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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . May we leave the classroom now? No, you_. You_to leave until the bell rings.Acant; are allowedBmustnt; arent allowedCneednt; are allowedDneednt; arent allowed2 . _ He is tall and has big eyesAWhos that boy?BWhere is the boy from?CWhat does the boy look like?3 . -Are your shoes expensive? -No,I only _ five dollars for them.AusedBcostCspentDpaid4 . -I havent seen Tom for a long time. -Oh,heto New York.Ahas beenBhas goneChave been5 . Dont forget _ my parents when you are in Beijing.OK! I wont.Ato seeBseesCseeingDsee6 . Amy improved her way of study. _, she has made great progress.AAs a resultBAs usualCIn other wordsDIn all7 . Here you are. _.AThanksBOKCThats rightDRight8 . Would you like to_us in this topic?Yes,Id like to.AjoinBjoin inCtake part inDattend9 . Tom, _ afraid of _ English in the English class. Youre the best one.Adont, speakBdont be, speakingCdont be,speakDdont, speaking10 . The beautiful house is_ sale, but it wont be on sale.Aon;Bfor;Cwith;Din11 . Why do you want to be a volunteer?Because I want to help people _.Ain additionBin needCin a hurry12 . People often ask me _ my work and family.AforBaboutCwithDto13 . Can we run across the road now?No, we _. We have to wait until the light turns green.AneedntBmustntCcouldntDshouldnt二、完型填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。Tom was a farmer. He worked on the farm all day, but sometimes he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables. One day,a terrible sound attracted his _ in the town market. He saw a young bull for sale. The bull was white and yellow. It was _ at Tom in fear. Tom walked up and_ its head gently. Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other for a long time. How_!Tom bought it at once and _it Amba.From then on , Tom and Amba got on well with each other._ some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal.One afternoon ,Tom was walking _ the forest with Amba. Suddenly, Amba _walking and kept pushing Tom with its head. Tom was very surprised and looked around. There was a big snake in front of him. It was beautiful but poisonous(有毒的). Quickly Amba stepped on the snakes tail with its foot and at the same time Tom picked up a stick and hit the snakes head _. Soon the snake died.Tom was very grateful for Ambas help. When people heard this, they were shocked at the bulls expression of _ for Tom. But for Tom, Amba was not a bull but a member of his family.14 . AmeaningBattentionCnoticeDfeeling15 . ArunningBshoutingClaughingDlooking16 . AtouchedBmovedCshookDtook17 . AembarrassingBmovingCrelaxingDamazing18 . AthoughtBconsideredCcalledDrealized19 . AButBSoCAndDOr20 . AalongBthoughCacrossDover21 . AstartedBfinishedCsuggestedDstopped22 . AheavilyBhardlyCslowlyDgently23 . AloveBthanksCpolitenessDjoy三、阅读单选Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine at the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats, too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boats will take you to different places for swimming.Time: July 15 - July 20 Tel: 83428994Adult: $ 80,00 Child: $ 40.0024 . Mr and Mrs Smith will take the child to the hotel, they need to pay _ for the tour.A$ 160B$ 120C$ 20025 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the information in the picture?AYou have to wear your sun hat to enjoy wonderful sunshine.BYou can call the hotel at 83248994.CThe boats will take you to different places for swimming.When you meet someone for the first time, you will get a general idea in your mind of that person in the first moment Your feelings about other people, however, are really just show the way that you look at yourself Your reactions to others say more about you than they do about others You cannot really love or hate about yourself We are usually drawn to those who are most like us and may dislike those who have the same characters as ourselves that we dislikeTherefore, you can allow others to be the mirror to see more clearly your own feelings of self-worth And, you can view the people you judge negatively (否定地) as mirrors to show you what you are not accepting about yourselfTo live peacefully with others, you will need to learn patience A big challenge is to let your judgment of others be a lifelong research of yourself Your task is to consider all the decisions and judgments you make onto others carefully and to begin to see whether you can use them to help yourself and become wholeSeveral days ago I had a business lunch with a man who showedobjectionabletable manners My first feeling was to judge him as rude When I noticed that I was judging him, I stopped and asked myself what I was feeling I discovered that I was nervous to be seen with someone who was eating with his mouth open and loudly blowing his nose I was very surprised to find how much I cared about how the other people in the restaurant judged meRemember that your judgment of someone will not serve as some kind of protective thing against you becoming like him Just because I judge my lunch partner as rude, it does not prevent me from ever looking or acting like him In the same way, my patience to him would not cause me to suddenly begin eating my food with my mouth openWhen you get close to life in this manner, those with whom you hate very much as well as those whom you admire and love can be seen as mirrors, guiding you to discover parts of yourself that you dislike and to embrace your greatest characters you are proud of26 . In the writers opinion, when we judge others, we are really _Atreating them in a polite wayBshowing what we ourselves areCguiding ourselves to know themDtelling them what they should do27 . Why did the writer feel bad when he was with his lunch partner?ABecause he was afraid he himself might get the bad habitsBBecause he was too angry to go on with his lunch any moreCBecause he was afraid he might be thought badly of by othersDBecause he was too nervous to speak his opinions out right there28 . The underlined word “objectionable” in Paragraph 4 probably means _AunbelievableBunforgettableCunacceptableDunreasonable29 . The writer writes the passage to _Atell us a story that happened in a restaurantBask us not to behave rudely in some public placesCencourage us to have the right attitude towards othersDadvise us to know ourselves from judging others properly100-metre race. Lane(赛道)NameTimePosition(名次)1Michael1l minutes 15 seconds2 silver2Alan12 minutes 21 seconds43Peter13minutes 33 seconds64Tom12 minuts 58 seconds. 55Ken1l minutes1 gold6Chris13 minutes 49 seconds77Leo12 minutes 8 seconds3 bronze8Paul14 minutes20 seconds8Congratulations to the winner, 1st and 2nd runners-up! 30 . The table tells us_.Awhen the race isBwho wins the raceCthe prize of the winnerDwho can enter the race31 . The last person finishes the race in_.A11”00B1333C1420D145832 . _is the2nd runner-up.ALeoBKenCAlanDMichael33 . A bronze medal(奖牌)is usually for the _ winner in a competition.A1stB2ndC3rdD4th34 . How does Ken feel after the race?ABCD四、用所给单词的正确形式填空35 . _music players to schoo1(not bring)36 . He always gets up early and gets_quickly(dress)37 . Do you do the_after lunch?(dish)38 . I like giraffes because theyre very_(interest)39 . Look! They_computers in science class(use)五、用单词的正确形式完成句子(题文)Fill in the blanks with“How many”or“How much”.40 . (小题1)_ bananas do we need?41 . (小题2)_ yogurt do we need for the smoothie?42 . (小题3)_ apples did you put in the salad?43 . (小题4)_ cinnamon do we need for this recipe?44 . (小题5)_ mayonnaise is on the sandwich?45 . (小题6)_ onions did you cut up for the pizza?六、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子的语法结构和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两个词。Justin is a 16yearold boy. He is thinking about how 46 . (spend) his money during the winter vacation. He47 . (save) up about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy 48 . computer with his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends. He cant do both 49 . he doesnt have enough money. What should Justin do?We are often in these kinds of situations. You want to see a concert50 . Saturday, but it is also your mothers birthday and you do not want to let 51 . (she) down. In this case, you dont have enough time to go to both52 . (place). You must make a decision. You must think about 53 . should be done first. You must consider the following questions54 . (care)Which is more important?Which decision needs my attention more?Which choice would satisfy me more?After youve answered these questions, it may be much 55 . (easy) for you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a decision, remember to prioritize(优先考虑)七、填空选择下列句子完成下面对话。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。A: Would you like to see a show in The Grand Theater tonight?B: 56 . A: The Dogs Fashion Show.B: Oh, my best friend Lucy saw it yesterday.A: 57 . .B: 58 . She spoke highly of it and also advised me to see it. So, 59 . A: Is 7pm OK? The show will start at 7:30pm.B: 60 . You see, it is a long way to go.A: OK. Lets make it at 6:30. See you then.B: OK, see you.八、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。61 . museum, we, to, visit, decided, the _.62 . do, exercise, often, you, how _?63 . my, music, in, is, sister, talented_.64 . than, Im, my, outgoing, sister, more_.65 . do, of, talk shows, what, think, you _?九、材料作文66 . Volunteers WantedDear Students,We need some volunteers for the after-school reading program for kids.Do you want to be a volunteer? If you are interested in this program. Please write to us.Please tell us the following information in your letter!What are your interests and hobbies?How can these help you to do the job?Why do you want to do the volunteer job?When are you free to do the job?We are looking forward to you reply.Yours,Students Union假如你是王明,想要参加这次志愿者活动,请根据要求给学生会回信。要求:1要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥;2不少于70字;3文中不得出现自己的真实姓名Dear Student Union,My name is Wang Ming_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、语法填空1、七、填空1、八、将所给单词连成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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