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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一次月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kitty has more books than , but my books are more interesting than .Amine, hersBI , hersCmine, hersDI , her2 . _ is Jack. _ cup is white.AHe; HeBHe; HisCHis; HisDHis; He3 . We should know the changesthe numbers.AatBofCinDon4 . I didnt have a _, so I gave up buying my favorite dress.AcentBsignCrockDdeal5 . _ sweater is too long, but _ one is just OK.AThis; theseBThese; thoseCThose; thatDThis; that6 . am a boy.name is Frank.AI ; IBMy ; ICI; My7 . Jonhs _ a basketball lover. Look, he _ basketball over there.Aare, playsBis, playCare, is playingDis , is playing8 . Many years ago Shanghai _ a small village.AisBareCwasDwere9 . (题文)下列字母发音中含有双元音/ei/的是_。AHhBFfCDdDGg10 . “ 6,875” should be read _.Asix thousand and eight hundred and seventy fiveBsix thousand, eight hundred and seventy-fiveCsix thousand , eight hundred and seventy fiveDsix thousands , eight hundreds and seventy-five11 . _ do you learn Chinese, Tom?_ watching Chinese TV and talking with my Chinese friends.AHow;withBWhen;ByCHow;By12 . Where _ your new trousers?_ on the bed.Ais, ItsBare, TheyreCis, TheyreDare, Its13 . Please fill the bottle _milk.AofBwithCforDat14 . Hi, Dale! How are you? _, thanks.AHow are youBI am fineCGood morningDNice to meet you15 . _ you at school last night? No, I _ at home.AWas; wasBWere; wereCWere; wasDWas; were16 . What does he look like?_.AHe has a pair of smiling eyes.BHe likes singing.CHe is friendly and helpful.DHe is willing to help others.17 . Yuejiang Tower is a good place to enjoy the beauty of the Changjiang River because of its .AsizeBlengthCheightDshape18 . Please _ to the library with your teacher.AgoBgoesCwentDgoing19 . (易错题)一Are these baseballs?一_. They are ping-pong balls.ANo,they arentBYes,they areCNo,these arentDYes,these are20 . What colour are the _?AflowerBflowersCa flower21 . - _these your pens? - No, _ are not.AAre, theyBAre, theseCIs, theyDIs , these22 . Thanks to Miss Wang, I put in more _and my exam scores doubled.AeffortBmessCspiritDexcitement23 . Paris is the _ of France.AcapitalBcityChometown24 . Im to study better in science.AtryBtriesCto tryDtrying25 . 选出含有相同音素的一组_.Am, wBs, rCc, fDf, l26 . Your mothers sister is your .AcousinBauntCgrandmotherDfather27 . He likes _ and he often _ for two hours before he does his homework.Aread;relaxesBreading;relaxesCreads;relaxesDreading;relax28 . How are you, Helen?_.AHello!BGood morning!CIm fine, thanks.DHow are you, Eric?29 . How do you like _ school? Well. its fine. _ enjoy studying here.Ayou; IByour; ICyou; MineDyour; My二、补全对话7选5口语运用AAnd whats that in English?BAre these your pencil bags?CWhats your name?DK-E-Y, key.EExcuse me, Tim.FAre these your pencils?GYes, K-E-Y, key.A: Hello!B: Hi! Im Grace. 30 . A: My names Amy.B: 31 . A: No, they arent. They are Tims.B: 32 . Are these your pencils?A: Yes. Thank you. 33 . B: Its a key.A: Spell it, please.B: 34 . A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.三、完型填空Hi Paul,Im in London now. I have a good time here _learn(学习) many new English words every day.I stay with(同住在一起) a great _. Mr. Miller, Mrs. Miller and their two sons. Mrs. Miller _ my eating habits and makes my favorite _ for me. Mr. Miller often _ me to interesting places(地方) on Sundays. The two boys help me _ my English after school. Theyre so _. One of the boys has a _ in his room. I can send(发送)_ an e-mail every day._is everything at home? Write to me soon.YoursKenny35 . AbutBandCsoDbecause36 . AschoolBpartyCclassDfamily37 . AknowsBcallsCexcuseDgets38 . AbagBclothesCfoodDmodel39 . AthanksBtakesChelpsDneeds40 . AaboutBwithCforDfrom41 . AoldBhealthyCrightDnice42 . AcomputerBvolleyballCradioDclock43 . AthemBherChimDyou44 . AWhereBWhatCHowDWho四、阅读单选Dear Jane,Im writing to tell you a piece of good news. We have a new flat! How happy I am! There are more rooms in the new flat than in our old flat. And my father says we will also buy a parking garage(车库). He has no place to park his car.Now I have my own study. And of course, I have my own bedroom. My bedroom is my favourite in our flat. I can stay in it alone enjoying my favourite books or listening to music. I can put up(张贴)my favourite posters on the wall.My second favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook meals. She teaches me how to make many different kinds of food. She lived in Sichuan when she was young, so she can cook Sichuan food. Its very spicy(辣的),but nice to eat! I find it is easy to make. Maybe I can cook some for you when you come to see me.Thats all for now. Send me an e-mail and tell me about your home please.All good wishes!Anna45 . What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?AThe rooms in the new flat are big.BThe new flat is more beautiful.CThere are more rooms in the new flat.DThey have a parking garage now.46 . Anna likes _ best.Athe living roomBthe kitchenCher bedroomDher study47 . From the reading, we can know Anna likes _.AdrawingBplaying computer gamesCdoing sportsDreading books48 . What does Anna think of Sichuan food?AShe thinks it is too hot to eat.BShe thinks it is hot but nice.CShe doesnt like it at all.DShe thinks its not easy to make.49 . What does Anna mainly tell Jane about in her e-mail?AHer familys new flat.BHer hobbies.CHer new bedroom.DHer favourite food.五、阅读判断On Sunday, I get up at 6: 30. Then I go for a walk with my dog. At 7: 30, I have breakfast. After that. I do my homework. At about 10: 00, I leave home and go shopping by bus. I go back home at 11: 00 and help my mother cook lunch. We have lunch at 12: 00. In the evening, I watch TV with my family. I go to bed at 10: 00.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)50 . IreadbooksafterIgetup.51 . Ihavebreakfastat7:30inthemorning.52 . Igoshoppingbybusatabout10:00 inthemorning.53 . Ihavesupperat6:30intheafternoon.54 . Idomyhomework intheevening.六、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求改写句子,小题每空格限填一词)55 . Mr. Baker always does something to help students understand better in class. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mr. Baker always _ anything to help students understand better in class?56 . His first novel has sold more than 30 million copies in North America. (对画线部分提问) _ copies has his first novel sold in North America?57 . Alex wants to stay at home. He doesnt want to go shopping with his sister. (合并为一句) Alex would like to stay at home _ going shopping with his sister.58 . The company offers them many chances to gain work experience. (保持句意基本不变)The company offers them many chances _ they can gain work experience.59 . It is a golden memory to watch cartoon series in our childhood. (改为感叹句)_ golden memory it is to watch cartoon series in our childhood!60 . The guard told the man, “You are not allowed to park here.” (改为宾语从句) The guard told the man that he_ allowed to park there.61 . never, is, learn, late, too, to, it (连词成句)_.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空62 . -You look tired. Whats the m_?-I didnt sleep well last night, because I had a toothache.63 . On his way to school yesterday morning, Jack found an old woman l_ on the ground. He went up to help her.64 . Its not good to copy others homework. We should do homework by o_.65 . Mr. Smith o_ me a glass of coffee this morning. In return, I shared my sandwiches with him.66 . I cant make the d_ to leave my present job.67 . He was unhappy about the results. So he went away in s_.68 . As a student, you should tell your teacher the t_ of this thing. I think to be honest is the most important.69 . Last weekend I didnt go to the beach with my classmate. I visited my grandparents i_.70 . There was a heavy rain last night. And it kept beating heavily a_ the windows.71 . The e_ kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。72 . I never go out on_ (rain)nights73 . Excuse me,could I_ (sit)here?74 . Its a_ (snow)day today75 . The weather is right for_ (ride)a bike76 . -How do you like_ (Russia) bread?-Its great九、回答问题阅读下列短文,回答问题My name is Windy. Im thirteen years old. I like sports very much. I have a basketball and a football at home. They are under my desk .I often play balls with my friends. I like vegetables.I have tomatoes and carrots for lunch. I like ice cream, too. My parents are doctors. They likewatching soccer games on TV.Answer the questions:77 . What does Windy like?78 . What does he often do with his friends?79 . What are his parents?80 . What do they like to do?81 . What does he often have for lunch?十、材料作文82 . 假如你叫Simon,想加入学校的Buddy Club。根据下列信息,写一封自荐信。姓名Simon年龄14岁外貌圆脸,短发,明亮、微笑的眼睛。性格大方(愿意与人分享东西); 乐于助人(公交车上总给需要的人让座,常帮助同学解决各种各样的困难); 耐心(认真倾听同学们的心声); 诚实(),爱好1.喜欢旅游。上个月花两个小时乘飞机飞往北京,参观了很多名胜古迹。2.对自己动手做很痴迷,喜欢。课程最喜欢英语,因为我认为学外国语有趣。要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 要点必须包括所有信息,可以适当发挥。3. 词数100左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Simon. _I hope I can be a member of the Buddy Club. Im looking forward to your reply.Best wishes.Simon十一、其他选出画线部分读音不同的选项83 . AmB cCf84 . AqBjCu85 . AwhiteBniceCis86 . AclassBafternoonCcat87 . AhelloBtooCto第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、句型转换1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、十一、其他1、


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