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成都市2020版八年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文4选4A farmer had some puppies(小狗) to sell. He put up a sign(告示) on his door. The next morning, when he opened the door, he saw a little boy outside. “Sir,” the boy said. “1 . ”The farmer smiled and whistled(吹口哨). Out of the doghouse came the mother dog, and then four little “balls” followed. As the dogs ran out, the little boy found something else inside the doghouse. 2 . “I want that one,” the little boy said, looking at the limping(瘸腿的) puppy. The farmer then looked down and told the boy, “No, you dont want that puppy. 3 . ” To his surprise, the little boy reached down and rolled up his trousers. He showed a steel brace(固定器) on his leg. Looking up at the farmer, he said, “You see, sir, I dont run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands.”4 . “How much is it?” asked the boy. “No charge,” answered the farmer. “Theres no charge for love.”AI want to buy one of your puppies. BHe cant run or play with you like the other puppies. CSlowly another little dog came, something wrong with its legs. DThe farmer picked up the little puppy and gave it to the little boy.二、完型填空Edward rose early on the new-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to_that to those he might meet.When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver_.His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty_that he had seen at the bookstore.He left the house with a light heart, _to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family.I wish you a Happy New Year, said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook _head.You are not from this country?said Edward. The man again_his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the_shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, These little ones have had_to eat for a long time.Edward quickly understood that these poor people were_trouble. He took out his dollars, and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife.They were_and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, We thank you so much that we will_you all the time.WhenEdwardcamehome,hisfatheraskedwhatbookshe hadbought.Hehunghisheadamoment,_quickly lookedup. Ihaveboughtnobooks, saidhe. I gavemymoneyto somepoorpeople,whoseemedto bevery_then.He went on,IthinkIcanwaitformybookstillnextNewYear.Mydearboy,saidhisfather, herearesomebooksfor you, moreasa_foryourgoodnessof heartthanasanew year gift. Isawyougivethemoney_tothe poorGerman family. Itwasnice foralittle boytodoso.Bealwaysreadyto helpothersandeveryyearofyourlifewill betoyoua Happy New Year.5 . AagreeBrepeatCcleanDbuild6 . AdollarsBcakesCflowersDcards7 . AvideosBticketsCbooksDstones8 . AexpectingBofferingCrefusingDchecking9 . AyourBmyCherDhis10 . AnoddedBshookCmovedDlifted11 . AstudentsBchildrenCactorsDadults12 . AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything13 . AonBatCinDunder14 . AexcitedBsurprisedCangryDbored15 . AmindBbeatChateDremember16 . AifBandCbutDso17 . AtiredBhealthyChungryDthirsty18 . AmodelBcoinCtoyDprize19 . AsadlyBhappilyCslowlyDexactly三、阅读单选Welcome to Made-in-China website!Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsWritten by J.K.Rowling,paperback (平装书), 784 pages.Publisher (出版商): ArthurA.Levine Books (07/07/2009)Reading level: Age 912Price: $16.69The RoadBy Cormac McCarthy,paperback, 304 pagesPublisher: Vintage Books (09/11/2007)Reading level: AdultsPrice: $5.50Rich Dad, Poor DadWritten by Robert T. Kiyosaki,paperback, 266 pages.Publisher: Business Plus (01/01/2010)Reading level: Age 2025Price: $5.59Deceptively DeliciousWritten by Jessica Seinfeld,hard cover (精装书),204 pages.Publisher: Collins (09/01/2007)Reading level: ParentsPrice: $12.8320 . Where can you buy these things according to the ad?AIn a shop.BIn a mall.COn the Internet.DIn a supermarket21 . Which of the following books is the latest in print (出版)?AHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.BDeceptively Delicious.CRich Dad, Poor Dad.DThe Road.22 . Among the books, there is / arewritten for adults.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour23 . Which of the following books is the cheapest ?AHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.BDeceptively Delicious.CRich Dad, Poor Dad.DThe Road.24 . If you buy two copies(本) of The Road and one copy of Deceptively Delicious, you should pay.A$23.83B$18.33C$12.83D$11A 12-man Chinese team landed on the Antarctic icecap(南极冰盖最高点) peak on January 18. They are the first people to reach the peak of Dome A (海穹A). It is 4,039 meters above sea level (海拔).The team built a station there to study the changes of the weather, get ice samples (标本) from 150 meters to 200 meters below, and do other studies. So far, the team has got nearly 100-meter long ice samples from a place about 300 meters under the icecap peak.It is the first time that people have been able to get samples from the icecap peak in Antarctica and it is very important for people to study the weather changes and environmental changes in this area(地区).The Chinese scientists have also built a weather study system (系统) at the peak. The system can send out information about temperature, how strong the wind is, and many other things about the weather.The Antarctic icecap makes up 70% of the earths freshwater (淡水). By studying Dome A, scientists can get the lowest temperature of the earth and other information about the worlds weather changes. We cant get this information from other places on the earth because Dome A is the best place for this kind of studies. So it is very important to land on the peak of Dome A.25 . The team has got about 100-meter long ice samples _.Afrom 150 meters to 200 meters belowBfrom a place about 300 meters belowCfrom 200 meters to 250 meters belowDfrom a place about 150 meters below26 . They built a weather study system to get _.Athe earths freshwaterBice samples from the peakCinformation about the weatherDthe news about other countries27 . Choose the right order (顺序) according to this passage.They built a station to study the changes of the weather.A Chinese team landed on the Antarctic icecap peak. The Chinese scientists built a weather study system.They got ice samples from the icecap peak.ABCD28 . From this passage, we can infer (推断): After the Chinese team landed on theAntarctic icecap peak, _.Awe can go there for holidaysBthe worlds weather must be better and betterCthe peak will be the best place for people to live inDour country will do better in the worlds weather researchThe villages of Momai and Bugolyak are next to each other and hidden in the remote (偏远的) high mountains of Tajikistan. Life in the village has been peaceful. There are about 40 families in Momai and 18 in Bugolyak. The villagers live on crops and farm animals. Their connection to the outside world is a hilly road. The villages have no electricity. The villagers use oil for lighting.It seems that many years ago the power company considered building a power line to the village. However, it was put off or maybe given up because of the high construction(建设) cost and low return for the investment(投资).Thankfully, Asian Development Bank decided to carry out solar power system projects in Tajikistan at that time. At first, the progress was rather slow. It took them two years to complete studies.The real project started in Jan. 2016 and was finally completed in late 2017. The poor road conditions in the village also made it difficult to bring materials.The villagers are very happy about the solar power systems. They can watch television at their homes for the first time. Children can now see the outside world without going out. Batteries provide power during the night or when it is raining. In addition, a solar power system has been set up in the school and it can send water to homes.Mr. Karimov, a volunteer, taught villagers how to keep solar power systems and use electricity safely. Although this project has been a success, there are many people who still have no electricity to use. Finding money for such projects is not easy. However, there are many people like Mr. Karimov who are working hard to create a better and greener future.29 . How many families are there in Momai and Bugolyak?AAbout 18.BAbout 40.CAbout 58.DAbout 98.30 . The company gave up building a power line many years ago because .Avillagers were so poor that they wouldnt use electricity.Bit didnt think it was worth building the power line.Cvillagers were not used to using electricity in daily lifeDit was difficult for the company to get back its investment31 . How long did it take Asian Development Bank to build the real project?AFor about one year.BFor about two years.CFor about three years.DFor about five years.32 . We can mainly learn from Paragraph 4 that .Agreat changes have taken place in the villageBmany villagers want to go to the outside worldCvillagers seldom use batteries during the nightDvolunteers help build the solar power systems33 . What does the writer think of Mr. Karimov?AHe helps create a better and greener future.BHe helps find money for such great projects.CHe is a good teacher for kids in the villages.DHe is one of the greatest scientists in the world.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.( 选择正确的词或短语完成句子)34 . In some places, we can get drinking water by _ (take/ taking) away the salt from the sea water.35 . Please turn off that _ ( run/ running ) tap. 36 . Students find some interesting _ (information/informations) about our world.37 . Water is very useful. We can use it to _ (cook/cooking) food.38 . Miss Guo is reading a book _ (about/ in) the oceans.五、单词填空If you are tired of making human connections, Lovet can be a great choice for you. A Japanese company 39 . (发明) it in December, 2018. It is a friendly robot which can make 40 . (孤独的) people feel the love.The 41 . (名字) “Lovet” comes from the two words“love” and “robot”. With two bright eyes and a 42 . (柔软的)body, Lovet moves around your house and asks you for hugs. It doesnt talk, but chirps(作唧唧声).Lovet follows you with the help of a 43 . (照相机) on its head. It also has abilities to tell who you are by reading your face. It can 44 . (甚至) remember up to 1000 faces.The robot cannot help you with housework, but it will 45 . (发展) your ability to love. It moves around on three wheels and waves its two little 46 . (手臂) to show surprise and love, or to ask for a hug. it sleeps when it;s hugged and it follows you when it is called. It is 47 . (害羞的) around strangers. When you open the door, it will hide 48 . (在后面). If you want to make it laugh, just touch it.Lovet will do all it can to fill you with joy.六、语法填空短文填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式Dear Nancy,Thanks for your letterIm happy49 . (hear) that youre getting on well with your study in AustraliaYou50 . (leave)your home town five years ago, so you must want to know something about life hereThings in Jinhua 51 . (be) not the same 52 . beforeNow almost every family has53 . computerWe often communicate(交流)with each other by emailThere are many tall buildings in54 . (we)city and also in the countryside The roads are much55 . (wide)and cleanerBut the population here gets larger 56 . largerWe often climb the mountains on weekends and have great funYou can write57 . meWe can write to each other58 . (much) oftenYour friend,Jimy七、回答问题I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas before my seventh Christmas until my elder sister said to me, “There is no Father Christmas.”I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth. I told her everything. “Dont believe it. Lets go to Kirbys Store.” said grandma.At the door of Kirbys Store, grandma handed me some dollars and said, “Buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car.” Then she turned back to her car. For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, thinking what to buy and whom to buy it for. I thought of Hector Debar, a boy with dirty hair. He sat right behind me in Mr. Greens class. Hector never went to any classes during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but we all knew he didnt have a cough. In fact, he didnt have a coat. I decided to buy Hector a warm coat.That evening, grandma drove me over to Hectors home, telling me that Father Christmas never let people know that he once helped them.That night, when I saw Hectors homes front door open and there stood Hector in the dark, I realized that Father Christmas was there with us.59 . What did Hector look like?(不超过10个词)_60 . Why didnt Hector go to school in the winter? (不超过10个词)_61 . Where did the writer put the present for Hector? (不超过10个词)_八、材料作文62 . 书面表达九年级三班的同学举行了一次题为Mars or Earth的英语班会,下面是班会上所给的材料。假如给你机会选择,你是选择居住在地球上还是火星上呢?请做出自己的选择并简要说明理由。Life on the EarthLife on MarsThere is much pollutionMars would be a clean place without pollution.People travel to many places of interestPeople would travel to its two moons by spacecraft.Students go to school and have classesStudents could study at online schools.People drive cars on the roads.Cars could float.要求:190词左右;2内容充实,结构合理,语言流畅,书写工整。.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文4选41、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、语法填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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