. Its our classroom. It is white. Some desks and chairs are in it. And some books are on the desks. Our classroom is very tidy. 57 . . This is my family photo. My parents are in it. The old man is my grandfather. He is very kind. Who is the girl? Its me!AMy SoccerBMy Good FriendCMy RoomDMy ClassroomEMy Family PhotoFMy Parents八、书信作文58 . 书面表达假如你是王朋,你在美国的笔友杰克(Jack)来信告诉你说他总是觉得很疲惫,导致上课不能集中精力听讲。请你根据下面的英文提示词,给他写封回信,向他提一些建议,信的开头和结尾已给出。英文提示词:should, help, exercise, keep healthy, sleep, try要求:1. 英文提示词供选用;2. 70词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。Dear Jack, I am sorry to hear that you often feel tired. Let me give you some advice. _Yours, Wang Peng第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、补全对话6选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、句子配对1、六、语法填空1、七、信息匹配1、八、书信作文1、


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