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人教版2019-2020学年九年级第二学期统测试(3月份)英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Roy was a rich and clever boy, but nothing could make him happy. One day, his parents bought him a very old mirror from a mysterious old man. Roy looked into the mirror and saw a_ reflection(映像). He tried smiling, but his reflection remained sad-looking.Surprised, Roy went off to buy some sweets, toys and a pair of sports shoes. He then came home as _ as he could be, and looked into the mirror again, but he still looked sad in it. Roy got _ and said to himself, “What a terrible mirror! It doesnt work at all! ” Then, he dropped it in a corner.Later that _, he decided to go to the park. On his way, he saw a little girl _ so hard. Roy went over to see what happened. The little girl told him that she had _ her parents. Roy felt sorry for her and bought her some candies to make her happy. Then, the two children set off to _ the girls parents. After much walking, they finally found her parents, who were so grateful to Roy.Roy said goodbye to the little girl and her parents and went towards _. But seeing it was getting dark, he decided to turn around and go home instead. When he got home, he_ a shining light in the corner where he had dropped the mirror. He went over to the mirror and found that the light was coming from his own body, so radiant( 光芒四射的) with happiness. Suddenly, Roy understood the secret of that mirror: it could only reflect the true happiness of its owner. He also realized that his true happiness was making _ happy.1 . AsadBhappyCanxiousDstrange2 . AsatisfiedBcheerfulCconfidentDdisappointed3 . AnervousBashamedCconfusedDannoyed4 . AmorningBnoonCafternoonDevening5 . AcryingBcomplainingCbeggingDshouting6 . AleftBlostChurtDforgot7 . Alook atBlook outClook afterDlook for8 . Ahis homeBher homeCthe parkDthe shop9 . AprovedBnoticedCreceivedDmet10 . Athe girlBhimselfCothersDthe mirror二、阅读单选In the future, more and more people will move to big cities. To prepare for this, cities are becoming smarter and more efficient, with the help of big data.Local governments are already collecting lots of important data. For example, there are sensors(感测器)that measure noise, pollution and traffic. This is known as smart city technology. In the future, this data will make our lives much easier, by helping us save energy and keep the city tidy. There might even be smart posts that cull clean the air, or robots that empty rubbish bins when they are full.Such technologies may be far off in the future, but others are just around the corner: self-driving cars are today being tested all around the world. Experts believe that this technology will change what cities look like. If self-driving taxis can use smart city data to find the best way to take you to your destination(目的地), there will be fewer traffic jams and more space for you to walk or ride a bike. People will probably stop buying cars altogether.: drones(无人机)are becoming more and more common nowadays. Cheap and fastdrone delivery services are only a few years away, and the sky above our heads will soon be very crowded. Hopefully, smart city technology will help prevent traffic jams in the air. Perhaps, drones will one day be able to transport people around town. Then, you could fly wherever you want to go!To summarize, the cities of the future will be very different. What kind of city would you like to live in when you grow up?11 . Why are the sensors mentioned in the second paragraph?ATo show that cities are becoming much smarter.BTo explain why there are more people in big cities.CTo help people in cities live a more exciting life.DTo invent some new ways of keeping the city tidy.12 . What is a good result of using self-driving technology?AThere will be fewer cars in the future.BFew people will ride a bike around.CPeople will have better driving skills.DAll the car factories will go out of business.13 . Which can be put in ?ABut there will be traffic jams in the airBNew technology will appear in the futureCChange is not only happening on the groundDTechnology will surely play a part in our future life14 . What is the best title for the passage?ATransportation in the Future.BImportant Data in Cities.CSmart City Technology.DThe Cities of the Future.For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by enormous (巨大的) tsunamis(海啸). These awful sudden risings of the sea are caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanic actions. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a disaster.Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody and passed quickly. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running away from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide stretches of beach that had never been seen before.With a grasp, Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new beach land.“Get back!” shouted the boy, “There is a terrible danger!”But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand and watched the sea roll backward even more.Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and began burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!”When everyone reached the mountain-top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers cursed him. Just then, someone shouted, “Look!”In the distance what seemed to be a huge dark line was speeding towards the shore. As it got nearer the people realized the long thin line of darkness was the returning sea, towering like a mountain.The villagers watched in terror as the water struck the shore, smashing over their homes then tearing out the land as it receded.On the mountain everyone stared speechlessly at the destruction below.“Im sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.“Yuuki,” village-chief answered. “You saved us all.”The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going tocelebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now well celebrate that were all still alive!”15 . Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?AOn the beach.BOn the mountain.CIn the rice fields.DAt his family home.16 . In what order did the following events take place?a. Yuuki set fire to the rice fields.b. The villagers laughed and played on the beach.c. The land was torn away by the water.d. Yuuki ran to warn the villagers.e. The villagers stared at the destruction.f. The people were cursing Yuuki.Ad, b, e, a, c, fBb, a, d, e, c, fCd, b, a, f, c, eDa, d, b, e, f, c17 . How did Yuuki save the villagers from the disaster?AHe told them about the earthquake.BHe explained why the sea was flowing out.CHe told the village chief to warn the people.DHe set fire to the rice field.18 . What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?AHarvest the rice crop.BPlay on the beach.CClimb the mountain.DCelebrate the rice harvest.Anna was a 9-year-old girl from a small village. She got very pleased knowing that she was accepted by a very famous school in a city.Today was her first day of school. When seeing her simple clothes and knowing that she came from a small village, other students started making fun of her. The teacher soon arrived and asked everyone to keep quiet. She introduced Anna to the class and told them that she would study with them from that day on.Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test. She told everyone to write down the Seven Wonders of the world. Everyone started to write their answers quickly. Only Anna thought for a while, then began to write. After everyone handed in their answer papers, the teacher started to read everyones answer and most of the students answered correctly. Their answers included the Great Wall of China, Great Pyramid(金字塔), Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)and so on.The teacher was happy as the students still remembered what she had taught them. In the end, she picked up Annas paper and started reading, “The seven wonders areto be able to see, to be able to hear, to be able to feel, to laugh, to think, to be kind and to love!”The teacher stood there without any word and the whole class was in silence. Today, the girl from a small village reminded them about the valuable gifts that God has given them, which are true wonders.19 . Annas _ introduced her to the whole class.AclassmateBparentCteacherDfriend20 . The other students made fun of Anna because of her _.ApronunciationBmistakesCcarelessnessDclothes21 . The students were asked to be ready for _.Athe surprise testBthe ball gameCthe new lessonDthe class meeting22 . Annas answers included being _.ArichBbeautifulCsmartDkind23 . In Annas opinion, the true wonders are _.Athe buildings that people have builtBthe gifts that God has given usCthe wealth that people have madeDthe inventions that scientists have inventedMy name is Chen Chen.My father works in a bank.The bank is far from our home.He goes to work by bike.My mother teaches math in a middle school.Her school is near our home.So she often goes to school on foot.She likes her work very much.My aunt is a farmer.She has a small farm(农场).She has a daughter named Qin Meimei.We are good friends.Her favorite sport is ping-pong.We often play ping-pong and do our homework on weekends.24 . Chen Chens fathers bank ishis home.AbeforeBbehindCfar fromDnear25 . Qin Meimei calls Chen Chens mother.AworkerBauntCdoctorDsister26 . How does Chen Chens mother go to work?AOn foot.BBy bike.CBy bus.DBy car.27 . This passage is mainly(主要地) about.AQin MeimeiBChen Chens familyCChen Chens friendsDQin Meimeis friends三、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答卷对应题号的横线上。(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)28 . Everyone knows that morning exercises _ (bring) us health.29 . The children _(teach) to skate last year and now they can skate very well.30 . What _(happen) to your friend this afternoon? She looked unhappy.31 . What should I do, doctor? _ (keep) healthy, you should take more exercise.32 . The couple _ (talk) about something important. Youd better leave them alone.33 . I cant find her because I _ (forget) where she lives.34 . Attention, please. We dont allow _ (skate) here.35 . Detective Lu promised to the victim that he _ (catch) the robber in the near future.四、单词填空八、根据短文内容和所给首字母填空Mr. White has a small shop in the c36 . of our town, and he sells pictures in it. They are not expensive, but some of them are quite n37 . .One day, a woman comes into the shop and looks at a l38 . of pictures. Then she asks Mr. White to show o39 . of them and says,“How much do you w40 . for this one?” It is a picture of horses in a field.Mr. White looks at it for a f41 . seconds and then goes to bring his book. He opens it, looks at the f42 . page and then says, “I want twenty pounds for that one.” The woman closes her e43 . for a moment and then says, “I can give you two pounds f44 . it.” “Two pounds?” Mr. White says angrily. “Two pounds? But the canvas (画布) c45 . more than two pounds.” “Oh, but it isnt clean now,” the woman says.五、语法填空Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to 46 . (we) Golden Sun Club. Im Cathy. Let me show you around. 47 . (one), lets go to the music room. There48 . (be) thirty students in it. Miss Green is teaching. She is good at music and good with kids. Next, we are going to another room- a49 . room. Look, the children 50 . (paint) very carefully. That is their teacher, Mr. Cooper. He is very kind and 51 . (friend). Finally, its time52 . (visit) the chess room. Here all the students are very quiet. The tall man with short hair is their teacher, Mr. White. He always 68. a53 . early every morning and helps clean the room. He makes w54 . . Kids say he is just l 55 . their father.In the end, I hope all of you have fun here and welcome to join us.六、回答问题Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two children. It is one for many children. Its a family.Imagine living on a cold street because there is no other place to stay. These children need a home. They need Dream house.Once upon a time a little girl named Collin Rose decided to offer a warm home to these sick and homeless children. When she grew up,she became a nurse and made her dream come true. In November, 2003,Collin Rose set up Dream house.Collin Roses efforts(努力)have encouraged many people to help sick and homeless children.“Every child should have a happy childhood. We may help make these children s lives better. Your small help can help them change their lives greatly. No help is too small!” Collin Rose said.56 . Where is Dream House?_57 . What was Collin Roses job when she grew up?_58 . Would you like to help others? Why or why not?_七、材料作文59 . 书面表达假如你是英国交换生 Tom Green (15 岁,已在建湖生活了一年,会说中文),建湖图书馆正在招募英语志愿者,你希望成为其中一员,帮助小孩子学会阅读英文原版绘本(English original picture books),你每周六有空参与志愿者活动。请依据下列图表给工作人员写一封申请信。注意:1、可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。 2、词数100左右(开头结尾已经写好,不计入总词数);Tom Greenpersonal information personal advantage personal promise English a book lover Saturday Dear Sir/Madam,Im an exchange student from the UK. YoursSincerelyTom Green第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、


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