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人教版2019版中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . of the twins are dancers.AAllBBothCNeitherDNone2 . You should _your voice_when you are in publicSorry, I will.Aturn downBkeep downCwrite downDtake down3 . What should I do, doctor?_ healthy, you should take more exercise.AKeepBTo keepCKeepingDTo keep out4 . I like giraffes because theyre _.AboringBscaryClazyDbeautiful5 . He is not strong. He should.Aexercises moreBmore exerciseCexercise moreDmore exercises6 . Most of my good friends _ when I _ at the party.Aleft; had arrivedBhad left; arrivedCleft; arrivedDhad left; had arrived7 . It is a good habit of _ to read something before going to bed.AIBmeCmyDmine8 . Could you tell me _?Athat pop star would announce his wedding dateBif you like the coat or notCwhen the famous actor will come to our schoolDwhy were my parents so strict with me9 . Modern technology is developing so quickly! I agree with you. With the _of the robot, people will have more free time to relax.AsituationBinstructionCconditionDinvention10 . Mr. Smith isnt here. He _ New York. I hear he _ back in two days.Ahas gone to ; comesBhas gone to ; will beChas been to ; comes Dhas been to ; will be二、补全短文6选5AEnjoy family time.BGo for a trip.CDo some useful things for others.DRemember to relax yourself.ELearn some life skills.FTake some exercise.Most of you may not know how to plan your vacation well. The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.11 . Youve worked hard most of the time. So its the best time to join in outdoor activities during your vacation, such as swimming, running and mountain climbing. They can not only make you energetic but also can build up your body.12 . Always remember that youll grow up and you must be independent. After all, you cant depend on your parents all the time. So youd better learn some life skills such as cooking and washing.13 . Travel to some places of interest. In this way, youll know different cultures. Beautiful sights can also make you happy.14 . Dont always sit in front of a computer or just stay in your room alone. Its great fun for family members to sit around the table and discuss sports, clothes or other interesting things.15 . You can sell old books or clothes to get money for those poor children during your vacation. And you can also volunteer to help some old people and disabled people.If you follow the advice above, your vacation will be full of joy and meanings.三、完型填空Chairman Mao once said, “It is not hard to do one good deed. It is hard to do good deeds all your life.” Guo Mingyi, a _ worker in Anshan, Liaoning did just that. Over the past 20 _, Guo has donated(捐献) 60,000 ml of blood(血). That is the blood of 10 people put together.Once, _ the cold winter of 2009, Guo got a call from the hospital. The doctors told him that a patient needed a _ donation. Guo didnt have time to have lunch. He traveled in the snow to _ the hospital. When he finished donating the blood, he was _ tired that he fell asleep on the hospital bed.Guo and his family live a simple _. They live in a house of _ 40 square meters. So they dont have a lot of money. Guo _ money to support(支持) poor children. In the past 16 years, he has donated over 100,000 yuan to more than 180 poor _. When their parents met him, many cried. “He looks poorer than _.” they said.Guo also offers help to thousands of workers, friends and strangers. His warm heart has moved many people. They _ him a “Modern-Day Lei Feng”.Recently, Chinese leaders called on people to _ from Guo. They say young people especially should learn his selfless devotion(无私奉献). But Guo said he did these things not to get famous. “Its just that some people _ some help, and there should be someone standing out to give _ a hand.” he said.16 . A52 years oldB52-year-oldC52-years-oldD52 year old17 . AyearsBmonthsCdaysDhours18 . AatBonCinDabout19 . AmoneyBmealCbloodDtime20 . AarriveBgetCarrive atDget in21 . AveryBtooCsoDreally22 . AhouseBlivesClifeDhome23 . AoverBonlyClessDmore24 . AtakesBspendsCgetsDsaves25 . AfriendsBteachersCstudentsDworkers26 . AusByouChimDher27 . AtellBcallCsayDspeak28 . AlistenBteachClearnDcall29 . AhaveBneedCgiveDhope30 . AyouBhimCherDthem四、阅读单选Traffic lights are very important for us. I think you can know this. They can help buses or cars to go regularly(有规律地) on the roads. But do you know how they were born? Morgan is the father of traffic lights. He was born in the U.S.A. His family was poor. He left school at the age of 14. He was smart. He always looked for better ways to do things, and he liked to make new things. At that time, every American wanted to have a car. The streets were full of cars. The traffic was bad. “Why not put three lights at each corner? They should be red, green and yellow,” Morgan said. “Let them tell cars to go or stop.” So he made a timer(定时器) to change the lights. Now we have traffic lights.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31 . Today _ can help buses or cars to go safely on the roads.Atraffic rulesBpoliceCdriversDtraffic lights32 . Morgan is the father of traffic lights. He was from _.ACanadaBEnglandCAmericaDJapan33 . Why could Morgan invent(发明) traffic lights?ABecause he liked to make important things.BBecause he always looked for better ways to do things.CBecause he wanted to have a car.DBecause he was smart.34 . What did Morgan do when he was 14 years old?AHe bought a car.BHe studied at school.CHe put three lights at each corner.DHe was away from school.35 . The best title(标题) for the passage(短文) is _.ATraffic LightsBStory about MorganCTraffic Lights Are ImportantDHow Were Traffic Lights Born36 . The name of the film is_ .AWhere Are We Going, DadBHumans And HorsesCA Big FilmDHumans And Animals37 . The film was shown on _ .AApril 3lst, 20l4BFebruary 3lst, 20l4CMarch 3lst, 2014DJanuary 3lst, 20l438 . There are_ leading actors in the filmAtenBelevenCtwelveDthirteen39 . If two adults and a child go to see the movie, they will pay for_ .A¥l20B¥60C¥ 200D¥ 24040 . The story is about _.Achildren and animalsBhow to drive a carCfive children and their fathersDhow to get along with animals五、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂”A”,错误的涂”B”。The past month has been a difficult time for people in California, US. Wildfires have spread through much of the state. According to CBS, at least 31 people have died so far. This makes them the most deadly wildfires in California so far.Wildfires are uncontrolled (不可控制的) fires. They usually happen in areas where few people live. They are most common in wooded areas in the US, Canada and Australia. They are also known as forest fires or grass fires, or as bushfires in Australia.Lightning (闪电) strikes and volcanic eruptions (火山爆发) can cause wildfires. However, 90 percent of wildfires are caused by humans, according to the US National Park Service. Dry and hot weather, as well as wind, creates perfect wildfire conditions. They help wildfires spread quickly and last for weeks.Wildfires can burn at over 900 and reach heights of more than 50 meters. Wildfires can move at speeds of up to 23 kilometers an hour, burning everything trees, brush, homes, even people in their path.The fires are also dangerous to animals. In Australia, koalas cant get enough water from tree leaves because of wildfires. They have to leave their trees and find water somewhere else.But sometimes, fires can be good for some plants. People can find more of them in the wild after a fire.41 . The wildfires happened recently are the most deadly wildfires in the world so far._42 . Wildfires usually happen in areas where lots of people live._43 . Lightning strikes, volcanic eruptions and human can all cause wildfires._44 . Wildfires will move very fast and they will burn everything except people._45 . Wildfires are no good for any plants._六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。46 . Lucy wants to make her English better, so she keeps _ (日记) in English every day.47 . In our class, Amy does well in _ (地理) because she loves traveling.48 . Mr. Brown _ (享受的乐趣) playing games with his little son.49 . They say our library is very bright and _ (新式的).50 . Where do you come from? _(什么,请再说一遍)? I cant hear you.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。produce,pack,pick,avoid,know51 . We _ each other since we were little children.52 . Look!The girls _ some apples in the garden.53 . Workers _ over 3,000 mobile phones next month.54 . Tom successfully _ making the same mistake again.55 . The tea _ and sent to different countries yesterday.八、多任务混合问题任务型阅读When people catch a cold, have a fever or a headache, they usually go to the doctor or buy some medicine. But many people also use home remedies (民间疗法) to cure common illnesses.Lots of people _hot chicken soup when they have a cold. They find it clears the head and the nose. Some people rub oil (擦油) on the chest (胸部) for a cold. Here are some simple home remedies:CoughsDrink warm water or take some honey.Burns (烧伤;烫伤)Put the burn under cold water or put a cold towel on it. But dont put ice on the burn.Sleeping problemsDrink a large glass of warm milk before going to bed.StomachacheDrink some hot water with brown sugar in it.56 . 完成句子If a person catches a cold, he/ she usually goes to see a doctor or _.57 . 简略回答问题What can clear your head and nose when you catch a cold? _58 . 将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上_59 . 找出并写下全文的主题句_60 . 将文中画线句子译成汉语_Its true that you can learn new words when you read or listen, but you should also study new words seriously. Here are a few things I do:Make flash cards(识字卡):(A) I find this is really the best way to learn new words. Make some small cards and write the new English word on one side and the word in your language or in easy English on the other side to test yourself. To really make this work, you have to review often(You need a system! ). I think this is the best method for learning English vocabulary.Make sentences with the new words: This is great if you can ask someone to check them. Its also great to make some really crazy sentences-that way you wont forget them! I also collect example sentences of the words Im trying to learn一if I see the word in a book, I write down the sentence.Make up a mnemonic:A mnemonic is a way to remember something, like a little story. For example, (B) 我在厨房的门上贴上单词 kitchen. The problem with this is that it works for a while but then you get used to the words and forget to read them!61 . 把文中(A)处句子翻译成汉语. _62 . How does the writer collect example sentences of the words he is trying to learn?_63 . 把短文中(B)处的句子翻译成英语._64 . 从文中找出与下列句子意思相同的的句子。It is great for you to ask someone to check them._65 . What does the passage mainly tell us? _九、书信作文66 . 书面表达假如正在上海学习的美国交换留学生Henry想要结交更多的中国朋友,通过他们来更好的了解中国的文化,因此他写了一封交友信,作了自我介绍,并希望大家积极回复。请你用英语给他回信。Dear friend,Im Henry from the UK. I want to make more Chinese friends. Can you tell me something about you?Whats your personality?Whats your favourite colour? Why?I like listening to rock music and watching science fiction films in my spare time. What about you?Who do you admire most? You parent, teachers, or famous stars? Why?Look forward to hearing from you.Best wishesHenryDear friend,Im Henry from the UK. I want to make more Chinese friends. Can you tell me something about you?Whats your personality?Whats your favourite colour? Why?I like listening to rock music and watching science fiction films in my spare time. What about you?Who do you admire most? You parent, teachers, or famous stars? Why?Look forward to hearing from you.Best wishesHenry要求 1.文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实的人名;3.词数90词左右,短文开头结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Henry ,Im lucky to see your email on the Internet. Im very glad to make friends with you.I hope you will have a food time in China.Yours ,Sandy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、书信作文1、


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