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人教版2019-2020学年九年级9月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I30 yuan for the ticket and20 yuan on the soft drink.Apaid, paidBpaid, spentCspent, paidDspent, spent2 . The old man walks _ his home _.A/ , every dayBto, everydayCto , every dayD/, everyday3 . Mrs. Green is working in South Africa these years. Her daughter _ her a lot.AfollowsBforgetsCgivesDmisses4 . - Mary is going to Shanghai for the winter vacation.- _ASo I amBMe, neitherCSo am IDSo he is.5 . The only thing that really matters to the children is how soon theyreturn to their school.AcanBmustCcouldDshould6 . The story made us _, and we wanted her _ one more.Alaugh; tellBlaugh; to tellCto laugh; to tellDto laugh; tell7 . Bob didnt know what to write about. So he had no choice but his friend.AcallingBcallCto callingDto call8 . My room _ tomorrow.Ais cleanedBbe cleanedCwill be cleanedDis cleaning9 . My sister_a pen but she_a pencil.Ahas ; hasBhave; haveChas; doesnt haveDhave; dont have10 . Im so _ at such a _ book.Abore; boreBboring; boringCbored; boringDboring; bored11 . Theyin class 3, and theyplaying basketball.Aare both; both likeBare both; like bothCboth like; both areDboth are; like both12 . Though he often made his little sister,today he was made by her.Acry;to cryBcried;cryingCto cry;cryDcrying;cried13 . -Im sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? _.ADont be sorryBI dont care at allCIt doesnt matter14 . We dont look _ same, but we are good friends.A/BtheCa15 . To her _,he wasnt _ at the news at all.Asurprise;surpriseBsurprised;surprisedCsurprise;surprisedDsurprising;surprising16 . What do you think of the price of gold in the world?Nowadays it is getting muchthan before. It is cheap now.AslowerBlowerCheavierDstronger17 . -Do you like swimming?-Yes,I do. Its time _ after school.AswimBswimmingCto swimDswims18 . 字母“A a”和字母“ _ ”的开头发音相同。AEeBCcCHhDGg19 . When we meet a new word ,wed better _in a dictionary.Alook it upBlook up itClook up themDlook them up20 . I often watch TV _ eight _ Sunday evening.Ain, onBat, onCat, in二、完型填空Do you know who played the role of (扮演分色) Superman in the film Superman? He was Christopher Reeve, a(n) _ and he was famous for his performance (表演) in the movie. Like Superman, Christopher Reeve was afraid of nothing. He was good at flying planes, riding horses and many other activities. But _ changed in 1995. When riding a horse, he fell and _ himself badly. The doctors thought it was _ for him to live long. Reeve even thought of _ his life. _ when he thought of his family he knew he couldnt. From then on, he began to _ for his life.At the end of 1995, he left hospital. Soon after that, he felt he was ready to face the world again. He wanted to tell people no matter _problems they had, they shouldnt give up. He began to make speeches, and they helped lots of people _ body problems. He also went back to work and made his first film, In the Gloaming (黄昏时刻). Although he lost control of his body, he still had his _ and his dream. He was, and would always be Superman.21 . AactressBactorCreporterDvisitor22 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing23 . AhurtBlostCturnedDsent24 . AgeneralBseriousCdifficultDuseful25 . AsatisfyingBlastingCbeginningDending26 . AHoweverBCertainlyCHardlyDAgain27 . AlookBfightCdieDwait28 . AwhenBwhichCthatDwhat29 . AinBforCwithDof30 . AreasonBcultureCtroubleDspirit三、阅读单选These days ,tall modern buildings are rising everywhere .But if you go to a Chinese water town ,you can still take a trip back in time(回到从前).CNN has picked Chinas five most beautiful water towns.The village of Zhouzhuang in Jiangsu calls itself the“the oldest water town in China”. The village was built in 1086 and is crossed with canals(运河).Taking a boat ride through town,the red lanterns(灯笼)might make you think of Chinas romantic past.Hongcun in Anhui is 900years old. It was built to look like a big ox(牛).Mount Huangshan is the head ;the town is the body and the bridges are legs.Hongcun is filled with lakes and beautiful Anhui style buildings.Fenghuang in hunan doesnt look like a bird.But its name means“phoenix”in Chinese.The town is really as beautiful as the mythical(神话的)bird.The Tuojiang River and the stilted (吊脚)buildings on both sides look like a postcard.Huangyao in Guangxi is known for its natural feng shui.The town lies in a river bend(河湾).People say it can prevent villagers good fortune (运气)from flowing away.While most water towns are in the south.Shangdongs Taierzhuang stands out in the north.The town lies on the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It was a busy trading hub(中心)during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).In the town ,there are ancient bridges ,canal and temples ,making you think of its past glory(荣耀).31 . Which village was built in 1086?AZhouzhuang in Jiangsu.BHongcun in Anhui.CFenghuang in Hunan.DHuangyao in Guangxi.32 . Hongcun in Anhui looks like a(n)_.AboatBoxCbirdDhuman33 . What does the underlined word “bank”mean?A银行B河岸C对面D附近34 . Which is TRUE about the location of Huangyao Town?AIt is crossed with canals.BIt lies on a river bank.CIt can stop good luck from being lost.DIt can make the town popular.35 . The writer wrote the story to _.Aintroduce five beautiful water towns.Bencourage visitors to visit the water towns.Ccompare the differences among the five water towns.Dadvertise for a travel agency.四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子):36 . Though my pen friend and I live in different cities,we always keep in touch with each other by email.(保持原句意思)Though my pen friend and I live in different cities,we always_each other by email.37 . The captain repeated his order angrily.(保持原句意思)The captain repeated his order_.38 . You are a soldier so you dont have to think. (保持原句意思)You are a soldier so you_to think.39 . Now I am no longer interested in playing video games. (保持原句意思)Now I am not interested in playing video games_.40 . The soldier wondered why the horse was on wheels. (保持原句意思) The soldier_ know why the horse was on wheels.41 . Wild animals need protecting carefully. (保持句意基本不变)Wild animals need to_carefully.42 . the door, big enough, the dog, is, for, to go through (连词成句)_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。43 . My elder brother often relaxes _ by listening to some soft music.(he)44 . In order to protect your _,youd better brush them twice a day.(tooth)45 . These houses was _ damaged,so the govermment decided to help the owners build new houses.(serious)46 . Kunming Expo Garden celebrated its _ birthday on May 1st this year. (twenty)47 . A good _ should know how to learn because we cant learn everything in one go.(learn)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AwithoutBunderstandCandDtook part inEvolunteeringFimagineWhen I finished my middle school, I started volunteering in a few non-governmental (非政府的) organizations. I began to 48 . a lot about community development. I 49 . several projects and activities about the environment, peace and health.I had many difficulties while 50 . because people dont think vounteer work is important. People think volunteering is a waste (浪费) of time. They cant 51 . the fact that someone can work 52 . pay.七、单词填空If you are a v53 . , you may look for the post office in a foreign(外国的) country. Can you imagine(想象)how those people will tell you the way? In the countryside of American Middle West, people will tell you, “Go north three miles. Turn east and then go a54 . two miles.”While in Los Angeles, California, the American people have no i55 . of the distance(距离) on the map. How far is the post office? you ask. Oh, they a56 . , “it is about ten m57 . by taxi from here”. But in fact, they dont know how far it is.In Greece, a Greek will often say, “F58 . me.” Then he will go with you t59 . the streets of the city to the post office. In many places, people usually say “Sorry, I dont know.” when they cant tell you the way. However, in Mexico, the people think “I dont know” is not f60 . . They usually give an answer, often a w61 . one.So you must be c62 . of their habits(习惯) when you are asking the way in a foreign country.八、回答问题Almost everyone stood up when the bride appeared in her white dress except the wedding conductor, because she was fixed to her chair. The marriage was held at a restaurant in Hibiya Park in central Tokyo. A four-foot-tall robot called I-Fairy directed the wedding. “Please lift the brides veil(面纱),” I-Fairy said in a tiny voice with flashing eyes and long hair. As the happy persons kissed in front of about 50 guests, she shook her arms in the air. It was the first time that a marriage had been led by a robot. Japan has one of the most modern robot industries in the world. The government actively supports to make more kinds of robots in the future. Many robot models in factories are very new. Recently Japanese companies are making robots work for people in daily life. Honda makes a walking robot like children, and other companies have developed robots that can help old people and play baseball. In order to “touch the hearts of the people”, Kokoro makes huge dinosaur robots and other models that can smile. “This is a lot of fun. I think that Japanese have a strong thought that robots are our friends. People in the robot industry mostly understand this, but people mainly want robots to serve them,” said Satoko Inoue, who works in Kokoro. Now the I-Fairies are in use in Singapore, the US and Japan.63 . Who was the wedding conductor?_64 . Why does Kokoro make model robots that can smile?_65 . What do Japanese think about robots?_66 . What countries use robots called I-Fairy now?_67 . What do you think of robots? (请自拟一句话回答)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、


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