人教版英语九年级全册练习题:Unit 5 What are the shirts made of8 Self Check

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人教版英语九年级全册练习题:Unit 5 What are the shirts made of8 Self Check姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空We live in a colourful world. In different countries; colours have _ meanings. They are used to _ different things. In ancient Rome, a red flag was a _ for battle (战斗). In India, red is the colour of soldiers. In South Africa, red is the colour of mourning (服丧). In China, red is the colour of _ and it is often used at _. In ancient Greece, green represented victory. In England, people _ green as a mark of honour. Green is the national colour of Ireland. In India, yellow is for a businessman or a farmer. In China and Japan, people wear white when very sad things happen. When their relatives _, they usually wear white. The ancient Greeks wore white to bed to have pleasant _. In ancient Rome, public servants wore blue. Today the police still wear _. Colours can also represent different _. For example, you will be a leader or an active person who enjoys life if you like yellow, orange or red.1 . AsameBdifferentCsomeDno2 . ArepresentBmakeCfeelDspeak3 . AstrengthBdecision.ClightDsign4 . Agood luckBbad luckCsadnessDpoliteness5 . Abirthday partiesBweddingsCassemblyDmeetings6 . Aput onBtook offCworeDdressed7 . Aare deadBare bornCvisitDare unwelcome8 . AjoyBasleepCdreamsDthought9 . AredBwhiteCgreenDblue10 . AcharactersBpeopleCfeelingsDstress二、阅读单选Making new friends can be difficult, especially if you are a child in a new neighborhood. It may seem like everyone else has a friend to sit with or to talk to. Dont worry; if youre a nice person, you can make friends, too.Step 1. Decide what kind of people you want to play with. Choose (选择) wisely, because youll probably become like them. Pick children that are nice to other people.Step 2. Smile and say something nice to the person you want to be your friend. If you like a persons shoes or think a girl is good at basketball, just say so. Everyone likes compliments.Step 3. Join clubs and teams. If you like sports, try out for some. Put yourself in situations where you are around many children that enjoy the same activities as you. Its easier to develop(发展) friendships when you have the same hobbies.Step 4. Ask questions whenever its appropriate. People love to talk about themselves. Be careful not to ask too personal questions or ask someone too many questions. But asking one or two questions shows youre interested in him or her.11 . The underlined word “compliments” is “” in Chinese.A恭喜B称赞C问候D道贺12 . What should you do when you make friends with someone?AAsk how old he or she is.BAsk him or her too many questions.CSmile and say something nice to him or her.DTell him or her you dont like his or her shoes.13 . Why should we say something nice to someone we want to make friends with?ABecause all people are happy when they are praised.BBecause they like the same sport as we do.CBecause they are interested in us.DBecause they are nice to us.14 . What is mainly talked about in the passage?AIt is difficult to make new friends.BThere are some steps to make new friends.CBe nice to the people around you.DEveryone has their hobbies and interests.三、语法填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。On April Fools Day,strange things may happen.Our friends will play jokes on 15 . (we) and try to fool us.People dont know the origin(起源) of April Fools Day 16 . (clear)Some say April Fools Day began many years ago in 17 . (French)Long ago in France,the old New Years festival was celebrated from March 25th to April 1st and ended with 18 . (change) of presents.Later the King changed the New Year to January 1st.Some people still celebrated the New Year in April.They were called April Fish and 19 . (give) presents as a joke.But in many countries,April Fools Day 20 . (celebrate) on April 1st but on other days.In Mexico,April Fools Day is on the 28th of December.In ancient Rome,the day 21 . (be) on the 25th of March.In India,the day is on the 31st of March.In America,the day is 22 . (most) decided by young people who want to make fun of other people.But it is important23 . (remember) that your friends and you will be both happy.One must remember the24 . (different) between a good joke and a bad one.四、多任务混合问题阅读短文,回答问题及翻译划线部分的句子。Raisins(葡萄干) can be put in icecream,in chocolate bars,and in cookiesOur favorite snacks cannot be without raisins!Have you ever thought about how people get raisins from full and juicy grapes?Dry them in the sun?Well,thats one way.But people from Xinjiang have another way.They make the best raisins in China.People there build many “blockhouses(碉堡)” out of earth near a grape garden.The best raisins are made in these blockhouses.Many “blockhouses” are built on the hillside.Theyre usually three meters tall and are as big as the size of a classroom.After picking the grapes,people put them on the shelves in these blockhouses._30_至_45_天之后,这些葡萄将会变成又软又甜的葡萄干。25 . Can our favorite snacks be without raisins according to the passage?_26 . Where are the best raisins in China made?_27 . How tall are the “blockhouses”?_28 . 将划线译成汉语。_29 . 将划线译成英语。_五、短文改错下面短文中的划线部分都是错误的,请改正并将正确答案写在答题卡上相应的位置.In Switzerland, its very important of people to be on time.Were a capital of clocks and watches. after all! Ifsomeone invite you to meet him or her at noon, thenyou expect to be there at noon. If youre even 15minute late, your friend may get mad. So I makean effort to be on time when I meet your friends. I alwaysleave the house early avoiding heavy trafficbecause I think its politely to keep others waiting. Also,we never visit a friend house without calling first. We almost always make plans to see friends. We usuallyplan to do something interested, or go somewheretogether.30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、语法填空1、四、多任务混合问题1、五、短文改错1、


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