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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期第二次月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、听长对话回答问题听一段对话,选出回答以下问题的正确答案。1 . Where are they talking?Ain a toy shopBin a pet shopCin a zoo2 . What will the woman buy for her son?Aa rabbitBa dogCa parrot听一段对话,选出回答以下问题的正确答案。3 . How many glasses of water does Tina drink every day?AfiveBsixCseven4 . How long may Tina live without water?Afive daysBsix daysCseven days听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。5 . What day is it today?AMonday.BThursday.CSaturday.6 . How often do the cousins get together?AOnce a week.BOnce a month.COnce a year.7 . How many Cokes will Peter buy?ASeven.BNine.CEleven.二、单选题8 . My grandmother wash my clothes by hand but now she doing it with the washing machine.Aused to, used toBis used to; is used toCis used to; used toDused to, is used to9 . When the teacher asks him, he always _.Akeep silentBkeeps silentlyCkeeps silent10 . -Who do you think can do the voluntary work?-_ who is willing to help can do it.ANo oneBAnyoneCSomeoneDNeither11 . We must people from cutting down the trees.AprotectBpreventCgetDput12 . The police have been looking for the missing boy in the mountains for days.Any good news?Asearching forBleading toChearing from13 . Our government has tried many ways to _ the smog(雾霾) problem. Maybe well have a clear sky in the near future.Aput awayBwork outCcome up withDarrive at14 . In our school, for safety concerns, uncooked vegetables are not allowed to appear on our dining table.AunhealthyBrawCfreshDunnatural15 . -Whats wrong whti you, Eric? You look tired.-I _ late to prepare for the final exam last night.Apicked upBstayed upCwoke upDput up16 . Tom will be able to find the restaurant , he has a pretty good _ of direction.AideaBfeelingCexperienceDsense17 . I forget to my pen. Would you lend (借) me one?AtakeBbringCcarryDcatch18 . Mom told Carla to cut this big apple _ half.AofBtoCinDwith19 . By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was quite out of _.AdateBplaceCbreathDquestion20 . -Is Peter in the_? -Yes. He is taking a shower.AkitchenBbathroomCplaygroundDtoilet21 . Why is Judy so busy all these days? Because she is _ new markets.Apicking upBopening upClooking up22 . Is it better to listen to others advice than to _ decision on ones own?AmakeBhaveCtakeDdo三、完型填空Jose grew up in a poor Puerto Rican neighborhood in New York City. He was not only poor but also blind.When Jose was still very young, a friend_a $10 guitar for him and Jose taught himself to_songs with it. At the age of ten, he took his_to a theatre and played_the audience. Jose played very well. People stood up and_for the_boy. Jose said that day was the start of his_By the time he was twenty, he became well-known. Then he made a(an)_record called “Light My Fire”. It was his first record. Then, Jose became one of the famous stars in_Now Jose writes his own songs and_all over the world. Jose thinks it all started with the $10 guitar!23 . AgaveBsentCboughtDlent24 . AplayBwriteCsingDmake25 . AparentsBfriendCrecordDguitar26 . AforBwithCatDin27 . AshoutedBclappedClaughedDjumped28 . AcleverBbrightCblindDquiet29 . AinterestBprojectCsuccessDlife30 . AusefulBexcellentCcreativeDimportant31 . AsportsBtheatreCcultureDmusic32 . AsucceedsBinterviewsCperformsDexplores四、阅读单选A series of Chinese landscapes (风景) created by an AI (人工智能) robot, named Gemini, is shown in London.It was believed to be the first AI-made ink work. Ink Now Chairman Calvin Hui sees it as the start of the tech ink times.It took Victor Wong, the Hong Kong artist, around three years to build and program Gemini. He has been interested in traditional art since he was young. Few younger people nowadays care about ink, so I decided to bring technology and ink art together. says the artist, I want to tell them that ink painting is not that hard to do.Each landscape painting can take around 60 hours to finish. First, the robot artist creates his own landscape in his AI mind. Then hes traveling inside his mind and picking up an angle (角度) because its 3D. After that he uses an arm that puts the brush into ink and water before sweeping across Xuan paper to create Chinese Shuimo artwork.However, in some peoples opinion, whether robots can create ink art like human artists is not sure because the ink lines were too, straight while works created by human hands are better. Im open to all comments, he said, Im keeping an open mind as to whether machine-made art can be seen as art. But I hope it will bring an imagination to artists on how to mix technology while painting or creating.33 . The underlined word it in the first paragraph refers to _.AGeminiBthe ink workCChinese landscapeDAI34 . Victor Wong decided to bring technology and ink art together because _.AYounger people arent interested in inkByounger people know little of AI.Che wants to build GeminiDink painting is not hard35 . According to paragraph 4, Gemini works in the order of _.sweep across Xuan paperput the brush into ink and watercreate his landscapepick up an angleABCD36 . The underlined word comments means _.A想象B创造C进步D评论37 . The purpose (目的) of the passage is mainly to _.Ashow us Chinese Shuimo artBtell the story of Victor WongCintroduce AI ink artDmake Gemini more popularSome parents dont know how to talk about sensitive(敏感的)topics(话题)with young childrenIn fact,our kids know about them from TV,movies,magazines and school friendsIf we dont talk with them early and often,they may get_from othersSo start to talk with them nowStart earlyKids know about some sensitive topics at early agesYou are a parentYou have a good chance to talk with your child about these things first.Start conversations with your childStart the discussion ourselvesTV is a good topicIf you and your 12-year-old child watch a TV show,ask your child,“Do you like the show ?Why or why not?”and then discuss with your childListen to your childDo we know about our childrens ideas ?Do we know about our children and have a talk with them38 . What does the underlined word “them”refer to(指代)?AMoviesBMagazinesCSchool friendsDSensitive topics39 . There areways of talking about sensitive topics with childrenAtwoBthreeCfour D five40 . This passage is forAteachersBstudentsCparentsDdoctorsMy Dog MandyThis is Mandy. She is the best dog! I got her a few months ago when she was just a little puppy(baby dog). She has grown a lot since then! She is a small,brown and white dog with a cute nose and ears.Over the past few months we have become good friends. We have spent lots of time together having fun. We go to the park almost every day. We have friends that we meet at the park, so Mandy has other dogs to play with. They run and bark(犬吠) together. Mandy is a small dog but she barks quite loudly. Mandy has learned how to catch a ball. Her favorite toy is a small blue and yellow ball that she can catch in her mouth very easily. She has short legs but she can jump high! It is a game that she likes to play,so we have played it a lot! She is happy and wags (摇)her tail when she catches the ball.She has been good company. Mandy has learned how to jump up on my lap(大腿) when we are at home. Mandy and I have become very close friends and I love her a lot.41 . What does Mandy look like?AShe has a small nose.BShe has big ears.CShe is large,black and white.DShe is small,brown and white.42 . The writer often takes Mandy to the park because _.AMandy likes to barkBMandy likes jumpingCMandy wants to have funDThe park is beautiful43 . What can we learn about the writer and Mandy?AThey often run together.BThey work in the same company.CThey often watch games together.DThey are good friends.Years ago, many zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages. Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals, but a small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in.Today zoos keep animals in different kinds ofcagas. The cages are very big and open. They usually have plants and a little lake. The cages look like the animals living places.Zoos help to protect all kinds of animals. They protect animals in the zoo and animals in the wild (野外). How do they do this? Zoos tell people how animals llve in the wild. Zoos want people to help protect the animals wild living places.Why should we protect animals wild living places?Many plants and animals are going extinct.Extinct means that every one ora kind of plant or animal has died. The dodo is an extinct bird. There are no dodos anymore in the world. Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct every day!Zoos are working together to stop animals from going extinct.44 . What are the cages in zoos like now?ABig and open.BBig and closed.CSmall and open.DSmall and closed.45 . What does the underlined word extinct mean?A驯服B绝迹C野生D濒危46 . Which sentence does the passage make us believe?APeople should not have zoos now.BSmall cages are good for animals to live in.CThere are only about 74 dodos in the world now.DTodays zoos are different from many zoos years ago.English ABecause its never too late to start learning English Course structure and goalsA basic course that improves different English skills. Lessons focus on pronunciation of words and sounds, listening, practicing casual English, reading and combining all of these skills together.We learn through introducing ourselves to friends and family, discussing everyday activities, food, restaurants, shopping and places.This course is for People who have learned very little English in the past.Duration(学时)Class meets once a week over an 8-month period.Moreover, students can take advantage of our extra lessons, for an additional hour per week.At the end of the course the student will Understand sentences and phrases dealing with topics such as: personal and family information, shopping, geography, etc. Read short and simple sentences, find information in everyday texts, such as: advertising, menus, etc. Have short conversations. Communicate through simple everyday tasks. Describe their personal background, living conditions and other information about their surroundings. Write short and simple notes, messages and personal letters.47 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AYou have to finish all the courses online.BYou can get extra lessons for an hour a day.CThe course includes different English skills.DOnly children can join in this English course.48 . The information of the passage is about .Asome ways to learn English wellBa course for English beginnersCthe reasons for learning EnglishDsome advice from an English teacher49 . After finishing this course, you can .Aknow much about English countriesBunderstand long and difficult English textsCtalk about everything with foreigners freelyDcommunicate with others in short conversations50 . The passage is mostly likely to be found from a .AnovelBreportCwebsiteDstory五、听短文填写表格51 . Where does Jenny live?_52 . What do some children like doing in summer?_53 . How are the people in Jennys hometown?_54 . What do you think of Jennys hometown?_六、语法填空.(A)2016年11月,著名影星成龙获得好莱坞第八界奥斯卡终身成就奖。在领奖台上,他仍不敢相信自己获奖,激动不己,讲述了对自己的承诺及56年的打拼历程,并感谢了那些让他有理由继续坚持拍电影的人们。下面是他的获奖感言,请帮助服完成短文。每空一词。Ladies and gentlemen I still cant believe Im standing here. Its a dream. Long long ago, when I watched the Oscar ,my dad always asked when I could 55 . one of these Oscars, I just smiled .Many years later I came to Hollywood and met some big directors , I saw this little thing in my friends house. Then I talked to 56 . ,”I really want one. ”After 56 years hard work , I made57 . than 200 films. Finally ,this is mine I want to thank you ,Hong Kong China ,Im58 . to be a Chinese. Last, but not the least ,millions of thanks to my friends ,fans around the world. Because of you I have a 59 . to go on to make movies. Thats all, thank you ! Ladies and gentlemen I still cant believe Im standing here. Its a dream. Long long ago, when I watched the Oscar ,my dad always asked when I could 60 . one of these Oscars, I just smiled .Many years later I came to Hollywood and met some big directors , I saw this little thing in my friends house. Then I talked to 61 . ,”I really want one. ”After 56 years hard work , I made62 . than 200 films. Finally ,this is mine I want to thank you ,Hong Kong China ,Im63 . to be a Chinese. Last, but not the least ,millions of thanks to my friends ,fans around the world. Because of you I have a 64 . to go on to make movies. Thats all, thank you ! 七、材料作文假如你校将开展以“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛,以增强同学们的安全意识,提高自我保护能力。请你根据以下内容要点写出5句话。How to Keep safe1. 慎重交友2. 不向陌生人透露个人信息3. 不给陌生人开门4. 遇险报警5. 遵守交通规则65 . _66 . _67 . _68 . _69 . _第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、五、听短文填写表格1、六、语法填空1、七、材料作文1、


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