人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1 The Changing World综合习题演练

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人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1 The Changing World综合习题演练_第1页
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人教版九年级上册Unit 1 The Changing World综合习题演练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which senior school do you want to go to, Li Hua?Its hard for me _ a decision now.AdoBto doCmakeDto make2 . Teenagers shouldnt be allowed late at night.Ato stay upBstayed upCstaying upDstay up3 . The country is very poor. _ of the people _ enough food to eat.ATwo thirds; haveBTwo thirds; doesnt haveCTwo thirds; dont have4 . The little girl has _ finished reading the book you lent her.AalreadyByetCstillDonce5 . _ the students in our school is about 5000,_ of them are boys.AA number of ; three fifthsBThe number of ; third fivesCA number of ; third fifthsDThe number of ; three fifths6 . -Hi, Miss Ding. I hear you _in America when you were very young!-But now Im in Nanjing. And Ive been _Chinese food since I moved here.Aused to living; used to eatBis used to live; used to eatCis used to living; used to eatingDused to live; used to eating7 . _ you study harder, youll fall behind others.AOnceBUnlessCUntil8 . What_ they have brought us!Aan important informationBa important informationCimportant informationsDimportant information9 . He told the interviewer that he hadrun out of money to buy old bikes.Aput awayBturned offCtaken outDused up10 . Could you tell me _?Sorry, I dont know.Awhere are my socksBwhere can I find my socksCwhere my socks areDwhere my socks put11 . It seems _ you like to work with children.Yes, they are so lovely.AthatBwhatCtoDas二、阅读单选Something heartwarming happened at a middle school in Dallas, US, last December. The Billy Earl Dade Middle School ran into difficulties when it was preparing for its “Breakfast with Dads” event. Many students are from broken families. Hundreds of the 11to13yearold boys simply did not have a father to come with them to the breakfast. So only 150 boys decided to take part in the event. To solve the problem, school teachers tried to find 50 male volunteers(志愿者) to be with those students during the event. To their great surprise, nearly 600 men showed_up on the day of the event. There were so many people that the teachers had to move the event from the school dining hall to the gym. Students were happy and excited when they saw so many “dads” because they didnt have to attend the event alone(独自). During the event, the “sons” and the “dads” had breakfast and played games together. The “sons” told their “dads” interesting stories about what had happened at school and the “dads” listened to their “sons” carefully and gave advice when necessary. The “dads” also taught their “sons” how to tie a necktie. It is usually a real fathers job. Although the event lasted only about one hour, it had a great impact(影响) on both the grownups and the children. One volunteer wrote online that words could hardly describe this unusual experience. For the students, they felt inspired when they saw someone other than their teachers or family members care for them.12 . How many volunteers did the school want for “Breakfast with Dads” event?A50.B150.C200.D600.13 . The underlined phrase “showed up” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”AforgotBappearedCservedDreplied14 . During the event, the volunteer “dads” _.Ahelped their “sons” with schoolworkBtold interesting stories to their “sons”Cdescribed unusual experiences onlineDcared for the “sons” and gave advice15 . According to the passage, we can know that _.Amany students felt lonely and hurt after the eventBthe “Breakfast with Dads” event will be popularCstudents had great fun with their volunteer “fathers”Dfathers are spending more time with their children now三、多任务混合问题As for food, the golden rule is that brown is better than white. We eat brown bread, brown pasta, brown sugar! But what about brown eggs? Does the of the skin make them healthier than white eggs?According to Tro V. Bui, a visiting fellow in animal science at Cornell University, “There is no real difference in nutritional(营养) value between brown and white eggs.”White eggs are laid by white-feathered chickens with white colored earlobes(耳垂)while the brown ones are laid by brown-feathered chickens with red earlobes. There are more white eggs in the market than brown ones. Thats because breeding and raising white-feathered chickens is much cheaper. They arent fed as much as their brown chickens.Brown and white eggs taste different! Yes, they do. The chickens are fed a different kind of diet, which impacts(影响)the quality and taste of the egg. So if you were to feed a brown chicken and a white chicken the same kind of food, the difference in taste would go unnoticed. The colour of yolk(蛋黄)in brown eggs is much darker. But thats because brown hens are fed a lot of corn at times.根据短文内容,完成下列小题。16 . 在处填入的恰当的单词:_.17 . Are brown eggs really healthier than white eggs? _18 . Why are brown eggs more expensive than white eggs?_19 . 把划线的句子翻译成汉语:_20 . Whats the passage about?_四、话题作文21 . 根据要求完成小作文,词数;约30词。建设美丽中国,美丽家乡,人人有责。作为中学生,我们怎样做才能使我们的校园更美丽呢?请写出3-5条建议。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)Its our duty to make our school beautiful. Herere some suggestions.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读单选1、三、多任务混合问题1、四、话题作文1、


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