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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Peter, can you come to my party this Sunday evening?-Sorry, I_ busy that evening_next time.Amaybe; May beBmaybe; MaybeCmay be; MaybeDmay be; May be2 . Hes going to _ an engineer when he _ up.Ado;growBdo;growsCbe;grows3 . Your success _whether you work hard or not.Aso thatBin order toCdepends onDlooks after4 . Can you give me some _ on learning more about the Big Apple?Im afraid not. I dont know much about it.AadviceBnewsCmessagesDinformation5 . 一Which is_season of a year?一I think its autumn. We will have a good harvest in it.AgoodBwellCbetterDthe best6 . The water in the river_ clean and clear. Its safe to drink it.AbecameBhas becomeCwill becomeDwas becoming7 . Samuel Han likes his job as a doctor _ he likes to make sick people better.AalthoughBbecauseCbutDso8 . (题文)Dont worry! Your son is old enough to _himself.Alook forBlook upCtake careDtake care of9 . These apples _ well because they _ nice.Aare sold; lookBsell; are lookedCsell; lookDare sold; are looked10 . The giraffe is a tall animala long neck.AonBofCwithDaround二、完型填空Hello,everyone. My name is Jack. I _ in a busy neighborhood. There is a new restaurant near my house and the food there is very _My parents and I often have dinner there. The restaurant is open from 7:30 am. to 10:00 pm. There are many kinds of _. What would you like to eat?They have pancakes,_,all kinds of noodles with meat and vegetables for you. What _ bowl of noodles would you like?They have the large,_ and small bowls for you. If you want to _ something,there is juice,green tea,coffee,porridge,and vegetable soup. As for some _,they also have fish,mutton and beef. You can also eat some vegetables here. Onions,tomatoes,_ and cabbages are all here for you. You can enjoy half _ on weekends. I really hope you can come to this restaurant and enjoy the nice food!11 . AliveBhaveCputDspend12 . AhardBfreeCdeliciousDinteresting13 . AglassesBbooksCspecialsDclothes14 . AorangesBdumplingsCwaterDanimals15 . AageBcolorCsizeDkind16 . AlongBmediumCshortDold17 . AeatBseeCsellDdrink18 . AmeatBfoodCfruitDsoup19 . AcakesBpotatoesCpearsDbananas20 . AworldBpriceChourDnumber三、阅读单选Im Lucy. Im 14 years old. I come to China this year. Now Im in Beijing International Middle School. I like animals(动物). I think theyre my good friends. When I go to school this morning, I meet a man with a cage(笼子) . Five birds are in it .“ How do you get these birds?” I ask .“ I give them some food . When they come to eat it , I get them .” The man says .“ They are too poor . Why do you get them ?” I ask the man .“ Its very interesting !” The man says .“ I need to do something .” I think . I want to help the birds .“ Can I buy them ?” I ask .“ Well ,” he says , “Give me 50 yuan and your jacket .”I dont want to give my jacket to him because I like it very much . But for these birds I do it .The man gives me the cage. Then I let the birds fly out (飞出) of the cage . I am happy to do that .21 . Lucy meets a man with a cage _.Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDafter school22 . Why(为什么) does the man let the birds eat the food? _ABecause the birds want to eat it.BBecause the man like the birds.CBecause the birds are his friendsDBecause he wants to get the birds.23 . What does the underline word poor mean in Chinese? _.A美丽的B可怜的C酷的D好看的24 . How much are the birds? _.A50B50 and the price of a jacket.C¥50D¥50 and the price of a jacket.25 . Which is NOT true according to the passage.? _.ALucy is a student.BLucy likes animals.CLucy sells the birds.DLucy helps the birds.Cooking shows on TV are usually all about exotic(外来的)foods. Thanks to globalization, people everywhere are introducing their taste foods to dishes from every corner of the world. At the same time, other people are discovering that food from their areas is the best kept secret. In the past few years, this movement(运动)of buying local produce keeps picking up steam because it offers a lot of benefits.For starters, local food is often tastier because it is fresher. Goods that are imported(进口)from abroad must be grown or shipped from far away, so they naturally lose some of their freshness during the journey. A simple way to test this is to compare a banana from overseas with one that was grown locally and taste. Imported goods must also be washed and packaged in plastic or other containers so they can be stored well during the journey. These materials may cause the nutritional value of these goods to decline(下降)during the shipping process. Food safety is another reason why people are choosing local produce. Todays laws on foods are different from country to country. This causes confusion and makes it difficult to check if any harmful pesticides(农药)were used. When you know the local farmer who grows your food and the fields that are used to produce it, the chances of being polluted are greatly reduced.Buying local foods can also have a beneficial influence on the environment. By supporting local growers , consumers(消费者)can keep green space and farmland in their communities in good condition. Buying local also helps to build the local community. If farmers can sell directly to consumers instead of middlemen, they will earn more money for their families. Additional profits(利润)also make farmers care for their soil and keep quality standards high. In the end, its a win-win situation for both parties.If you are interested in increasing more local foods into your diet, you can start by attending a farmers market in your area. This is an open market where farmers sell fruits, vegetables, and meat directly to the public. If you have any questions about the production process or quality of these goods, you can ask the farmers directly. Once you experience the freshness of local foods for yourself, it might be difficult to go back to the supermarket.26 . Why does the writer encourage us to buy local foods in the passage?AThey look fresher and do less harm to our health.BThey are often sold at a lower price in the open markets.CThey are strictly checked before coming into the markets.DThey are washed and packed with plastic carefully.27 . What does the underlined phrase “picking up steam mean in the passage?Ataking offBspeeding upCcutting downDdepending on28 . What can we infer from the passage?AAll the cooking shows on TV will support local foods.BLocal foods will replace the imported ones completely.CThe green space and farmland will be developed better.DAn agreement will be reached on laws of worlds foods.29 . Whats the best title for the passage?AThe Basic Information about Local FoodsBLocal Foods in Different CountriesCMaking Tasty Dishes from Local FoodsDLearning to Love Locally-Grown FoodsArchie is a boy with dreams. His dreams are never boring and he is quite clever. He always thinks of them in the day. Sometimes he comes up with exciting ways to play. One day, he made a gokart. That was one of his dreams. He got his friends in it and that made his friends feel happy. It really ran fast on the road. After that, he dreamed of a big and nice park. But when he told his friends, they told him not to do that. They said it was too difficult to do. Archie wasnt happy because he couldnt go on his dream. But he still thought of it. His friends couldnt believe him. He knew it was difficult, but he started. Finally, Archie had his park. It was fun and many people liked it. If you believe in your dream, you can do it.30 . How are Archies dreams?ABoring.BFun.CSmall.DLarge.31 . The underlined word “gokart” may be a kind of _.AfoodBcarCsportDhouse32 . Which of the following is TRUE?AArchie was successful at last.BArchie didnt have friends.CArchie only liked dreams.DArchie didnt play sports well.四、语法填空阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Do you like going to the movies? Most_the students like movies very much. Last Friday, I went to a middle school and_(ask)some students about their favorite movies. Some of their answers were really interesting. Here are the_(result). Jeff, an 11-year-old boy, likes watching scary movies because they are scary but_(excite). Laura_stand documentaries(纪录片). She tells me they are for parents. But she really likes sitcoms because they are_(fun). Tony is a big boy. He says he_(not mind)documentaries. But he doesnt like sitcoms because he thinks they are_(bored). And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone enjoys_(they)very much.What does Rick like best? Cartoons!He always_(watch)cartoons when he is free. He likes cartoon characters(角色)a lot.33 . _34 . _35 . _36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _五、多任务混合问题任务型阅读。Food and exercise are very important for our health. Many people exercise to keep thin and healthy. (1) They do many kinds of sports. Diet is popular. People on diets(节食的人) do not eat much food. They only eat fruit and vegetables. They dont eat candies or cakes. A diet is not necessary(必要的) if we do not eat between meals. Some people like to eat many times a day. This is called “snacking”. Before you have rice, you may have some soup. For breakfast you may eat well. Eat till (直到) you are full for lunch. For (2) _ you may eat little. Jogging(漫跑) is very popular in America. It helps to keep us strong and healthy.43 . 把(1)处划线句子翻译成汉语。_44 . 回答问题:What do people on diets only eat?_45 . 在文中找出与所给句子意思相同的句子,并写在下面的横线上。We may keep strong and healthy by jogging._46 . 在(2)处填上适当的词,使句子通顺,并将该词写在下面的横线上。_47 . 找出文章的主题句,并写在下面的横线上。_六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句48 . twelve, she, this, is, year_ .49 . Is, her, English, mother, teacher, an_ .50 . feel, you, or, warm , cool , do_ ?51 . draws, school, often, she, after_ .52 . like,you,of,do,this,shoes,pair_ ?七、材料作文53 . Write a passage at least words about the topic “My friend_s birthday party” Suggested questions:(1)When and where was the birthday party?(2)What did you do at the party?(3)How was the party?_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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