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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文6选5从所给的AF选项中选出最佳选项填入短文中的空白处。Hello, boys and girls! Im Mr. Lee, your headmaster(校长). Welcome to our school.1 . On September 22nd, we have a school trip in the morning.2 . You can bring some drink and food. October is a great and busy month. On the 12th and 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 25th.3 . You can show your parents around (带参观) our school. Next month, on November 18th,4 . You can buy some useful books. On Christmas Day, we have an English party.5 . Please come and join in it. This is a really busy term. Have a good time!AYour parents can come to our school. BWe have many fun shows (节目). CThis term we have some interesting and fun things for you. DWe have a book sale in the school library. EWe have a New Years Day party. FWell go to the Childrens Park (公园).二、阅读单选Nobody laughed when the UK comedy show Little Britain toured the US. One character was a woman who was sick whenever she saw a foreigner. Another was a loud and rude 15-year-old girl cursing at her teachers. But back home British people were laughing thinking “Yes! Thats exactly what were like!”A laugh is a laugh in any language but the reasons for it can be very different. Britons and Americans speak the same language but humor does not always translate.The Office, a UK TV series(连续剧), was changed for the US. Both the US and UK series are set in a boring workplace in a boring town. But David Brent the boss of the UK office is not a nice guy like Michael Scott in the US version. “We had to make Michael Scott a slightly nicer guy.” wrote series creator Ricky Gervais. “He couldnt be too mean.”Gervais said British people are different from Americans because “ Britons make fun of people we like or dislike”. He believes the differences between the American and British senses of humor come from different education background. “Americans are brought up to believe they can be the next president of the United States” he wrote. “ Britons are told It wont happen to you.”Things usually turn out fine at the end of every US Office episode(集). But in David Brents office - and in lots of UK comedies -the last scene is often sad. You are often left with the feeling that things just couldnt get worse. Cultural differences are no laughing matter. But comic differences can be a window into a Culture.6 . What is the purpose of the first paragraph?ATo show that British humor is not funny at all.BTo show that American people dont understand British people.CTo show that Britain and America have different stereotypes.DTo show how humor may mean different things in different cultures.7 . Which of the following statements about The Office is TRUE according to the passage?ADavid Brent is quite a nice guy.BMichael Scott is a rather a mean guy.CEpisodes in the UK version often end on a hopeless note.DEpisodes in the US version often end in a boring way.8 . What is the authors opinion of comic differences?AThey are slight differences that can be ignored.BThey can partly show cultural differences.CThey show stereotypes of different cultures.DThey help people communicate with each other.9 . How does the writer explain his opinion?AAnswering questionsBMaking surveysCGiving examplesDTelling stories.If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Little Prince小王子. Its a famous novel written by a French writer. As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects(方言). Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book, an American director has found a way to make it into a 3D animated film.The book tells the story of a pilot(飞行员), called The Aviator, who crashes(撞击)into the desert and meets a young prince there. However, in the film, the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older. He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world. Slowly, the Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time. The pages are finished with the pictures in the book, speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl to a surprising world where anything is possible.China is the first country in the world to see the film in two languages-in Chinese and English. The film shows The Little Girls life and tells The Little Princes story at the same time in a beautiful way.Huang Lei, who voices the film together with his 9-year-old daughter, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most grown-ups in this stressed-out society.“The most touching part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like the Little Prince, and its a pity that this good nature goes away as time flies,” he says.10 . The novel The Little Prince was written in the_ .A1900sB1940sC1990sD2010s11 . The book The Little Prince is one of the best-selling books in history because _.Ayou must know about it if you love reading booksBit shows The Little Princes story in a beautiful wayCit has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialectsDthe director has made it into a 3D animated film12 . What does the underlined word”good-natured”mean?AkindBfriendlyChelpfulDall above13 . How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince?AShe reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.BHer mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world.CThe Aviator takes her to a surprising world.DShe moves home next to The Aviator.14 . According to the passage, which is Huang Leis idea?AHe doesnt believe the good nature is lost as we grow older in this stressed-out society.BHe thinks all of us should keep our better nature and never let it go away.CHe feels excited because he can see the film in two versions first.DHe and his daughter voice the film together.Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。)Kitty wrote an article about the English Week in their school.Many schools have an English Day or English Week every year. Students love it and they usually take an active part in it.Last week our school had an English Week. We did everything in English. The Students Union organized (组织) many activities. Each class put up a special wallpaper outside their classroom. There was an English speech contest on how to be a good student in the new century. Many students and teachers enjoyed it. There were also a lot of English riddles on the walls of the school gym. I got three prizes because I guessed many riddles.On the last day, all the teachers and students gathered (聚集) in the school hall. We had the closing ceremony of the English Week there. We also invited some students from an American School. First, our headmaster made a closing speech in English. Then we watched some performances by some students and teachers. There were short plays, dances, piano-playing group sing, etc. This was really wonderful closing ceremony. We enjoyed every minute of it. We are all looking forward to the next English Week.15 . Many schools have an English Day or English Week _.Aonce a weekBonce a yearConce a termDevery two years16 . _ organized the activities during the English Week.AThe Chinese teachersBThe English teachersCThe Students UnionDThe students from an American School17 . Each class put up its special wallpaper _.Ain the gymBoutside their classroomCoutside the gymDin front of the hall18 . What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 referto? (指)Athe new centuryBthe English WeekCthe English speech contestDthe special wallpaper19 . What does the underlined word ceremony in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?A活动B展览C会议D典礼20 . They invited students from an American School to _.Athe speech contestBthe International WeekCthe riddle contestDthe closing ceremony of the English Week三、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。it, favorite, but, music, Saturday, think, teacher, play, for, difficultGina and John are good friends. They are in the same school, 21 . they are not in the same class. Ginas 22 . subject is geography. She thinks 23 . is really interesting. Mr. Green is her geography 24 . . He is a good teacher. John likes P.Avery much. He 25 . its fun. He likes to 26 . tennis with his friends. Its relaxing 27 . him. He doesnt like math because its 28 . . Friday is their favorite day, because the next day is 29 . . Their school has a 30 . festival this Sunday. They can enjoy(享受)great music.Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This 31 . that other parts of the countrys economy will be in trouble.On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people will lose jobs. Businesses will also lose money. It 32 . a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, broad roads, and other things needed. For example, a five-star tourism hotel needs 33 . 50 thousand dollars per room to build.Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities(支撑设施)as well, 34 . roads to get to the hotel, electricity, and sewers(下水道)to handle waste and water. All of these support facilities cost money.四、多任务混合问题What do you think is the most common illness? Do you get ill sometimes? We are lucky to live now, because there are lots of medicines to make people better.The most common illness in the world is the cold. It often begins with a sore throat. Then you sneeze and your nose runs. You usually have a headache too. Often you cough later. Its not a very bad illness, but you can feel quite ill. There isnt a cure (治愈方法) for a cold, but you can take medicines to make you feel better. For instance, aspirin (阿斯匹林) can stop your headache. It is good to rest, and to drink a lot of water too. A doctor once said to me, “With the proper medicine, a cold will continue for seven days. With no medicine, it will continue for a whole week!”Where does our medicine come from? A long time ago, people knew that some plants made them feel better. They ate the leaves, the roots, the fruit, or the seeds of plants. For instance, the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better. In modern times, scientists have looked at these plants, and found out which chemicals are in them. Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicals.There are some illnesses which we cant cure yet. And nobody has found a cure for old age. But because of modern medicines, most people now live longer than their grandparents_1题完成句子;2-3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。35 . When a person catches a cold, he can _ to feel better.36 . How long does a cold usually continue? _37 . What are our modern medicines made from?_38 . _39 . _Hello, boys and girls.(A)Glad_to_meet_you. Im a Chinese girl. My names Li Ping. Now Im in Wuhan. Im in Class Five. Im 12 years old. Whats my father? He is an English teacher. Im in his school. Look! This is my friend, David Green. His family name is (B)_. Hes (C)_only_eleven_years_old. He is in Wuhan with his father now. (D)_He_is_in_the_same(相同的)_class_with_me. Hes American, (E)_ he can speak Chinese well. His Chinese name is Yao Ming because(因为) his favourite sport is basketball and he likes Yao Ming best(最)根据短文内容,完成下列各题。40 . 写出(A)处画线句子的同义句。_41 . 在(B)(E)处填入合适的单词。_42 . 对(C)处画线部分提问。_43 . 将(D)处画线句子翻译成汉语。_44 . 回答问题。Whats Davids favourite sport?_五、材料作文45 . 书面表达66.假设你是林涛,请给你的美国笔友Gina写一封电子邮件,请你根据下面表格信息,介绍端午节你和家人出去游玩的情景。PlaceTransportationActivitiesFeelingXixi Wetland(西溪湿地)take a buswatch the boat raceeat zongzi.提示:(1)短文必须包括表格内容,可适当发挥;(2)词数:不少于65。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。Dear Gina,We had a great time on the Dragon Boat Festival.Yours,Lin Tao第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、补全短文6选51、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、四、多任务混合问题1、2、五、材料作文1、


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