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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you mind _ us around the new library? Certainly not. Lets go.AshowBto showCshowingDto showing2 . _ a tourist city, Suzhou is famous _ its beautiful gardens.AAs; asBFor; forCAs; forDFor; as3 . There is _ rain in the morning, so we have to take P.E. classes in the classroom.Atoo muchBmuch tooCa lotDtoo many4 . I dont know _ to deal with this problem. Why not ask your teacher for help.Awhat Bthat Cwhere Dhow5 . Dont worry _ her. She isnt young _.Aabout, no longerBfor, no longerCfor, any longerDabout, any longer6 . -_ are you?- I am fine. Thanks.AWhat colorBWhatCHowDHows7 . Add the pepper_the turkey sandwich. Next, put cheese_the bread.Aof;onBto;at,Cwith;onDto; on8 . What do you usually do _ Sunday morning?AtoBatConDin9 . David sits _ Lucy. He is very tall, so she cant see the blackboard.AbehindBin front ofCnearDnext to10 . There_ a sports meeting in our school next month.Ais going to haveBare going to beCwill haveDis going to be11 . _ will the Jinniu Lake Animal Kingdom be open?Maybe in the second half of this year.AWhenBWhoCWhatDWhere12 . Can you give me advice on driving a car.AaBanCanyDsome13 . Cherrys favourite photo is the one of a girl_ an old woman across the street.AleadsBledCleadingDto lead14 . -Where is Japan , do you know ?- Its _ the east of China .AinBatCtoDon15 . -What do you think he should do ?-He should go out with his friends _ staying at home.Abecause ofBexcept forCinsteadDinstead of16 . David, _ make trouble at school.AcantBdontCdoesntDcouldnt17 . She has two dogs. _ black and white is called Rosie and _ other one Joseph.AThe; /BA; theCThe; theDA; a18 . Whofedsomanycows?Myuncle_.AdoBdoesCdidDdoing19 . - _ do you live from school? -About 15 minutes rideAHow farBHow longCHow manyDHow20 . To make her son enter a key high school, the mother is very strict _ him.AforBtoCofDwith二、补全对话5选5从方框中选出正确答案使对话完整。Tom: Peter, I want to buy some CDs.21 . Peter: Of course, but we are new(新来的) here. 22 . Lets ask Jack.Tom: Excuse me, Jack. 23 . Jack: Yes, there is.24 . Its across from the school.Peter: Whats the name of the school?Jack25 . Tom & Peter: Thank you.Jack: Youre welcome.AIs there a CD store near here?BGuangming Middle School.CCan you go with me?DGo straight along the street and turn right at the second crossing.E. We dont know where the nearest CD shop is.三、完型填空Terry was a middle-aged businessmanHe was unsuccessful in career and often complained that he had been fooled by others. One day he told his wife he was_disappointed(失望的)with the city that he had to leave.So his family moved to another cityIt was Saturday_When Terry and his wife were busy putting their things in their new home,the lights suddenly_and they were forced to stop workTerry was sorry to have_to bring along some candlesJust then he heard light_on his door“Who is it?” he wonderedTerry knew_else in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be_He opened the door impatiently. At the door was a little_, shyly asking,“Sir, do you have_? Im your neighbor”“No”answered Terry angrilyHe shut the door_After a while the door was knocked againHe opened it and found the same little girl outsideBut this time she was_two candles radiating(放光)red lightshe said,“My grandma told me the_neighbor downstairs might need candlesShe sent me here to give you these”At that moment Terry suddenly realized what_his failure in life. It was his indifference(冷漠)and unkindness to other peopleThe person who had fooled him in life was actually nobody else_himself, for his eyes had been covered by his_mind26 . AveryBsoCsuchDrather27 . AmorningBafternoonCnoonDevening28 . Awent downBwent outCwent byDwent on29 . AwantedBdecidedCforgottenDremembered30 . AknocksBcallsCstrikesDsounds31 . AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody32 . AtroubledBfollowedClikedD1earned33 . AboyBgirlCpostmanDshopper34 . AcandiesBtoysClightsDcandles35 . AeasilyBworriedlyChappilyDheavily36 . AbringingBseeingCholdingDdrawing37 . ApoorBkindCnewDyoung38 . AmadeBcausedCdevelopedDstopped39 . AbesidesBexceptCbutDthan40 . AopenBrightCwarmDcold四、阅读单选Linglings plan (计划)Monday: 5:30pm -play basketball with AliceTuesday: 11:00am-see a filmWednesday: 9:00am-watch a football matchThursday: 10:30am-go shoppingFriday: morning-go to the parkSaturday: evening-have dinner with TomDamings planMonday: 3:00pm -do homeworkTuesday: 5:30pm-play computer gamesWednesday: 2:00pm-meet some friendsThursday: 7:00am-have breakfastFriday: evening-read booksSaturday: 8:00pm-go to Jims birthday party根据所给材料,选择最佳答案。41 . On Thursday, Lingling wants(想)to _.Ahave dinner with TomBgo shoppingCplay basketball with AliceDgo to the park42 . Daming is going to _ on Tuesday.Ado his home workBread booksCplay computer gamesDplay football43 . Jims birthday party is on _.AWednesday morningBSaturday eveningCThursday afternoonDFriday morning44 . Going shopping is_ plan.ALinglingsBDamingsCTomsDLileis45 . Who has dinnner with Lingling?AAliceBDamingCTomDTonyPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. One day, when Paul came out of his office, a boy was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car?” he asked.Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it cost you nothing? Paul, I wish .” he hesitated (犹豫).Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul.The boy said, “I wish that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise. Then he asked, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Yes, Id love to.”After a short ride, the boy said, “Paul, would you mind stopping the car in front of my house?”Paul smiled. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again.The boy ran into his home. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back. He was carrying his little crippled (残疾的) brother. He seated him down and pointed to the car.“There it is, Buddy. His brother gave it to him and it cost him nothing. Some day Im going to give you one just like it.”Paul lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The older brother sat beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable ride.46 . How did the boy feel when Paul told him about the car?AHe was excited.BHe was surprised.CHe was sad.DHe was worried.47 . From the story, what was the boys wish?AHe wished to give his brother a car.BHe wanted Pauls brother to give him a car.CHe wished he could have a brother like Pauls.DHe wished Paul could be a brother like that.48 . Why did the boy ask Paul to stop his car in front of his house?AHe wanted to show his neighbors the big car.BHe wanted to show he had a rich friend.CHe wanted to let his brother ride in the car.DHe wanted to tell his brother about his wish.49 . What can we infer (推断) from the story?APaul couldnt understand the boy.BThe boy had a deep love for his brother.CThe boy wished to have a rich brother.DThe boys wish came true in the end.50 . Whats the best name of the story?AA Christmas PresentBA Crippled BoyCA Brother Like ThatDAn Unforgettable Ride(题文)There is a lion in a forest. Every day he goes about to look for food. The small animals in the forest are all afraid of him. Not far from the forest there are four bulls( 公牛 ). They are good friends, and often go about together. The lion tries many times to catch them, but cant do so. Every time he comes near, the four bulls stand together to fight him. So he can do nothing to him.One day the bulls have a quarrel( 吵架 ). After that each of them goes his own way. When the lion sees this, he is happy. He catches one bull and eats him up. Then he catches another. One by one he catches all the four bulls and eats them up.51 . (小题1)How many animals are there in the story?AFourBFiveCOneDMany52 . (小题2)Does the lion want to eat the bulls?AYes,we want.BNo,he cant.CYes,he does.DNo,he doesnt53 . (小题3)Why cant the lion want catch the bulls at first?ABecause the bulls are too big.BBecause the bulls are good friends.CBecause the bulls stand together to find him.DBecause he is not strong enough to fight bulls.54 . (小题4)How can the lion eat the bulls at last?AHe catches them at one time and eats them up.BHe catches one bull at a time and eats it up. Then he catches another.CHe catches them at the time and eats them up.DOne day he catches all the bulls and eats them up.55 . (小题5)What does the story want to tell us?AThe lion is the King in the forest.BBulls are foolish to quarrel with each other.CLions are stronger than bulls.DUntion(团结) is strength(力量)五、句型转换句型转换。56 . She does her homework at home every day(改为否定句)She_her homework at home every day57 . We are from America (同义句转换) We _America58 . He is in the Football Club(同义句)He is _the Football Club59 . They are old men(改为单数形式) _ old _.60 . I live on Spring Road(对画线部分提问)_61 . Sandy and Amy are in Grade One(划线部分提问) _62 . I dont know what to say at the meeting(用John代替句子主语)_know what to say at the meeting63 . Li Guang is good at playing football(改为同义句)Li Guang is _ very _六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词64 . John was very sad because he _(不及格) the history test.65 . I think the light bulb is the most _(有用的) invention in our life.66 . Teachers behaviors have _ (影响) on the students.67 . Her parents take _ (骄傲) in everything good that she does.68 . Would you mind giving us a general _ (介绍) about the changes in your life?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。69 . My classmates are very _(friend) to meA70 . _(knife) are very dangerous because they may hurt youA71 . We _( visit) the Great Wall next SundayA72 . The Whites are old friends of _ (they)A73 . There are _(thousand) of people enjoying the Cherry Blossom at the momentA74 . Mum often asks me _(clean) the table after dinnerA75 . Thank you for _ (drive) me to the town centreA76 . Grandpa Li often _(fix) machines for usA77 . We are _(luck) to live in a good neighbourhood like thatA78 . Tomorrow is his elder sisters_(nine) birthday.八、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每小题3分。79 . 我觉得只要你努力学习,就会取得好成绩。I think youll get good grades _ you study hard.80 . 她新买的书包跟我的相似。Her new schoolbag _ mine.81 . 这个小男孩有语言天赋。The little boy is _ language.82 . 汤姆跟我想的一样,也觉得太贵了。Tom thought _ me. It was too expensive.83 . 马克比我认识的其他任何人都聪明。Mark is _ any other person I know.九、材料作文84 . 书面表达。李大明是我最好的朋友,他在校认真学习,各门功课都很优秀,这个星期六早上他将会做一些阅读,他喜欢大声读书,然后完成家庭作业。晚上他会看英文电影。大明在家是个好孩子,经常帮父母打扫卫生,这个星期天他要和同学们一起去公园野餐,然后在公园捡垃圾,他希望公园变得很干净美丽。请根据以上内容写一篇文章介绍大明和他的周末计划。要求:文中不能出现真实的班级和姓名;词数80词左右;可以适度拓展。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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