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八年级上册英语第3单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _you keep the book clean, I will lend it to you.AAs long asBAs soon asCAs well asDAs often as2 . I am _taller than my brotherAveryBtooCmoreDa little3 . The weather in Australia is not the same _ ours.AtoBforCasDat4 . You didnt watch the film last night, did you? _, but I missed the beginning.AYes, I did.BNo, I didntCYes, I didntDNo, I did5 . Is this kind of pet a pet dog these days?Aas trendy asBmore trendier thanCmuch trendy thanDnot so trendier as6 . The maths problem is _ that one. Few of us can work it out.Aso easy asBas difficult asCmuch difficult thanDless easier than7 . The old mobile phone requires _, so youd better have it _ soon.Ato repair; repairedBrepairing; repairedCto be repaired; repairDto repairing; repair8 . -You look sad. What has happened? -Everyoneusthe match.Aexpect; winBexpected; to winCexpect; to beatDexpected; to beat9 . Jane is very thirsty, so she needs some.AwaterBbreadCcakesDrice10 . Dont _ the bus until it stops.Aturn offBput onCget offDset up11 . There are so many new words in the passage. I cant understand it well.You can them in the dictionary.Acall; upBtake; upClook; up12 . His head is always filled_ strange ideas when his mouth is full_ delicious food.Aof withBwith: ofCin: ofDof; by13 . We could not finish our work _ your helpAwithBwithoutCforDby14 . Lets_ to the songs at the Beach Music Festival this Friday night.Good idea! I like music.AlisteningBlistenClistensDto listen15 . Dont play computer games _ . Because therere clothes for you to wash.Atoo much, too muchBtoo many, too manyCtoo much, too manyDtoo many, too much二、完型填空完形填空。Dear Lin Xin,I am going to have a summer vacation soon. My parents said they would _ me to China. I am so _. I will be able to see you very soon.We are going to Beijing first. We will stay there for one week. I have _ the Great Wall. I always hope that I can have the _ to visit it. My dream is going to come true. Then we will go to Hangzhou, _ my uncle lives there. He _ as a host (主持人) at a radio station. We havent _ him for five years. But I often write letters to him. He told me that Hangzhou is _. He wants to live there forever (永远). Have you ever been to that _? Is he right?Finally, we will fly to Shanghai. You have told me a lot about _. Would you like to be our guide? I hope to receive your letter very soon.Yours,Mark16 . AtakeBsendCmakeDguess17 . AupsetBexcitedCscaredDbored18 . Aheard aboutBdepended onCfound outDheard from19 . AprojectBmeetingCplanDchance20 . AalthoughBsoCbecauseDbut21 . AtakesBworksCwantsDplays22 . AmissedBwrittenCseenDtalked23 . AstrangeBdangerousCdirtyDbeautiful24 . AcityBtownCvillageDcountry25 . AthemBhereChimDit三、阅读单选Today I took Frank to have a training class(培训课). We got there earlier than most of the other dogs and owners. Mr. Brown helped us teach our dogs some skills(本领). When the dog did it, he said, “Good dog!” He was a serious man but he laughed a lot with dogs. He said Frank was smarter than other dogs. Next to Frank was also a smart dog. His name was Sam. His short legs made him look funny, but he could run faster than many of the bigger dogs. His owner was a quiet girl and looked a little shy. So I said hello to her first. I hoped she could be my friend. At the end of the class, Mr. Brown told me that Frank did the best this class and he would give him a ball.26 . The meaning(意思) of the underlined word “owner” is _A兽医B主人C指挥D导师27 . Who is Frank?AHes a dog.BHes a smart boy.CHes a quiet boy.DHes a teacher.28 . What did Mr. Brown do during the class?AHe taught dogs some skills.BHe fed dogs.CHe gave dogs balls.DHe talked with dogs.29 . What did Mr. Brown think of Frank?AFrank was serious.BFrank was outgoing.CFrank was funny.DFrank was smart.30 . Which of the following is NOT true?ASam ran faster than some bigger dogs.BSam was next to Frank.CFrank arrived later than most of the other dogs.DFrank did the best in class.Wendy likes eating but she doesnt like doing sports,so she is a little fat. One day,Wendy gets home and says,From now on,Ill only eat fruit and vegetables for dinner. Why?her mother asks. After class Cathy says I look like a big potato. Wendy says. Oh,1 think its just a joke. But Mom,I really want to lose weight.From then on,Wendy uses a very small bowl to have porridge for breakfast, and some cabbages for lunch. For dinner, she only has some fruit or vegetables. She doesnt eat any meat or rice. She loses weight quickly,but her face looks pale(苍白的).Amanda is Wendys best friend. She wants to help Wendy. On Friday,when Wendy is having lunch at school,Amanda gives a picture to her. There are many kinds of foods in it. And Amanda writes the nutrition(营养)of every food. She says,Doing sports and balanced nutrition are the best ways to be healthy. Wendy is deeply moved(感动).I think I need to eat one more egg and some bread for lunch today. Wendy says,And do you want to play tennis with me tomorrow?31 . Cathy may be Wendys_.AmotherBclassmateCsisterDEnglish teacher32 . Wendys face looks pale because_.Ashe has too much meat and riceBshe never does sports after schoolCshe only eats her favorite vegetablesDshe eats too little food every day33 . The underlined word it in the seventh paragraph refers to _.Athe lunchBthe schoolCthe pictureDthe nutrition34 . What can we infer(推测)from the passage?AWendy never eats meat any moreBWendy is thin and healthy right now.COnly doing sports can make Wendy happy.DWendy will listen to Amandas advice.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空35 . Its necessary for people _ (save) our environment.36 . There are some _ (different) between Lucy and Lily.37 . Ann is _ (funny) than Sue. She likes telling jokes.38 . A good friend _ (true) cares about me.39 . I think my sister sang more _ (clear) than the boy.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,从下面方框中的12个单词中选出10个,并用其适当的形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。每空只能填一个单词。difference, thing, happy, about, example,one, buy, from, if, much, instead, because Money can make you happy, only if you spend it in a clever way.40 . a new car makes you happy. However, you will forget this happy feeling when the car gets old. But if you spend a week traveling, its more possible that you ll remember the great experience, and youll remember the feeling for a long time. A new study has found that spending money on experiences makes people41 . than on material things.For material things, its possible that youll care about every tiny thing. 42 . you buy a nice pen, and someone else buys one with less money, it is possible that you may be unhappy because you spend 43 . money. When it comes to experiences like trips, you would think in a 44 . way. If the experience is generally good, you will be happy with the price.Material 45 . can be different more easily. If you buy an MP3 and then see a more suitable 46 . , you may regret buying the first one. However, if you have a nice dinner at one restaurant, and then learn 47 . another better restaurant, you will not regret the first meal, Material things can cause jealousy (嫉妒). For 48 . , if you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better toy, you will feel unhappy.49 . , if you travel to a beautiful place, then no matter where your friends have gone, it wont make you less happy.六、填写适当的句子补全对话(题文)句型转换按括号内的要求转换下列句式,每空一词50 . (小题1)He often has lunchin the factory.(对划线部分提问)_ _ he often _lunch?51 . (小题2)He is visting us next Sunday. (变为一般疑问句)_ _ _ us next Sunday?52 . (小题3)Sheis babysitting her sisterfor vacation. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she doing for the vacation?53 . (小题4)We had a sports camp last Sunday. (用 next Sunday 改写)We are _ _ have a sports camp next Sunday.54 . (小题5)We had a good time yesterday. (改为同义句)_.55 . (小题6)Please show me your new book. (改为同义句)Please _ your new book _ me.56 . (小题7)The girl in a red coatis my sister.(对划线部分提问)_ _is your sister?57 . (小题8)We are going campingnext Friday. (对划线部分提问)_ _you going camping?58 . (小题9)Whats the weather like there? (改为同义句)_ _ the weather there?59 . (小题10)She is babysitting her sister. (改为同义句)She is _ _ her sister.七、多任务混合问题A lot of teens(青少年)think that the most important people in their life are their friends. When they are in trouble, they always ask their friends(A)advice, but not their parents.(B)They find that their parents dont know them as well as their friends do. Some teens dont tell their problems to their parents,(C)they dont want their parents to be too worried about them.(D)Children usually spend most of their free time with friends. They like to do things together with their friends. They like to talk with them. When they feel sad, their friends will comfort(安慰)them. When they laugh, their friends will laugh together with them.(E)Friends make their life colorfuler.Having one or more friends is very important. However, choosing(选择)friends is more important. If your friends have bad habits, you may get into bad habits easily. So be careful when you make friends.根据短文内容完成下列各题。60 . 在文中的(A)处和(C)处分别填写一个适当的单词。(A)_(C)_61 . 写出文中(B)处画线部分的同义句。They find that their friends know them _their parents do.62 . 将(D)处画线句子翻译成汉语。_63 . 文中(E)处画线句子有一处错误,请找出来并改正。_64 . Why should you be careful when you choose friends?_八、话题作文65 . 你们班正在组织一次以“我的择友标准”为主题的班会。你认为好朋友应该是什么样子的?请从自身的体验出发,用英语写一篇60词左右的发言稿来阐述你的观点。开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Good morning, everyone! _Thanks for listening!第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、话题作文1、


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