人教版八年级英语下册:Unit 6~7 过关测试题

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人教版八年级英语下册:Unit 67 过关测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They are tryingwhat is going on around the world.Ato look forBto find outCfind out2 . I didnt hear you come in just now.Thats good. We tried _ any noise because you were sleeping.Ato makeBmakingCnot to makeDnot make3 . I want to see the movie Frozen II(冰雪奇缘2) .Do you know the price of the ticket?Yes.Five_.AhoursBkindsCdollarsDnames4 . (题文)Rick hasnt changed at all. He looks _ the same as he did at school.AespeciallyBluckilyCnormallyDexactly5 . _ information, please contact Amy _ 56676551.AFor further; onBWith further; atCFor farther; overDWith farther; on6 . If you want to be healthier,you should eat _ meat and_ vegetables .Afewer moreBless moreCmore fewerDmore less7 . This restaurant has become one of _ restaurants among Shanghais Michelin(米其林)starred restaurants.ApopularBmore popularCmost popularDthe most popular8 . The more colourful the picture in our mind is, the _ we will remember the wordAgoodBwellCbetterDbest9 . - Do you think youll win the basketball final tomorrow?- Of course, were all feeling pretty _.AconfidentBenergyCpatientDcurious10 . When will you visit your friend,Zhu Mei?_ she returns to the city.ASo thatBAs soon asCUnlessDBecause11 . With more practice, I found reading was not as _ as I used to think.Athe most difficultBmost difficultCmore difficultDdifficult12 . The _ woman _ Shanghai since her husband _ in 1990.Aalone ; has come to ; diedBalone ; has come to; has diedClonely ; has been in ; diedDlonely ; has been to ; died13 . The more books you read the _ you realize you know.AlessBfewerClittleDfew14 . Dont _ to chat on the Internet, or you will feel tired in tomorrows classes.Astay upBset upCwake upDget up15 . These green shorts are _ sale _ $10.Aon; atBon; forCfor; ofDin; at16 . You will not realize your dream _ you try your best.AifBwhenCbecauseDunless17 . The policeman asked the childso that he could take him home.Awhere he livedBwhere did he liveCwhere he is livingDhe lived where二、完型填空Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their _are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But _ of them likes to use his head. Theyre both _ though they work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They _ find out why.Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the_ in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They _some money from their friends and bought nearly 300 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a cart(牛车). Bad luck! A lot of apples have already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a _ price. They felt unhappy and _ their village.“I cant understand why we _ so much in business while others always get more money. Uncle Li asked one day.“The cart was too _” Uncle Wang said without thinking. “Well carry more apples on a bigger cart next time!”“I agree!” said Uncle Li. “How foolish (傻的) we were !”18 . AfactoriesBfarmsCcompaniesDbuildings19 . AbothBeitherCneitherDevery20 . ApoorBrichCexcellentDfamous21 . AalwaysBnearlyCalmostDnever22 . AmedicineBhousesCcartsDapples23 . AownedBmadeCborrowedDsaved24 . AlowBhighCcheapDexpensive25 . Aran away fromBwent back toCgot out ofDkept away from26 . AlostBgotCfoundDachieved27 . AslowBsmallCfastDbig三、阅读单选World Book Day falls on April 23th every year. It was set up in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading.Many countries celebrate World Book Day. In the UK,the government has introduced a rule that a book token(购书券)is a passport. Every year 15 million book tokens are given out to the students in Britain and Ireland. With a book token,students can go to any bookshop to choose a free book according to their taste and hobbies. It is believed that 15%o of the UK children dont have a book of theirs. This mainly results from the high book prices. A book token will help them realize their dreams to have their first book.Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent(智慧的). Reading helps us to follow the latest development of science and technology. Reading provides us with information about other culture and places of the world. While were reading,we can learn many things that are off our beat to us. We would have to use our brain to think about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read,the more we will know. The more we know, the smarter we will become.Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English. We all know that we cant learn everything at school. “Reading makes a full man.” Books,magazines,newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world. Therefore,it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.28 . How does the UK celebrate World Book Day?ABy introducing book token system.BBy building more public libraries.CBy opening free bookshops for kids.DBy writing more books for kids.29 . The underlined words “off our beat” here probably mean “_”.ApersonalBunknownCtraditionalDsuccessful30 . What can we learn from the third paragraph?AReading helps to develop science.BReading helps to create a kind of new culture.CReading helps to find a way to learn well.DReading is good for people in many ways.31 . The writer advises readers to_ according to the passage.Abuy more books to readBread more foreign booksCget into the habit of readingDmake themselves smarterIm Amy.Last vacation I took my kid to Paris.We started with one of those famous places and food of the city,for example,a visit to the Eiffel Tower and eating French ice cream and French fries.We were very excited when we visited the Eiffel Tower.We learned from a guide that its the tallest building in Paris.It has a long history and its name comes from its designerGustave Eiffel.The tower is the most famous symbol of both Paris and France.Of course we took many photos there.I didnt take my kid to any restaurants,but my friend with us shared her advice:eat what the French eat only.So we had noodles with marinara sauce (意大利番茄酱),the ice cream at Buvette des Marionnettes and outdoor (室外的) coffee in the Luxembourg Gardens.But my daughter liked going shopping more than eating.So in the afternoon we also bought some beautiful clothes for our family members.At last we chose a hotel to have a rest quickly.My brother went here several months ago and we had already got some information about the hotel from him before we arrived in Paris.32 . What is the most famous symbol of France?AFrench food.BMarinara sauce.CThe Eiffel Tower.DLuxembourg Gardens.33 . Who gave the writer the information about Eiffel Tower?AThe guide.BGustave Eiffel.CHer friend.DHer brother.34 . How many people went to Paris with the writer?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.35 . What does the underlined word “designer” mean in Chinese?A探索者B科学家C领导者D设计师36 . Whats best title for the passage?AA Famous BuildingBA Happy Trip to ParisCThe History of the Eiffel TowerDRestaurants in Paris四、单词填空Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. These usually try to represent the things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into o37 . of beauty.According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were f38 . used by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. They are m39 . of bamboo and covered with paper. When the lanterns are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good w40 . .Paper cutting has been around for more than 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be d41 . to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with s42 . . The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese history. D43 . the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real. The pieces are carefully shaped by h44 . from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. F45 . , materials such as wood or paper are added to make different things. It takes several weeks to c46 . everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.五、填空.任务型阅读:根据短文内容,回答问题。Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics (特征) of foreigners? The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They dont like to speak more words.They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements.The Germans are very hard-working.They like tidiness, especially the women,who always keep their homeclean. In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say Thank you. or Sorry. Holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy tomake friends with them. Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They dont like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans eyes, success is an important part in their life.47 . According to the passage, who are very quiet?_and _are very quiet.48 . What does the writer think are gentlemen?In the writers eyes, the gentlemen are _.49 . According to the passage,from which country do people have long holiday?People from _have long holidays and like traveling very much.50 . In the Americans opinion, what is an important part in their life?Americans think _is important in their life.51 . Whats the main idea of the passage?The main idea of the passage is _.六、信息匹配配对阅读上传是五个人的信息,下栏是对七个公益项目的介绍。请为每个人选择合适的公益项目。52 . I like dancing very much. But my family is so poor that it cant afford the dancing lessons for me.53 . I will retire(退休) at the end of this year. I have a lot of time but I dont know what to do. I dont have any partner to do things with me, either.54 . My parents left the countryside to find jobs in the cities. I live with my grandpa. There is nobody to play with me or help me with my study. I feel lonely.55 . I live in a mountain village. I have to walk a long way to my school in town. It takes about three hours and I often go to school without breakfast.56 . I am a young mother. I want to spend all my time with my baby and take good care of my baby.AVolunteers from this project will visit the empty nesters(空巢老人) from time to time and also give them some medical care.BThis project offers free lectures to help young mothers. You can learn how to take good care of your babies here. You can also ask the expects for some helpful information.CThis project provides free training for the old. You can learn square dance here and dance with many other old people.DThis project offers money to help the poor children finish school. It will provide some books for them as well.EVolunteers from this project will go to left-behind childrens homes and help them with their study and play with them.FThis project offers an egg and a box of milk as breakfast for the students from the poor mountain villages. They can also get some coats int he cold winter.GThis project gives free lessons and training to children from poor families and helps them to develop their interest like singing and dancing and achieve their dreams.七、话题作文57 . 话题作文:构建文明和谐的社会是实现中国梦的一个重要组成部分,请你围绕构建和谐社会(build a harmonious society)写一篇文章。提示:(1)对国家、社会的热爱;(2) 对父母、师长、同学的尊重与关心;(3)对环境的保护。(B)图示作文:仔细观察下列图片,展开合理想象,写一篇作文。要求:(1)话题作文或图示作文任选其一。(2)词数在80100词之间。(3)要求字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、话题作文1、


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