英语九年级全册Unit1 Lesson5-6同步测试卷

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英语九年级全册Unit1 Lesson5-6同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It was Li Ming _ saved the boy.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat2 . -That disabled man is unable _ his bag-Lets go to help himAto getBgetCgettingDgets3 . Bob doesnt know _ to write about.AhowBthatCwhatDwhere4 . Is that bike?AsheBhersCherDshes5 . He always keeps the door _ but keeps the windows _ when he is in his bedroom.Aopen; openBopen; closedCopen; closeDclosed; closed6 . Do you remember _ he came?Yes, I do. He came by car.AwhenBthatCifDhow7 . Would you like _ computer games with me?Sorry, Id rather _ to music.Ato play listenBplay to listenCto play to listenDplay listen8 . The host family went out of _ way to make us _ at home.Athey, feelBthem, to feelCtheir, feelDtheirs, feeling9 . This robot doesnt work. There must be _ it.Awrong something withBsomething wrong withCnothing wrong toDsomething wrong to二、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据句意和首字母填写单词,使句子完整。请注意词形变化。每空一词。10 . Sam and Harry have known each other since 10 years oldDuring their life,the two boys formed a deep and lasting f_.11 . The room is not b_ enough,please turn on the light!12 . She l_ a_ my child while I was out,but I havent had a chance to thank her yet.13 . Her d_ was to make a movie,and now she has achieved it!14 . His book will c_ o_ next week,and many readers cant wait to buy it.15 . The hat is MarysIt doesnt b_ to me.16 . She tried to a_ the attention of the waiter,but failed.17 . We havent h_ f_ her for two months,but we used to write to each other every week.18 . Another doctor e_ her but still couldnt find anything wrong.19 . Learning h_ helps us know about what happened in the past.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空六、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卷对应题号的横线上。20 . Since we had different opinions, he _ (not speak) to me even though we sit next to each other in class.21 . Tom! Your coat is all wet. Didnt you listen to the weather report this morning?Yes, I did. I was in a hurry. It _ (not rain) when I left.22 . _ (ride) to work needs more strength, but its healthier than driving to work.23 . Has your cousin returned from the USA?No. She _ (stay) there for another week.24 . Guo Chuan is the first Chinese _ (realize) the dream of sailing around the world.25 . Finally, the reporter _ (end) his speech with a merry song.四、完成句子完成句子26 . 当简十岁的时候,她得了一种严重的病When Jane was ten years old,she_ a terrible disease27 . 她喜欢看她11岁的儿子踢足球She likes to watch her_ son_28 . 他们过着幸福的生活They_29 . 我听说迈克喜欢弹钢琴I heard Mike liked_30 . 她用嘴来控制轮椅She uses her mouth_ the wheelchair31 . 岳红和季冰都在这所学校上学_ Yue Hong_ Ji Bing are in the school32 . 我的一个朋友上周生病住院了_ my friends_ and in hospital last week33 . 我听说了你的病情感到很难过Im_ about your illness34 . 他说的话是很重要的_ is quite important五、用单词的正确形式完成句子阅读下列句子。从方框中选择合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。worry about, keep a diary, rapid, strange, alien, advantage, carry out, after all, be worth the risk, grammar rule35 . I wont believe that there are _ living in space unless I see them with my own eyes.36 . The children looked at us in surprise, as if we were _.37 . Toms height might be his _ if he wants to be a basketball player. He is a little bit short.38 . We wont give up the project even though we may fail. _ , weve spent much time preparing for it.39 . NASAs Viking programme _ successfully in the 1970s.40 . The man seems _ his sons safety and he cant calm down.41 . I think this deal (交易) _ . We have nothing to lose, right?42 . _ in English can help you improve your writing skills.43 . As the population is increasing _ , the Earth is becoming more and more crowded now.44 . Learning lifeless words and _ can be boring. Teachers should make the process lively.六、将所给单词连成句子根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。45 . is, the, club, school, in, Alan, art _.46 . sports, play, can, what, Jim_?47 . call, at, please, 936-8723, me_.48 . can, story, join, the, I, club, telling_?49 . making, old, friends, he, with, like, people_.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、


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