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人教版2019-2020学年七年级期中测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . On Childrens Day, children receive lots of gifts and are all in high_AmindBmindsCspiritDspirits2 . He asked me if there was _ to read.Aeasy enough somethingBenough easy somethingCsomething enough easyDsomething easy enough3 . Weve planted _ trees in the center of our city this year.AhundredBhundredsChundredthDhundreds of4 . Many boy students prefer computer games to their homework.Ato playto doBto playdoingCplayingto doDplaying.doing5 . There are many waysa foreign language well. I think _it is the best way.Ato learn; useBof learn; to useCto learn; using6 . Where do animals like to live?Animals like to live in the mountain.AriverBhillCforest7 . - Is it for her to paint pictures and make beautiful things?- Yes, she is.AlazyBcreativeCuntidyDlonely8 . The information is not useful.I decide _ it at once.AdeletingBto deleteCprintingDto print9 . If you want to go to see the movie this evening, so _ I.AdoBamCwillDshould10 . There are fewer books in my schoolbag than in _ .AyouByourCyoursDyourself二、完型填空Ann is a middle school studentShe has a sister and a brotherThey are Helen and PaulThey are English but they can_Chinese. Ann has a new_She can play the guitar well,but Helen _Helen doesnt like music _ sportsShe likes playing chess because she thinks its_Ann cant play chessSo Helen often _ Ann how to play itPaul plays chess wellHe_plays basketball wellHe often plays it with his classmates_ the weekendHe wants to join the school basketball _ .Then he can play basketball and _ new friends there11 . AtellBtalkCsayDspeak12 . AvolleyballBchessCguitarDviolin13 . AdoesBdoesntCcanDcant14 . AforBbutCorDso15 . AinterestingBdifficultCboringDfree16 . AhelpsBteachesCneedsDwrites17 . AalsoBtooCalwaysDonly18 . AonBinCwithDabout19 . AhomeBclubCroomDlibrary20 . AfindBwantCtakeDmake三、阅读单选ItwasaSaturdayinMay.WhenMrs.Blackopenedthedoorandlookedoutshesmiledandsaid,“Itsabeautifulday.”Shewokehersmallsonupateightthirtyandsaidtohim“GetupTod.Letsgotothezootoday.Washyourhandsandfacebrushyourteethandeatyourbreakfastquickly.WearegoingtoNewYorkbytrain.”Todwassixyearsold.Hewasveryhappynowbecausehelikedgoingtothezooverymuchandhealsolikedgoingbytrain.Hesaid“Idreamedabout(梦见)thezoolastnightMummy.”Hismotherwasbusybutshestoppedandsmiledatherlittleson,“Andwhatdidyoudointhezooinyourdream?”Todlaughed(大笑)andanswered,“YouknowMummy!Youwerethereinmydreamtoo.”21 . WhatdidMrs.Blacksaywhenshelookoutofthewindow?A“GetupTod.Letsgotothezootoday.”B“Itsafineday.”C“Whatdidyoudoinyourdream.”D“Whatdidyouseethere?”22 . WheredidTodlive?Helivedin_.AthezooBChinaCEnglandDtheUSA23 . WhywasTodsohappy?Becausehe_.AdreamedlastnightBHelikedtogotothezooClikedtogobytrainDBothBandC24 . Whichisnottrue?AThestoryhappenedonaAprilmorningBThestoryhappenedinEnglandCTheywenttothezoobytrainDMrs.Blackwokeuphersonatnight25 . WhattimedidTodgetup?ABefore8:30BAt8:30CAfter8:30DBetween8:30and9:30The Petit Appetlt Cookbook List Price: $35.00Price: $23.10You save $11.90 (34% off) Product Description: Fresh, healthy meals that give little mouths something to smile about In the Petit Appetit Cookbook. mother and professional cook Lisa Barnes offers healthy foods to helpcreate delicious menus and develop proper eating habits for babies and very young children.Everyday Raw Express(Paperback)List Price: $19.99Price: $13.57 You Save: $6.42 (32% off)Product Description: Many people love eating raw food, but often the recipes take hours or even a period of several days to prepare. Everyday Raw Express offers delicious soup and desserts, all prepared in 30 minutes or less. If You Give a Dog a Donut(Hardcover)Reading Level. Ages 48 List Price: $16.99 Price: $10.19You Save: $6.80(40% off)Product Description: If you give a dog a donut, hell ask for some apple juice to go with it. When you give him the juice, hell drink it all up. Then, before you can say “Woof” Dog is off on a backyard adventure!Good Night Sun Hello Moon(Board book) Reading Level:Ages 48 List Price: $10.99Price: $9.34 You Save: $1.65Book Description: Bedtime is a special time and this beautiful book will be a special part of saying goodnight. As kids turn the page, a little bit of the sun goes away and a little piece of the moon appears. The sweet story about a little bunny who doesnt want to go to bed will help send little ones off to sleep night after night. Where the Wild Things Are(Hardcover)Reading Level: Ages 4above List Price: $16.95 Price: $.53 Book Description: Max, a boy who feels misunderstood at home. as he sets out in a small boat, finding new worlds across the sea. He lands on the amazing island of the wild things, a place where. being a beast(野兽)isnt a bad thing. The wild things make Max their king, but he sails back to his own room where he finds his mother and his supper waiting for him.26 . Who will probably show interest in The Petit Appetlt Cookbook?AA cook in a seafood restaurant.BA healthy mother who likes smiling.CAn artist who eats in a hurry.DA lady with a 9-month-old baby.27 . Which of the following is fit for 5-year-old Rose who is interested in pet stories?AThe petit Appetlt Cookbook.BEveryday Raw Express.CIf you Give a Dog a Donut.DThere the wild Things Are.28 . Lily, 5 years old, likes listening to some stories before going to bed her mother will buy_.AGood Night Sun Hello Moon.BWhere the Wild things Are.CThe Petit Appelit Cookbook.DIf you Give Dog a Donut.29 . From the introduction of there the Wild Things Are. it can be inferred(推断)that_.AMax doesnt love his mother, not does his mother.BMaxs mother loves him, so does Max.CMax doesnt like the wild things, so he comes back home.DMax doesnt get along well the wild things.Amy was a dear little girl, but she was too ready to waste time in getting ready to do her tasks, instead of doing them at once as she ought to.In the village in which she lived, Mr. Thornton kept a store where he sold fruit of all kinds, including berries in their season. One day he said to Amy, whose parents were quite poor, Would you like to earn some money?Oh, yes, replied she, for I want some new shoes, and papa has no money to buy them with.Well, Amy, said Mr. Thornton, I noticed some fine, ripe blackberries in Mr. Greens field today, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will pay you thirteen cents a quart(度量单位) for all you will pick for me.Amy was delighted at the thought of earning some money; so she ran home to get a basket, intending to go immediately to pick the berries.Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get if she picked five quarts. With the help of her slate(书写板) and pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents.But supposing I should pick a dozen quarts, thought she, how much should I earn then? Dear me! she said, after figuring(测算) a while, I should earn a dollar and fifty-six cents.Amy then found out what Mr. Thornton would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred quarts. It took her some time to do this, and then it was so near dinner time that she had to stay at home until afternoon.As soon as dinner was over, she took her basket and hurried to the field. Some boys had been there before dinner, and all the ripe berries were picked. She could not find enough to fill a quarter of a quart.As Amy went home, she thought of what her teacher had often told herDo your task at once; then think about it, for One doer(实干家) is worth a hundred dreamers.30 . The store keeper asked Amy if she would like to earn some money by _.Aselling fruitsBselling some new shoesCpicking the berriesDfiguring the earning31 . How many times did Amy figure with her slate?A6.B5.C4.D3.32 . What can we infer from the story?AAmys family was very poor.BAmy was good at counting with a slate.CMr. Thornton was the richest person in the village.DAmy would learn a better lesson from this experience than from school.33 . The best title of the passage may be _.AThe money Amy did not earnBThe girl did not like to waste timeCAmy, a good student to her teachersDA poor girl wanted to earn some money四、完成句子句子翻译34 . 由于他身体欠佳,我决定独自去那里。_ he was not feeling well, I _ go there alone.35 . 你真的能对你不信任的人高度赞扬吗?Can you really_ a person you dont trust?36 . 他说得那么快,都喘不过气了。He spoke so fast that he was_.37 . 老师鼓励我尝试用一种新的方法学习英语。The teacher _ me _ try to learn English _ a new way38 . 自从我十岁并始,我就痴迷于古典音乐。I have been _ classical music _ I was ten years old.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子Lets have us sounds many many dont have play39 . Please bring some things to _.40 . We often _ basketball after school .41 . Does he _ a tennis racket ?42 . The idea _ good !43 . _ play ping-pong .六、语法填空Lily and Lucy are both 13 years old. They are twins and they44 . (看起来)the same. They came to China from America45 . their parents in 2016. At first, they studied in a primary school in their village. Now46 . are middle school students in the town. They are both taller than47 . (两)years ago, they study very hard and are good48 . all subjects. Though they are twins, they act differently in many ways. Lucy is49 . sunny girl, she likes singing and50 . (跳舞). However, Lily is a little quieter, she likes reading books in her free time. But they have the51 . idea about China. They like China and52 . (中国的)people, they make many friends in China, and they think it is53 . (重要的)to make friends with people from different countries because a real friend always makes them forget the unhappy things.语法读下面五个段落,从所给括号中选出正确的语法项。AJerry goes to the kitchen to get a drink from the fridge. On the kitchen table, there54 . (A. has B. is ) a big basket. He can see some cans of cola, some bread, big roast chicken and many red apples there, but he cant find 55 . (A. some B. any) juice to drink.BMy dream school day starts56 . (A. on B. at) 8:30 a.m. It doesnt finish until 3 p.m. and we would have much time for after-school activities. We 57 . (A. dont have got B. havent got) too much homework. Every month we go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre.CIn the middle of our dream school is a park. A shopping mall is 58 . (A. in front of B. between) it. We also have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We like59 . (A. they B. them) very much.DLeila is on holiday with her parents. They are in Beijing, China. Today they visit the Forbidden City. 60 . (A. Her B. She) parents take some photos. She 61 . (A. like B. likes) these photos so much.ELast Sunday, we went to the Great Wall. It is high and there arent any lifts. But still 62 . (A. a lot of B. a lots of) people have a visit there.63 . (A. Do B. Are) you like the Great Wall?七、话题作文64 . Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “My Neighborhood”(以“我的小区”为题写一篇短文,词数不少于50个):Sentence patterns for reference(以下句型仅供参考)I enjoy living in.It is.to.There is/ are._八、其他Choose the word with the different sound. (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)65 . AcableBanythingCchangingDhate66 . AseasonBeastCtheatreDreason67 . AgoodBlookCfootDfood第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、语法填空1、2、七、话题作文1、八、其他1、


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