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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kitty doesnt like sports and she never does _. Its not good for health.Asome exerciseBany exercisesCsome exerciseDany exercise2 . There is _report in todays newspaper. Its about _sports meeting that will be held in Guiyang.Athe; theBan; theCa; theDa; a3 . She with her friends often _ Tom _ his English in the class.Ahelp, withBhelp, to doChelps, doingDhelps, with4 . Our rain forests are_ , so we should protect them.AdangerousBin dangerCin safety5 . -I think its impossible for us to work out the plan in just two days. Its too difficult.-Youre right. We cant be _ careful and hard while working on it.AveryBtooCsoDmore6 . Where would you like to go on a vacation? Id love to go _.Asomewhere relaxingBanywhere relaxedCsomewhere relaxedDeverywhere relaxing7 . It _ an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it needs a lifetime to forget someone. Be kind to others. They will bring happiness to you.AcostsBtakesCspends8 . - When were you born?- I was born _ November 6th, 1996.AinBonCatDWho9 . Is it interesting with a dog?AplayingBplayCto playDplays10 . What does Linda like to do in her free time?. She often plays _ guitar.AaB/Cthe11 . Do you go to bed at nine, Linda?_. I have lots of things to do at night.AYes, I doBYes, she doesCNo, I dontDNo, she doesnt12 . Not only Li Hua bur also I _ in Class Two .AamBisCareDbe13 . Susan borrowed some books from me, but she forgot to _them to me.AbringBlendCborrowDreturn14 . Grandpa_newspapers every day in order to keep up with the changing situation.Alooks upBlooks backClooks onDlooks through15 . I am quite sure _ the second answer. I think I am right.AduringBforCwithDabout16 . When and where shall we meet tomorrow?Lets _ it 3:00 p. m. at my home.AdoBmakeCmeet17 . 一_will the fog and haze last?一Ive no ideathere is no sign of an endAHow soonBHow farCHow longDHow often18 . -_ do people _ the baby girl? -Helen.AHow ,callBWhat, sayCHow, tellDWhat ,call19 . Li Lei _knew any Japanese, did he ? AhardlyBdidntCdoesntDdont20 . I discovered that listening to _is the secret _language learning.Asomething interested, toBinteresting something, ofCsomething interested, ofDsomething interesting , to二、补全短文7选5阅读理解七选五。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。How often do we read this story? A sports team is having a bad time, losing games one after the other. You know what nearly always happens, the manager is dismissed( 被解雇). He may be popular. He may have been successful in recent years, but a few games have been lost, so he has to go.21 . They win the next game and everything becomes time again. How can one person make such a difference?The simple answer to the question of what makes a good leader, as any football manager knows is success.22 . Until recently, the comparison between business and games wasnt often made. But success in business and success in sports are very similar. 23 . In both business and sports, you have to first know what your aims are and how you want to get there. And you need to understand your own abilities and then make the most of them.24 . . There are also important similarities in the way good managers in business and sports work with others to succeed. You need to unify ( 使成一体) the team and win their hearts. This is not the same as being popular. Most players in a team will be unhappy when a new manager turns everything upside down and changes the “normal” way of doing things. But if the manager can show that he believes in the team, they will put their unhappiness aside.25 . And if the success doesnt come, what will happen? Well, dismiss the manager, of course.ABut these two things are not enough.BYet, as if by magic, things suddenly start to change. CAfter all, both of them are about competition.DManaging a successful business is very different. EIts very difficult to be a good football manager. FWhen success comes, all their worries disappear.GHow to achieve it is a rather more difficult matter三、完型填空Mr. Green comes from_He now works_a middle school in our city. He has fifty students. He often says his class is too big and it is difficult for him to_with every student in English. He enjoys_black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food very much,_He doesnt_drinking milk. He likes playing football, but he_play well. His son and I_in the same class._name is Jim. We are_26 . AAmericaBAmericanCa AmericaDan American27 . AforBonCinDto28 . AsayBtalkCtellDspeak29 . Ato drinkBdrinksCdrinkDdrinking30 . AalsoBtooCeitherDso31 . AlikeBwantCdislikeDneed32 . AisntBarentCdontDdoesnt33 . AbeBamCisDare34 . AMyBYourCHisDHer35 . AteachersBdoctorsCworkersDclassmates四、阅读单选My name is Bill. Im an American boy. Im twelve. Im a student in a middle school. Im in Class1, Grade 7. Li Lei is my friend. Were in different classes. He is eleven. Here is a photo of his family. Lets look at it. His father, the one behind the tree, is a policeman. His mother, the one on the bike, is a Chinese teacher. He has two sisters. They are twins. They have a cat. Its name is Mimi. Look! Its on the floor under the table. The twins are middle school students, too. They look after(照看) me at school. We are good friends.36 . Bill is from_.AEnglandBAmericaCChinaDJapan37 . Li Lei is _.AtwelveBtenCelevenDtwo38 . Bill and Li Lei are _.AclassmatesBtwinsCfriendsDsister39 . Li Leis mother is _ in the photo.Abehind the treeBunder the tableCon the bikeDin the table40 . Who looks after Bill at school? _.AHis parentsBThe twinsCMimi and BillDHis parents and BillACompanyMobikeOFOBluegogoDingDingPublic BikeNo.Seven e-bikeNumber4000010000120007000540001000ColourSilverYellowBlueGreenOrangeWhiteSecurity Deposit(押金)2999999199300299OrderYesNoYesYesNoNoPrice of use2/h1/h1/h1/hFree (only for two hours)2/5kmFree/1kmBicycle-sharing project is popular in Nanjing. This new type of service is expected to protect our environment and encourage people to exercise. At the same time , it also reminds people to learn to share.Read the table below to find more information about them!41 . Which company has put the most bikes into Nanjing?AOFOBPublic BikeCBluegogoDMobike42 . You can order a(n) bike on your mobile phone.Ayellow or blueBorange or greenCsilver or greenDblue or white43 . If you use Bluegogo for the first time, you need to pay at leastfor it?A100B200C300D301Today is Nicks birthday. Every year on his birthday, Nick goes to the zoo with his uncle.Where do we start(开始)this year?Nick asks his uncle in the zoo.Lets get two ice-creams first ,his uncle says.What animals do you want to see?Nicks uncle asks him.Lets look at the monkeys,Nick says.Nick goes to a monkey cage(笼子). He gives his ice-cream to the monkey.Want some ?Nick asks. Dont play with animals, his uncle says. But Nick does not listen to him.The monkey comes to Nick. Suddenly, it grabs(抓住)Nicks clothes! Nick is very afraid.His uncle comes to help him quickly. He gives his ice-cream to the monkey. Then the monkey lets Nick go.44 . Nick and his uncle go to the _ on his birthday.AschoolBstoreCzooDlibrary45 . Nick _ first in the zoo.Asees the monkeysBhas breakfastCsees the pandasDbuys two ice-creams46 . The underlined word him refer to(指的是)_.ANickBNicks uncleCthe monkeyDNicks friend47 . The underlined word Suddenlymeans_ in Chinese.A突然地B简单地C幸运地D高兴地48 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe monkey is a bad animal.BWe should go out with our uncles.CDont play with animals in the zoo.DThe monkey likes Nick very much.AHe GardenPrice: Adults(成人)¥50Children ¥20Slender West LakePrice: Adults¥60Children (10 years old and over) ¥30Children (under 10 years old) free (免费的)Open: 6.00 a.m.7:00 p.m. every dayYangzhou ZooPrice: Adults ¥40Children (12 years old and over ) ¥15Children (under 12 years old) freeOpen : 7:00 a.m.6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday6.30 a.m. to 6.30p.m. on Saturday and Sunday49 . You are a student. If you go to He Garden with your parents, you should spend_.A60 yuanB90 yuanC120 yuanD150 yuan50 . You are eight years old. If you dont take any money, you_.Acant go to any placeBcan go to only one placeCcan go to two placesDcan go to three places51 . From the information, we can know _.AYangzhou Zoo is open for 12 hours a day on Tuesday.Bthe price for adults is 60 yuan in Slender West Lake.Cyou can only go to Yangzhou Zoo from Monday to Friday.Dchildren under 8 cant go to He Garden.五、句型转换. 句型转换52 . Jim is fine. (对画线部分进行提问)_ Jim?53 . Its his jacket. (改为否定句)_ jacket.54 . Is this your mothers bike?(否定回答)_,_.55 . My telephone number is 2895769. (就画线部分提问)_ telephone number?六、单词填空Hello, Tom! Nice56 . (meet) you. My name is Sally Green. My57 . (one) name is Sally.58 . is my last name? Its Green. This is my telephone. Its (59)59 . orange telephone. My telephone number is 538-9612. I hope I can be60 . (you) friend.Look61 . that nice girl. She is62 . (I) good friend, Linda. And Smith is (63)63 . (she) family name. She has a telephone, (64)64 . . What is Lindas telephone number? Its 628-1839.We65 . (be) in the same middle school. Mr Brown is our English teacher. He is from the UK. He is a good teacher. We all love him.七、回答问题My name is Dave. Im from the USA.I dont have much to say about clothes. Buying clothes at a clothes store is really boring for me. Im only a middle school student, so I never think about what to wear. I often wear the school uniform on weekdays, because its the school rule. We must follow it. I have two jackets and I often wear them on weekends.I have two T-shirts. One is a birthday present(礼物) from my father. Its white. The other(另一个) is my favorite. It is from my best friend Jack. It is red. There is a blue picture on it. Jack says he can find me easily when I wear the T-shirt at school.Amy is my sister. She is seventeen years old. She likes all kinds of colorful and beautiful clothes. Her favorite is a purple skirt. She says beautiful clothes can make her happy and relaxed.66 . What does Dave think of buying clothes at a clothes store?(不超过5个词)_67 . What does Daves favorite T-shirt look like?(不超过10个词)_68 . Why does Amy like beautiful clothes?(不超过15个词)_八、材料作文69 . 书面表达根据表格提示,以My day为题,写出自己一天的活动安排。起床5:40午饭12:00早饭6:30做作业7:00上学7:30看电视9:00上课8:00上床睡觉10:00_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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