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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its necessary to know how to ask for information _ when you visit a foreign country.AsadlyBquicklyCslowlyDpolitely2 . Alan practices basketball every day, so he can _ good enough on the school team.AisBbeingCareDbe3 . Though the coat is a bit large now , itme very soon .Awill be fitBwill fitCfitDfits4 . I didnt see him_ because I was making a phone call.Apast byBpassing byCputting upDput up5 . -Can Jack go to the movies with me this evening, Aunt May?-_.He has to study for his math test.AYes, hed love toBSorry, he cantCHe doesnt want toDNo problem6 . _ weather it is!Yes,it is. Lets go out and play.AWhat lovelyBWhat a lovelyCHow a lovelyDHow lovely7 . Which of the shirts do you like better?Ill take _. Theyre very fashionable and cheap.AnoneBallCbothDneither8 . The word “_” means conversation, especially in literature, plays and films.AgameBdialogueCcartoonDdrama9 . Mum, Ill have a math exam tomorrow. ANo problem.BWell done!CGood luck!DWhat a pity!10 . Is that your pencil case _the lost and found case?AatBinCofDto11 . -How does she study _an English test?-She studies by _the textbook.Afor ,readingBby ,readsCfor ,read12 . Square Dancing is becoming more and more _.AcomfortableBdifficultCdifferentDpopular13 . _ yogurt do we need?_.AHow much;littleBHow many;littleCHow much;a littleDHow many;a little14 . Jack is always so busy that he can hardly_ a few minutes to talk to his family.AspendBspareCshareDtake15 . This is pencil and that is eraser.Aa;aBan;anCa;anDan;a二、补全对话7选5情景反应。从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将其字母标号填在答题纸的相应位置上。其中有两项多余。A: How was your day off, Lucy? Did you have a good time?B: Oh, no! 16 . A: Really? What happened?B: Well, we went camping and the weather was terrible. 17 . A: Oh, thats too bad.B: Ugh! Because the weather was so bad, we went for a drive. 18 . It was really boring.A: Sounds terrible, Larry.B: How about your day off, Tony?A: It was terrible! I studied very hard for my math test last week. 19 . When I woke up, it was already 12 oclock. I got up and went to my friend Daves house, but he wasnt there. 20 . B: So what did you do then?A: I helped my mom and dad clean the yard.B: Sounds like a busy day off!ABut I dont like driving.BThere were many people there.CIt was quite awful. DHe was at the beach!EI felt really excited.FSo I slept late.GIt rained and rained all day long.三、完型填空Evening came. It was time for Mr Black to close his shop. He was _ his money. His son, Tom, who was 15,had just gone outside to buy a newspaper. Just then, a big man walked _ the shop. He had a gun in his hand.When Tom came back, he could hear the man asking his father for _. Tom could see the gun in the mans hand, but the man didnt _ or hear Tom.Tom hurried to the street. He looked for the police, _ he didnt see any. Then Tom saw an old baseball bat(棒球球棒)lying in the street. Maybe this will be helpful, he thought. He ran _ with it.His father was just giving some of the money to the man. The man was watching Toms father. Tom knew he could not _ long. Now is the time. I _ do it now. Tom went up to the man and knocked him down _ the bat.Tom and his father then ran outside. This time they got the _ and told them what had happened. The police quickly went to the shop and caught the man.21 . AcheckingBcountCspendingDsave22 . Aout ofBaroundCintoDdown23 . ApaperBwaterCmoneyDfood24 . AknowBcatchCmeetDsee25 . AbutBsoCforDor26 . AbackBoverCawayDpast27 . AholdBwaitCrestDwatch28 . Ahad betterBcanCmustDhave to29 . AbyBfromCwithoutDwith30 . AneighboursBpoliceCfriendsDchildren四、阅读单选Renault Mnage: This 2-seat luxury car provides a comfortable driving experience. But its powerful engine means you had better be prepared for a big fuel(燃料) bill each week. Its fantastic look will make you the focus(中心) of all attention.Company: Renault, France. Price:$85,000Fiat 500: Although expensive, it will soon pay for itself with the money you save on petrol(汽油). It has the most efficient and cleanest petrol powered engine. It has 4 seats and it is perfect for a family.Company: Fiat, Italy. Price:$35,000Land Rover Discovery: With 7 seats, this car is suitable for all driving conditions. It has good control for driving in the city and the power for rough roads and carrying heavy things. But it consumes (消耗) lots of fuel. Company: Land Rover, Britain. Price:$51,999Hyundai i20: 4 seats inside. Perfect for short journeys but doesnt have the power to make long distance driving enjoyable and comfortable. Still, at this price you cant complain and youll be smiling when you have to fill up the tank too. It really saves fuel. Company: Hyundai, Korea. Price:$8,00031 . John needs to drive his two sons to school and he likes European cars. What may he choose?AHyundai i20 or Fiat 500.BFiat 500 or Land Rover Discovery.CRenault Mnage or Fiat 500.32 . Which of the following cars are greener?AHyundai i20 and Fiat 500.BRenault Mnage and Fiat 500.CLand Rover Discovery and Hyundai i20.33 . If you choose a Land Rover Discovery, you will_.Aspend less money on fuelBtake 5 people at most each timeCbe able to drive on rough roads阅读理解。FoundIs this your computer game?Call John at 4953638.LostMy ID card.Please call 6856034.My name is Mike.FoundIs this your watch?Please call Gina.Phone: 9293012.34 . _ found a computer game.A. John B. Mike C. Gina35 . Johns telephone number is _.A. 4953638 B. 6856034 C. 929301236 . Mike lost _.A. his computer game B. his ID card C. his ring37 . Gina found _.A. a computer game B. an ID card C. a watch38 . Alice lost a watch. She can call _.A. 6856034 B. 4953638 C. 9293012A six-year-old British girl, Mollie Price, is opening up her third candy store. She is said to be one of Britains youngest bosses. Her stores are called “Mollies.” She sells both British and American candy. The girl would like to open more candy stores. “It might sound crazy, but believe me,” Mollie says. “It was Mollies idea to open up the shop. It is Mollie who runs the candy stores,” her mother Becky, her “business partner” says.Her mother says all the stores are put together and stocked(进货)by Mollie. Mollie works in one of the stores every Saturday, then gets up early Sunday to go to the companys product supplier(供应商). She asks her friends to test the sweets to decide which ones are good. Shes good at smart marketing. For example, if the weather is really cold, she sells the Mr Whippy ice cream cheaper than when its hot outside.“Children have the best ideas. I tell my mum what I think and she always says I have good ideas. Its just because I know what other children like,” Mollie says.39 . Whats Mollies plan for the future?ABecome Britains youngest boss.BOpen more candy stores.CWork as a product supplier.DMake the best ice cream products.40 . How does Mollie know which kinds of candy are good?AHer mother decides itBShe has her friends test the candy.CShe goes to the market to researchDShe asks the companys product supplier.41 . The prices of some ice cream products in Mollies stores change according to _.Athe number of the productsBher friends ideaCthe weatherDthe dates42 . According to the passage, whats the key(关键)to Mollies success?AShe works hard and she is good at smart marketing.BThe companys supplier makes good products.CShe would like to open more candy stores.DHer mother always has good ideas.43 . According to the passage, Mollie is a/an_ girl.AkindBhonestCsmartDpolite五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写句中所缺的单词。44 . My mother works eight _(小时) every day.45 . When do you usually get _(穿衣服Ain the morning?46 . My father works at the radio _(电台A47 . After dinner, she likes to take a _(散步A48 . I am _(偶尔) late for school.六、完成句子. 根据汉语提示完成句子49 . 布莱克一家正考虑要去法国度假。The Blacks_going to France for their holidays.50 . 果汁可能对儿童的牙齿有损害。Fruit juice can be _ childrens teeth.51 . 大长今是我看过的最精彩的电视剧之一。Dae Jang Geum is one of _TV _ that I have ever seen.52 . 在上周末我们开了次班会。We _a class meeting_ last week.53 . 青少年不应该花费很多时间玩电脑。Teenagers shouldnt _ much time_ computer games.七、单词填空请用适当的词完成下面题目,并将所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的词,将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。My name is George .I ride 54 . bike to deliver(送) letters to people every day. I 55 . riding a bike. I like my job, 56 . it is my hobby(爱好).When I was a child, I wanted to do a job in music. I wanted to be a 57 . . After I left(离开)school, I began to deliver letters to people .It is really 58 . , I meet different people every day. When people get the letters, 59 . are happy. I feel great when others are 60 . . It is the best part of my 61 . . But 62 . it is a little dangerous. There are always a lot of cars and buses running on the roads. A few months ago, I had an accident(事故). It is the bad part of my life .But I still 63 . my job.八、填空任务型阅读Favourite AnimalNameCountryFoodPlaceLindaSouth Americafruitin the jungle(灌木丛)SamAfricagrassin the desertBruce Europemeatin the forestJackChinagrass and leavesin the grassland请根据表格内容完成下列句子。每空一词。64 . Lindas favourite animal lives in the _.65 . _ favourite animal comes from Europe.66 . Jacks favourite animal eats _ and leaves.67 . Sams favourite animal lives in the _.68 . Jacks favourite animal comes from _.九、材料作文69 . 假如你是李杰,你的英国网友Mike给你发来电子邮件,询问天津的最佳旅游季节。请根据下表内容用英语给Mike回复一封电子邮件。天气春季暖和,多风夏季非常炎热,有时下雨秋季凉爽,舒适冬季有点寒冷你的建议最佳旅游季节推荐理由1.2.(注:天气情况最多只可作为推荐理由之一。)要求:(1)词数:50-70词。(2)短文要包括所有内容要点,行文连贯,可适当发挥。(3)开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,You asked me about the best time to travel in Tianjin. _Best wishes,Li Jie第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、


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