英语九年级第一学期Unit 3 Pets单元检测卷

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英语九年级第一学期Unit 3 Pets单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Alice is _ girl.Aan 11-year -oldBan 12 year oldCa 11-years-oldDa 12 years old2 . Can the new railway station _ as planned?Sure,it completed in time, well work two more hours a day.Afinish; havingBfinish; haveCbe finished; to getDbe finished; have got3 . -Did you buy that camera? -No. The price is too _.AlargeBhighCcheapDexpensive4 . -Our dog is_ really clever animal.-Yes. Its _cleverest dog in the world!Athe;theBa;theCa;aDthe;a5 . Children in China start school 6 years old. And their new term starts 1 September.Aat, inBat, onCin, inDon, at6 . You dont need _ the cats every day because they are very lazy and dont want to go out.AwalkBto walkCwalkingDwalked7 . The number of books in the library is over 20,000 and _ of them are about science.Aa huge amount ofBmanyCa lot ofDmuch8 . Young people should learn _.Ahow will they take care of their dogsBhow will take care of their dogsChow they can take care their dogsDhow to look after their dogs9 . _, what time is it?Its half past seven.ABy the wayBIn the wayCOn the wayDIn this way10 . -Is _ here? -No, Bob was ill at home.AanybodyBeverybodyCsomebodyDnobody11 . I enjoy _ movies. Lets watch the new movie tonight. Sorry, I plan _ basketball with my friends.Ato watch; to playBwatching; to playCwatching; playingDto watch; playing12 . Bruce and his father are talking_ the telephone.AonBwithCfromDin13 . _the bird is singing!AHow beautifulBHow beautifullyCWhat beautifulDWhat beautifully14 . I dont think that people can _ dangerous animals as pets.AtakeBholdCkeepDfollow15 . My pet dog enjoys _with me very much.AwalkBwalksCto walkDwalking16 . Dont go to bed so late. Its not good _ you.AfromBforCtoDat17 . I love my school. It always tries its best to our needs.How lucky you are!AsatisfyBrealizeCencourageDget18 . -_ do you watch TV?-Only once on Saturday evening. You know as a student I am too busy.AHow muchBHow longCHow soonDHow often19 . Hes never advised to achieve a balance between his job and hobbies, _?_. His parents and teachers often offer him advice to.Ahas he, YesBis he, YesChasnt he, NoDisnt he, No20 . Beijing is famous _ its places of interest, _ the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Great wall.Afor; such asBas; for exampleCto; such asDin; for example二、完型填空The lion is called the king of all animals. Once it was also called as the king of the desert (沙漠). However, lions _ live in any desert now. Their colour may _ different from yellow to brown and males (雄性动物) can be from blond to black. The male lions _ up to 190 kg and are about 1.20 metres tall while the females(雌性动物)weigh nearly 130 kg and are 1 metre tall. They _ beautiful fur, strong legs with sharp claws and a long tail.Panthera Leo (非洲狮) lives in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. _ it feeds on many kinds of animals. When its _ its food, it can reach the speed of 60 km per hour and jump even 12 metres. The lion likes to eat its food at once, _sometimes it has to hide the food because of hyenas (土狼). Hyenas are the only animals which kill lions for food. The lion lives in small families_20 to 30 members. In each family there is usually one _ male with two or three females with small baby lions. _, the lion population is in great danger mainly because of peoples hunting.21 . AneverBalwaysCsometimesDusually22 . AisBareCamDbe23 . AeatBweighCgrowDhold24 . AwantBneedChaveDlike25 . AWhereBHereCThereDWhich26 . Achasing(追逐)BwatchingCenjoyingDthinking27 . AsoBbutCandDbecause28 . Amade fromBmade ofCmade up withDmade in29 . AhealthyBbeautifulCyoungDgrown(成年的)30 . ALuckilyBSuddenlyCUnluckilyDCheerfully三、阅读单选How do you make friends ? Some students are sharing their ideas with us .Tom Although we are quite different , Adam and I have been close friends for 5 years . We have a lot to talk. We have a lot to talk . We play basketball together after school. We go for a picnic at weekends . Its always a pleasure to be with him .YumiI spend my spare time mostly with people from other countries . When Im with them , I really get to know what theyre like and how easy they are to get along with . they help me to improve my Engliash .Anna Ive made some good friends at the gym I go to . People there are very friendly . Talking to them as I take exercise is a good way for us to get to know each other.Peter I can make more friends on the Internet because it keeps me in touch with the whole world . I can get worldwide stories from my friends all over the world.31 . Adam is _friend.ATomsBYumisCAnnasDPeters32 . With the help of her friends , Yumi_.Atakes more exerciseBlearns English betterCfeels happier at picnicsDknows more about the world33 . What helps Peter make more friends?AThe story .BThe sport.CThe InternetDThe language.34 . Anna made her friends_.Aon the InternetBin a parkCon the streetDat the gym35 . Which of the following is right ?ATom and Adam play football together after school .BYumis English is very good .CAnna thinks the people at the gym are friendly .DPeters friends are from China.四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子):36 . The clever woman followed the young man onto the ferry. (改为一般疑问句)_ the clever woman _ the young man onto the ferry?37 . A robbery took place at the famous restaurant, the Pizza Palace yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ did a robbery _ place yesterday?38 . Two women tourists were talking about the interesting places in Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)_ two women tourists doing?39 . The TV news reported a big fire yesterday.(改为否定句)The TV news _ a big fire yesterday.40 . Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school. (改为反意疑问句)Mary saw an unusual thing on her way to school, _ ?41 . I believe you can solve this problem by yourself. (保持句意基本不变)I believe you can _ this problem by yourself.42 . saw, to, terrible, a, they, their way, on, traffic accident, school (连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)43 . Dogs need large open spaces where they can run _. (free)44 . Most of us think that _ a pet dog can change our life. (keep)45 . My uncles _ was so unexpected that we didnt know what to do next. (die)46 . Come on, you must know that he is _ for the newspaper. (responsibility)47 . Dont you know the weather in London is always _? (change)48 . Believe it or not, Im _ sorry for interrupting your conversation. (true)49 . Tom was _ by a dog yesterday, so he went to the hospital. (bit)50 . We talk _ about the work and health when we meet. (main)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文三、短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。fly live hear see climb bad real loud but Ifly live hear see climb bad real loud but IA dog was relaxing in a park. Then he saw a cat on the top of a high wall. He thought, It must be so nice to be high on the wall. But I cant 51 . . The dog felt so bad. Then he 52 . a fish in the river. He thought, It must be so nice to live in the water. But I cant swim. The dog felt 53 . this time.Just then he 54 . the fish say, It looks so nice and warm on the grass. I 55 . want to lie down on it. Hearing the words, the dog felt surprised. He thought, The fish 56 . a great life, but she still feels bad.After some time, a bird 57 . past. She saw the dog playing in the park. She said 58 . , I really want to play the whole day like this dog. 59 . I have to look for food for my kids and 60 . every day. The dog heard the birds words. He knew it was important to enjoy his own life.根据短文内容,将下列单词或词组的代号填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。A. job B. information C. chance D. dishonest E. why F. livingGood morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im here today to share a good lesson with you. It is a true story about an overseas student 61 . in Germany.After years of hard work, this student graduated with amazing achievements. Everyone thought he was going to get a good 62 . easily and have a bright future. But to his disappointment he was not even given the 63 . for an interview! The third time he was refused, he couldnt help telephoning the company to ask 64 . they didnt want him. The answer was simple. “We dont offer jobs to 65 . people in Germany.AlearntBSoCThoughDfourEbestFeasyWhat was wrong, you might wonder? The truth is, shortly after he arrived in Germany, this clever student found that it was 66 . to skip buying subway tickets. 67 . in order to save money, he often went without a ticket. As a result, he had been caught without a ticket in the subway 68 . times.From this story, we 69 . that we may get short-term benefits in dishonest ways, but the truth will come out sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember: honesty is the70 . rule.Thats all for my speech. Thank you!七、单词填空Jake is 9 years old. He lives in an orphanage(孤儿院). There are ten children in the orphanage. Jake lives and plays with the o71 . nine children every day. They are good friends. The orphanage has very little money, so the c72 . have very little food to eat. They always feel h73 . . But on Christmas Day, the children are very happy. Each of them can get an o74 . . It is the best Christmas p75 . for each child.But Jake cant have his Christmas orange this year because he breaks(打坏) a cup at breakfast on D76 . 23. Jake is very sad. He l77 . in bed and cries all the night before Christmas.Jake spends Christmas Day alone(独自). Nobody stays with h78 . . At night, Jake climbs back to his bed, b79 . he cant sleep. After a while(过了一会儿), someone touches(触摸) Jake, puts something in his h80 . and then goes away.Jake doesnt know whats in his hand. He climbs down the bed. In the moonlight(月光), he sees an orange in his hand. It has nine orange segments (橘瓣)!八、多任务混合问题阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。The bell of my phone suddenly rang. 1. It made me wake up from my sweet dream. In fact, I hadnt slept well for almost a week. It was because my student was ill in hospital. His parents worked abroad so I must accompany him. I felt very tired. When I reached my phone, the sound stopped.After a while, I got up and picked my phone up. A new message was waiting for my opening. I touched the screen of the phone to see the message. “Mrs. Zhang, I miss you very much. How are you?2.I found a good job that I really like just now. It is because of your help in the school that I can get the job. Thank you very much.” I lay comfortably in bed, thinking about this message, feeling very warm.81 . _82 . _九、材料作文83 . 假如你有机会和任何一个名人共进午餐。请根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。1.要点:1)这个名人是谁;2)你为什么想和他或她共进午餐;3)你想和他或她谈论什么。2.要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数80左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、


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