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人教版2019-2020学年七年级英语上册阶段性测试题Units5-7姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Peters parents often watch basketball games_ TV.AinBonCatDto2 . is mv daughter.name is Linda.AShe; HerBHe; HisCShe; HisDHe; Her3 . Who is _student_ your class.Acleverest;ofBthe cleverest;inCclever;inDmore cleverer;of4 . If you take the subway to the hospital,it onlyyou ten minutes to get there.AtakesBbringsCspendsDgets5 . How do you like studying in the new school, Kate? I have few friends here, and I often feel .AshyBlonelyCalone6 . She always looks_Now shes looking_ at her newdrawingAhappy;happyBhappy;happilyChappily;happilyDhappily;happy7 . It takes _ two hours _ the English story.AI; readBme; readCI; to readDme; to read8 . The skirt _ soft as if it is made of silk.AsoundsBtastesCfeelsDsmells9 . -_ are these apples ? -Ten yuan . AWhat numberBHow muchCHow manyDWhat color10 . To my _ she can memorize so many names of her students in just one week.ApatienceBdecisionCattentionDsurprise11 . Its everyones job to take action to _ our environment.AenjoyBimproveCpolluteDcheck12 . - How do you usually go to school?- I to school on foot.AgoBwentCwas goingDwill go13 . I _ TV at night.Alook atBseeCwatchDlook14 . 一What is your favorite sport?I love _basketball with my classmates.AplaysBplayCplaying15 . Who foundchild at last? The police. They found him in a corner ofsmall room.Aa; /Bthe; aCan; theD/; an二、完型填空When I was about twelve years old, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to tell me about my shortcomings (缺点). Week by week her list became _: I was very short, and I wasnt a good student, I talked too much, and so on. I tried to stand(忍受)all of these as long as I could. _, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears(眼泪) in my eyes.He listened to me quietly, and then asked, “Are the things that she said true or not? Jane, have you ever _ what youre really like? Now you have that girls ideas. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are _. Pay no attention to(别在意) the other things that she said.”I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldnt _, like being very short, but a good number of them I could. I wanted to change the bad things in me, and for the _ time I knew something about myself in a very clear way.I brought the list back to my father. He refused to take it. “Thats just for you,” he said, “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself, but sometimes others opinions are also important, so you _ learn how to listen, and not just _ your ears in anger and feel hurt(受伤害). When something that is said about you is true, youll find that it will be _to you. Our world is full of people who think that they know you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to all of them, _the truth and do what you think is the right thing to do.” I have remembered my fathers advice at many important moments. I have never had a better piece of advice in my whole life.16 . AlongerBshorterCwiderDbigger17 . ALuckilyBSuddenlyCFinallyDHappily18 . Amade sureBtalked aboutCgot overDthought about19 . AcrazyBwrongCtrueDdifferent20 . AsupportBknowCunderstandDchange21 . AfirstBsecondClastDnext22 . Alike toBneeds toChave toDwould like to23 . AopenBcloseCcoverDcare24 . AcheerfulBbeautifulCwonderfulDhelpful25 . AhearBwatchCnotice(注意)Drecord三、阅读单选The following people are some of Henrys friendsHere istheir informationName:Tom King Country:USANative Language(母语):EnglishTime in China:10 monthsImage(印象):smart,tall,thin,clever,friendlyJob:an art school student in the USA but now he is a teacherHobby:listening to music,mountain climbing,fishingFamily:living with his wife and 4-year-old sonName:Jenny Brown Country:AustraliaNative Language:EnglishTime in China:2 monthsImage:active,always smiling,long curly hair,livelyJob:an English teacher in her country before,now she is abusinesswomanHobby:going to the movies,travelling,readingFamily:mother,three sisters and her brother Jim in Australia,and she is alone here26 . Whats King like?AFriendlyBTallCThinDKind-hearted27 . Tom King now works as aAnurseBcookCteacherDbusinessman28 . How many people are there in Jennys family?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix29 . Who lived in China for a shorter time?AJennyBHenryCJimDKing30 . If there is a concert of Jay Chou in China,who may go to see it?ATom KingBJimCJennyDAll of themGeorge is a fat boy. He likes eating hamburgers and ice-cream for lunch. Georges mom wants him to eat healthy food. She asks George to have salad for lunch. It is fruit salad. The salad has apples, oranges and pears in it. George doesnt want to eat it. He doesnt think its delicious. “It is healthy and delicious. Eat it and youll like it!” says Mom.George eats a piece (块) of orange first. Its good. Then he eats a piece of apple. Its good, too.“Mom, the salad is really delicious! I love it!” says George. “Can I have it for dinner, too?”31 . What does George like to eat for lunch?ARice and chicken.BRice and ice-cream.CHamburgers and chicken.DHamburgers and ice-cream.32 . Georges mom asks him to eat salad for lunch because (因为) _.Ashe likes itBthey only have itCit is healthy foodDGeorge doesnt want to be fat33 . What does Georges salad have?AFruit.BVegetables.CChicken.DEggs.34 . 划线单词“delicious”的中文意思是“_”。A齐全的B美味的C安全的D不同的35 . Which is the following is right?AGeorges mom is fat.BGeorge has a good eating habit.CGeorge wants to eat salad for dinner.DGeorges mom thinks ice-cream is healthy.四、句型转换36 . Id like black tea(改为一般疑问句)_you_black tea?37 . Bruce would like strawberries(对画线部分提问)_Bruce like?38 . Id like a small bowl of noodles(对画线部分提问)_bowl of noodles would you like?39 . Shed like tomato noodles(对画线部分提问)_of noodles would she like?40 . Can I have your order?(改为同义句)May I_your_?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及提示完成句子41 . She is a b_ girl with golden hair.42 . The young man doesnt like working. Hes very l_.43 . I dont s_ well these days, so I feel tired.44 . Why is Alan so popular in your class?Because he is very _ (friend) to everyone.45 . Some animals are in _ (dangerous).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。46 . Dont give up. Our life is full of the _(expect).47 . He doesnt _(believe) Toms words. So he asked his teacher in _(belief).48 . Look at the _(burn) house. How terrible!49 . It is _(believe) that he is so weak but he is the winner of the contest.50 . How _(fool) the boy is!51 . Tom felt _(embarrass) when he couldnt answer the easy questions.七、完成句子52 . 约翰太粗心了,不能照看好他的宠物。John is _ look after his pets well.53 . 和别人分担一个问题,问题就像被减半。Sharing a problem with others is like _ it _ .54 . 我们不应该逃避现实。We shouldnt_ reality.55 . 学英语不要害怕犯错误。Dont _ make mistakes in learning English.56 . 如果我们坐飞机去那里,我们就不会看到很多美丽的地方。If we _ there by plane,we _ many beautiful places.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Awould likeBlikeCthanks forDbecause ofEwas bornFas wellDear James,Hi! Its really nice to hear from you!57 . telling me so much about your life and the photo. You looked very handsome! I58 . to be your pen friend 59 . .I 60 . in Shanghai in May 1992, so were the same age. But Im 1.6 metres tall. Playing computer games is also my favorite hobby! And Im a smart girl and I never let computer games take up too much time. Besides, I 61 . reading and writing. Ive written several novels! Ill keep writing and someday Ill become as famous as J. K. Rowling!I have a typical Chinese family, which is smaller than yours: my dad, my mum and I.Have a nice weekend, James!Yours,Jane九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Found:Is this your black pen?Please call Mary at 622-6898. Found:Is that your red pencil?Please call Jim at 936-2332. Lost:My dictionary is lost. It is red. Call Tim at 326-6656. Lost:My watch is lost. My name is Gina. Please call me at 323-3321. Found:A set of keys. Please call Jenny at 633-8586. Lost:A dog. It is brown. E-mail Julie at juliemm163. com. 根据表格内容完成下列任务。任务一:补全句子。62 . If(如果)you lost your black pen,you should ask _ for it.63 . Tim _ a dictionary.64 . Jim found _. 任务二:回答下列问题。65 . Whats Jennys phone number?_66 . What color is the lost dog?_十、材料作文67 . 假如Sally是你的好朋友,请根据下面表格中的信息介绍一下她,要求70词左右,字迹工整、语句通顺,并适当的发挥。Age:14From: AustraliaFavorite animals: KoalasAbilities (能力)Play the guitar, dance, runTransportationTake the bus to school, 10 minutesWeekend activitiesRead books, do homework, clean the roomNowVisit the zoo要求: 1. 文章必须包括表中所有信息,可适当增加细节;2. 文章的开头已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写;3. 词数在70左右Sally is my good friend. 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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