人教版英语七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining单元综合测试题_

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人教版英语七年级下册Unit 7 Its raining单元综合测试题_姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hey,Jill._ is your birthday party?At three this afternoon.AWhereBWhoCWhenDWhat2 . Stephen Hawkings story gives me much_ to face all kinds of difficulties.AchanceBwealthCcourageDdecision3 . Sam, lets go to the cinema. Theres a new movie called Avengers III(复仇者联盟3).Not now. I _ my brother David with his English.AhelpBhelpedCam helpingDhave helped4 . _ reading aloud to practice English?That sounds _.AHow about; greatBWhy not; goodCWhy dont you; a good ideaDWhat about; well5 . Please tell us when you will finish _ the story on _ own.Awrite; yourBwriting; yourCwriting; youDwrite; you6 . - Who football in your class? - Simon.AplayBplaysCplayesDplaies7 . Itsgood advice thatof the twins wants to take it.Aso; eitherBsuch a; eitherCsuch a; bothDsuch ; either8 . Is your mother _ now?Yes, she is making a cake.AdancingBcookingCreadingDexercising9 . The price of cotton has _a lot. As a result, the factories plan to _the price of their cotton clothes.Araised ;raiseBraised ;riseCrisen ;raiseDrisen; rise10 . Listen! The baby _ in the next room.AcryingBcriedCis cryingDcries11 . (题文) Xiaogan is well known _ the culture of “Xiao”.AinBforCatDon12 . I wonder _ you can finish the task.In two weeks.Ahow soonBhow longChow often13 . Do you know where Qiongzhong is?Yes, it_Hainan Province.Alies toBlies inClies on14 . Are Lindas tapes on the desk?_.They are in the bookcase.AYes,they areBNo,they arentCYes,it isDNo,it isnt15 . .Pass the raincoat to me,pleaseIt _ hard nowHere you areAis rainingBrainedCwill rain二、完型填空I am Jack, I was born in a village and I was born _ March, 2000. It was Saturday yesterday. I _ a lot of things. In the morning, I finished my homework and then I helped my mother _ lunch in the kitchen. In the afternoon, I watered some trees and flowers in the _. After that, I _ basketball with my friends in the playground. I did not play it _ , because my mother did not allow me to do so and she is very _ with me. And there are lots of rules in my family. At 4:30 p. m. I went to a _ and went shopping. In the evening, I had nothing to do and I felt very _. So I went to a cinema to see a(n)_.What a nice day I had!16 . AonBinCatDfor17 . AmadeBputCdidDhad18 . AcookBbuyCeatDcall19 . AstudyBbathroomCgardenDbedroom20 . AwashedBactedCwatchedDplayed21 . AlongBbigCshortDsmall22 . AhelpfulBstrictCangryDbusy23 . AclubBmuseumCstoreDlibrary24 . AscaredBboredChappyDexcited25 . AfilmBbookCanimalDshirt三、阅读单选Today is Sunday, June 14thAndy is planning a trip to South Island with his familyHe loves doing water sports, especially swimmingHowever, his parents wont allow him to swim when the highest temperature isbelow 30Here is the weather forecast(预报) for South Island for the coming week.26 . On which days can Andy go swimming?AJune 17th and June 18thBJune 19th and June 20thCThis Tuesday and WednesdayDTomorrow and the day after tomorrow27 . What should Andys family take with them if they go to South Island on June 21st?AKitesBSunglassesCUmbrellasDSun hatsMr. Smith works in an office . Hes very busy and has no time to have a good rest . Every evening , when he comes back from his office , hes always tired and wants to go to bed early . But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner . She doesnt stop talking before she goes to sleep .One day the man felt terrible and couldnt go to work . He decided to go to see a doctor . And Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him . Before her husband asked the doctor what was wrong with him , the woman told the doctor all and the doctor understood why . He wrote out a prescription(处方). And when Mrs. Smith brought the medicine(药物)to the doctor , the doctor said to her , “ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the sleeping pills(药片)are for you . ” “ For me ? ” the woman said in surprise “ Im fine . I dont need any medicine ! ” “ I dont think so , madam ” , said the doctor . “ They are sleeping pills . Your husband will soon be all right if you take them . ”28 . Mr. Smith work _ .Ain a schoolBin a hospitalCin an officeDin a shop29 . When Mr. Smith comes back home , he always _ .Awants to go to bed earlyBtells Mrs. Smith many interesting thingsCgoes to see a doctorDstays up late to work30 . Which of the following is right about Mr. Smith ?AMr. Smith doesnt stop talking before going to bed .BMr. Smith is very busy , so he doesnt have time to relax .CThe doctor gave the sleeping pills to Mr. Smith to help him sleep well .DMr. Smith can have a good sleep every day .31 . In fact , Mr. Smith will soon be all right if _ .AMrs. Smith takes the bottle of medicineBMr. Smith takes the sleeping pillsCMr. Smith stops working lateDMrs. Smith stops talking too much at night四、根据首字母、中文提示填空32 . The bus takes you there _ (便宜地).33 . Mr. Liu is handsome and _ (有创造力的).34 . The food in this hotel is good, but the _ (服务) is poor35 . All of the _ (表演者) in the talent show were excellent36 . Mrs. Huang _ (给) me her family photo just now.五、填空请阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词, 并将答案写在答题卷相应的位置上, 每空一词。My name is Gina. I am in Grade 7 now. My school is No. 7 Middle school. I have two good friends, Mike and Jack. They always help me with my math. I thank them for helping me. Now I find math very interesting. Today is Sunday. We are free and go shopping. I want to buy a T-shirt. Mike and Jack want to buy sports shoes. We go to a store. Mike buys a pair of sports shoes. They are 258 yuan. I dont have so much money, so we go to another(另一个)store. Clothes in this store are at very good prices. My favorite color is green, so I buy a green T-shirt and Jack buys a pair of sports shoes. They are 150 yuan. Then we go home happily.Gina is a 37 . school student.StudyTwo good friends help Gina with her math, and Gina has 38 . learning(学习)math.ShoppingThey go shopping 39 . Sunday.Mike buys a pair of shoes from the 40 . store.The second store is on 41 . . Jack and Gina buy T shirt and shoes from it.六、材料作文42 . 书面表达写一张明信片给布朗小姐,她的地址是:153 Park Street, London, England。大致内容:伦敦的天气如何,经常下雨吗?我们这儿天气不错,树是绿的,花是红的,欢迎来中国。梅梅Dear _,_MeimeiMiss Brown第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、填空1、六、材料作文1、


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