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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Is this pen?- Yes,.Ayour; it isByou; it isChis; itsDher; isnt2 . I need the blue jacket. Here you are. _.AIt looks niceBThats greatCThank youDYoure welcome3 . _under_chair? My backpack.AWhats;aBWhats;/CWhats;theDWhat are4 . How many _do you have?Apairs shoesBpairs of shoesCpair of shoesDpairs of shoe5 . None of them havepity on the poor. Whatshame it is!A/, aBa, aCa, /Da, /6 . Can we leave the classroom now?No, you _.You _ to leave until the bell rings.Amustnt; are allowedBdont have to; are supposedCneednt; arent allowedDcant; arent supposed7 . Jim and Kate_ in Beijing now. They both_ from America.Ais; comeBare; comeCis; comesDare; comes8 . thatgirlinred?_isLucy.AWhos;HersBWhats;SheCWho;HeDWhos;She9 . There is not _ space in my bedroom because it is not _ enough.Alittle.bigBmuch.bigClittle.smallDmuch.small10 . Simon and I _ new (新的) students at Sunshine Middle School.AamBisCareDbe二、补全对话5选5A.No,thats AliceB.She is thinner than Nancy.C.She is fat with long hair.D.Yes, she does.E.My best friend is Nancy.A:Who is your best friend, Julia? B:11 . A:What does she look like?B:12 . A:Does Nancy work hard? B:13 . But I think Alice works harder than her. A: What is Alice like? B:14 . A: Is the girl under the tree Nancy?B: 15 . Nancy is in the music room now.三、完型填空I travel a lot for work. Last year, my colleagues(同事) and I went to London for work. We finished the work early. Everyone_ catch the plane home, but I couldnt. In the evening, I_ to go out for dinner. I didnt know the city well,_ I asked a driver to pick me up.I was a(n)_ person and loved to make friends. My driver asked _ I would like to go. I replied by asking him to choose the restaurant he liked to go for dinner. He drove me to a small restaurant. After getting off the car, I_ him to join me for dinner. I disliked eating by myself, and I couldnt stand him sitting in the car_ me to finish up.After this simple dinner, he and I became friends. I learned a lot_ life in his country. Now, every time I take a_ to London, he is my driver and we always enjoy dinner_ .Doing something nice for others makes this world a happier place.16 . AcanBcouldCmustDwould17 . AdecidedBadvisedCrefusedDhappened18 . AorBandCbutDso19 . AcreativeBoutgoingCeducationalDfamous20 . AwhichBhowCwhereDwhen21 . AletBinvitedCagreedDserved22 . Awaiting forBlooking afterClaughing atDcaring about23 . AthroughBaboutCwithoutDinside24 . AwalkBphotoCtripDmessage25 . AtogetherBeverCalreadyDalmost四、阅读单选Every mother is great, so is my mother. My mother is a common worker. But I love her very much. She is tall and of medium build. She has two big eyes. Her hair is black and curly. I think she is very beautiful.My mother likes telling stories. She also likes helping others. So she is popular. She is hard-working like many other mothers. Whenever she is at home or at work, she is always busy. On weekends, she often cleans our house, so our house is very clean and tidy. And she likes planting flowers, too. She often says, “Flowers are beautiful. Planting flowers is fun and exciting. Flowers can make the air fresh and keep the house beautiful.” She often gives flowers to her friends, too.She is strict in my study. She often says to me, “Study is the most important thing to a student. You must study hard. Then you can do more and better for others and yourself.” And she is also kind to me. Every day she takes good care of me. She often helps me. When I have trouble, Id like to ask her for help.”This is my mother. She is the greatest and most beautiful mother in my eyes.26 . What does the mother do?AA teacher.BA farmer.CA worker.27 . What color is the mothers hair?ABlack.BBlue.CBrown.28 . Who is always busy?AThe mother.BThe kid.CThe father.29 . What does the mother like doing?AFishing.BSwimming.CPlanting flowers.30 . What is important to a student?APlaying.BStudying.CSurfing the Internet.五、句型转换31 . Are you going to learn to drive this year?(作肯定回答)Yes,_.32 . She has lunch at school on Friday.(用next Friday改写句子)She_ to have lunch at school next Friday.33 . Tom wants to be an actor when he grows up.(对画线部分提问)What _ Tom _ when he grows up?34 . He is a pilot now.(用when he grows up 改写句子)He is_a pilot when he grows up.35 . Miss Yang is going to make a plan for this term. (对画线部分提问)_Miss Yang_for this term?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意或首字母提示写出单词的适当形式36 . Good afternoon ,everyone . My English name is Jane, from (来自) Lanzhou No. 1M_School.37 . -Whats your plate number(车牌号)?-Its Gan AUK six,six, z_ .38 . - _ me,can you spell “juzi” for me?-Sure.O-R-A-N-G-A39 . -What do you call(叫、称呼) your mothers sisters? -Theyre my _.40 . I like _, the color of the sky (天空)and the sea(大海).七、完成句子根据下列汉语意思完成句子41 . 风逐渐变弱, 太阳出来了。The wind was _and the sun rose.42 . 当他醒来时,他爸爸正在看着他。When he_, his father was watching him.43 . 不要打我的脸。Dont_me_the face.44 . 他迟到了,因为他的闹钟没响。He was late because his alarm didnt_.45 . 那时他正在等他爸爸。He was_his father at that time.46 . Lucy和Lily昨天下午4点钟在游泳。Lucy and Lily_at4:00 p.m. yesterday47 . 这个周末将要有一场大雨。There will be _this weekend.48 . 起初, 他不相信这个事实。_, he didnt believe the _.49 . 昨晚发生火灾时你正在干什么? What_you_when the fire_last night?50 . 在困难时期我们要相互帮助。We should help each other _.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Fathers Day is a day to 51 . fathers. On 52 . day, fathers usually receive greeting gifts and cards. On the 53 . , children will write, “Thanks, father.” “Best wishes for Fathers Day” and so on. Fathers Day is also a day families get together 54 . home as well as in the restaurants.Fathers Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a 55 . Day, and just because some American thought that if we had a Mothers Day, we should 56 . have a Fathers Day. Fathers Day has become important in North America. And businesses商家 found it was a 57 . way to get people to buy a present for their father, a present from 58 . shops.Now, what do people in North America do on Fathers Day? The59 . , radios, and TV tell children what they should do-buy a Fathers Day present for your father. They even甚至 tell a wife to buy a Fathers Day present- not for her father but for her60 . , even if即使 he is not yet a father.九、句子配对61 . Where is Helen from?AL-I-L-Y.62 . How do you spell your name?ASorry, I dont know.63 . Whats her number?AShe is from the UK.64 . Who is that woman?AThanks!65 . You are so beautiful.AShe is my mother.十、看图作文66 . 假如这是你的房间,请根据这幅图片的提示,写一篇短文,介绍一下你的房间。要求:1.必须用上图片的提示,语句通顺、句意连贯、语法正确; 2.50词左右(开头已给出,不计人总词数);3.提示词:在墙上on the wall。My RoomThis is my room. You can see 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、句子配对1、十、看图作文1、


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