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八年级上册英语第1单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old town of Lijiang is famous for its old buildings and local culture, so many _come to visit it every year.AtouristsBteachersCworkersDreporters2 . What about _ out for a walk?Ato goBgoCgoesDgoing3 . There are _ people in the room, so its very crowded (拥挤的) .Aquite a fewBa lotCa littleDfew4 . - I could look after _ when I was five. -Really? I cant believe it.AmyselfBherselfChimselfDyourself5 . More and more people prefer _ in the wild _in the hotel. Because they want to experience life.Ato camp; to liveBto camp; to livingCcamping;to livingDcamping;to live6 . Oh, no! I _ the book in the lab.AleaveBleftCwill leaveDwas leaving7 . -Where are you going on holiday this summer? Chengdu?-You are _. We will go on a 6-day trip to Chongqing.ArightBfunnyCcoolDclose8 . Mary_terrible,so she decided_a doctor.Afelt,to seeBfeel,seeingCfeel,to seeDfelt,seen9 . I felt _ when watching the film because it was not at all.Abored; interestingBboring; interestingCbored;interestedDboring;interested10 . Jack planned _ his problem of being too fat last year.AsolvingBsolveCto solveDsolved11 . What a nice model plane!Thanks. I made it with a 3D printer by _.AmeBhimCyourselfDmyself12 . Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight? No, I _it last week.AseeBhave seenCsawDam seeing13 . did you go last weekend?I went to the beach.AHowBWhenCWhereDWhy14 . Oh, your shoes are broken. Do you plan to buy a new pair?No. Ill try _ them myself.ArepairBto repairCraiseDto raise15 . We have much homework to do.Aevery evening at every evening C.every evenings D.today evening二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Hello, Peter!Long time no see. B:Yes. 16 . A:It was wonderful! B:Where did you go?A:I went to Beijing with my parents. B:17 . A:Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and some Beijing hutongs.B:Sounds great!Did you eat anything special there? A:Yes. 18 . It was delicious.B:How did you like the Palace Museum? A:Great! 19 . B:Please bring your photos to school tomorrow. Let me see them. A:No problem! 20 . B:Not really. I only helped my grandfather on the farm. AHow was your vacation?BDid you take any photos there?CThe weather was sunny, so we took lots of photos there. DWhat places did you visit?E.Did you go anywhere interesting? F.I ate Beijing Duck.G.What did you do on the farm?三、完型填空The London Eye is a tourist attraction in London,the UKThere you can get into a capsule(密封舱)to enjoy a great view of the city of LondonI visited the London Eye last summer _ a friendMy friend didnt know_we were goingI just told him we would go somewhere very specialAs we arrived at Waterloo Station,he had worked out where we were goingHe smiled_When we reached the London Eye, there was a very long waiting line,so in order to save time,he stayed in the line while I went to buy the_The capsule doesnt completely_when people get on,so you have to get into it quicklyThen the door of the capsule_The view was wonderfulWe took many photos of the V Jew and of ourselves.It_about half an hour for the capsule to go aroundIf you are interested in going there,Id like to give you some_To enjoy the view,go in the_.There are night rides,but you wont see a lotSometimes the top of the wheel can be quite_even though its sunnySo ladies,dont forget to take a scarf21 . AforBwithCatDfrom22 . AhowBwhenCwhatDwhere23 . AhappilyBslowlyCquicklyDcarefully24 . AfoodsBdrinksCticketsDpapers25 . AarriveBstopCbuildDrun26 . AbreaksBknocksCleavesDcloses27 . AtakesBspendsCusesDwastes28 . AtimeBplansCadviceDfreedom29 . AzooBdaytimeCsunDnight30 . AdirtyBhotCdryDcool四、阅读单选We live in a much better life than we used to. However, health is still a problem all over the world. Sometimes it seems quite serious.People need more health care, especially in developing countries. Look at the following table made by World Health Organization (WHO).Total populationShare(份额)of the health careDeveloped Countries20%90%Developing countries80%10The table shows that developed countries have 20 per cent of the worlds population but take 90 per cent of the health care. For example, a Japanese spends five hundred dollars on health care every year. However, a person in a poor country spends only three dollars a year!There is another health problem in developing countries. Fifty years ago, people lived a life of about forty-six years on average(平均).Now most people in the world live twenty years longer than before. People in the poorest countries, however, live a much shorter life than people in developed countries. There are thousands of patients in poor countries; most of them are children. In 2002, almost 57,000,000 people died of different kinds of diseases. And nearly 20 per cent were children under five.Its time for us to do something to help these children!31 . makes the table(表格)in the passage.AWTOBWHOCThe UNDORBIS32 . According to the passage, people in may need more health care.AJapanBCanadaCEnglandDIndia33 . How much does a Japanese usually spend on health care for a year?A$250.B$390.C$300.D$500.34 . Whats peoples life expectancy(平均寿命)at present?A46 years.B50 years.C57 years.D66 years.My family and I went on vacation in Las Vegas last year. It was an exciting trip. But on the last day, there was something bad.My family went to watch a show. There were many people in the cinema watching it. When the show was over, the people started to leave. My nine-year-old sister walked with me. But a few minutes later some people separated us. I couldnt find her! I thought she would be with my parents. But when I found them, my sister was not there. After two hours, we still didnt find her. We had to go back to our hotel. To our surprise, my sister was at the hotel. She said a kind woman took her back.This experience taught me an important lesson. I need to look after my sister well. And there are always good people.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。35 . The writer thought the vacation in Las Vegas was _.AbadBinterestingCboringDexciting36 . The family _ on the last day.Avisited a museumBwatched a showCdid some shoppingDstayed at the hotel37 . The underlined word “separated” means “_” in Chinese.A分开B斥责C绑架D注意38 . Where did they find the writers sister?AIn a classroom.BAt the hotel.CIn the cinema.DIn the police station.39 . Which can be the best title?AMy familyBNo one helped usCA lesson in a tripDBe kind to children五、句型转换句型转换。40 . You cant eat in the classroom.(改为否定祈使句)_in the classroom.41 . Its rainy today.(对画线部分提问)_the _ today?42 . My brother likes dogs because they are very cute.(对画线部分提问)_your brother like dogs?43 . There is some milk in that cup of coffee.(改为一般疑问句)_there_milk in that cup of coffee?44 . Linda does her homework every day.(用now替换 every day. 改变句式)Linda_her homework now.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词45 . Betty is a lovely and l_girl. Everyone likes her very much.46 . They like m_music not traditional music.47 . You did it? I dont_(相信)it!48 . Tom doesnt like music,but he plays the_(小提琴) well.49 . I dont like rock music,because its too_(吵闹的)七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)50 . Its _ that such a little girl can speak three languages. (surprise)51 . No one taught my brother English. He learned all by _. (he)52 . He became an _ after he left school. (engine)53 . Taking part in after-school _ makes my life more colourful. (act)54 . The Luck Fairy _ after she helped the poor farmer. (appear)55 . The children flew the kite _ in the open area. (happy)八、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Long long ago,a king set a big rock in the middle of a very busy roadThen he hid nearby to see if anyone would move the rock out of the way to make it convenient(方便的)for othersThen some supporters of the king came。wealthiest supporters came past and simply walked around itMany others complained about the problemTo the kings surpriseNo one did anything about moving it out of the wayFinally,a poor farmer came along,carrying a load(担)of old vegetablesWhen he saw the rock,he put down his load,and tried to move the heavy rock to the side of the roadNo one stopped to help himMany laughed at him and made jokes as they walked pastAfter much pushing,and with no help,the farmer managed to get the rock to the side of the roadAs he belt down(弯下腰)to pick up his vegetables,he noticed a small bag lying on the road,exactly where the rock had beenThere was a lot of money and a note in the bag56 . Where did the king set the big rock?_57 . Who moved the rock to the side of the road at last?_58 . What did the king put in the bag?_59 . The farmer was very kind, wasnt he?_60 . 请将划线句子翻译成汉语。_九、材料作文61 . 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不记入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。假如你是李华, 你的美国笔友Tony正在计划来北京旅游, 体验中国文化。请结合你对北京的了解, 用英语给他写封邮件, 从最佳旅行时间和文化体验方面给他提出建议。提示词语: comfortable, tea, Beijing Opera提示问题:When is the best time to visit Beijing?What can you do to experience Chinese culture in Beijing?Dear Tony,Im glad that you are going to visit Beijing and experience Chinese culture. _Im looking forward to your arrival.Yours, Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、


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