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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末学业质量评估英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This isuseful book. Its a story aboutengineer.Aan,a.Ban,anCa,aDa,an2 . Well study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school!_.A Ill take your adviceB Im sorry to hear thatC Me tooD The same to you3 . This desk is new ,that one is old .AbutBandCtoDfor4 . -To save energy, we should_ the electricity when we dont use it.-Youre right, I often do that.Ashut upBshut offCtake awayDtake off5 . Whats he doing? HeTv.AwatchBwatchesCwatchingDis watching .6 . Mr. Kenji is from Japan, _ he can speak English very well.AorBbutCsoDand7 . What pity that he has made only _ friends here!AlittleBa littleCfewDa few8 . How does it take? It takes about 10 minutes .Along, walkBlong, to walkCfar, walkingDfar, walk9 . The weather in Beijing is colder than.Ain ShanghaiBShanghaiCthat in ShanghaiDof Shanghai10 . The young man is _ carry that heavy bag.Astrong enough toBenough strong toCnot strong enoughDstrong enough二、完型填空One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “You speak very good English.” But the girl answered, “No, no. My English is very poor.” The foreigner was quite surprised at the answer. Thinking he had not made _understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, he said, “Yes, indeed, you speak very well.”_ the girl still kept saying, “No.” In the end the American boy could not understand and didnt know _ to say.Whats wrong with the girls answer? She didnt _ a compliment (恭维) in the same way as the American people do. She should answer, “Thank you” instead of “No”. She _ understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest. In the _, people will feel proud and confident when they are praised . So if someone says the _you have cooked are very delicious, you should say, “Thank you.”In our country we think being modest is a virtue (美德) and being proud is a bad thing, but in my opinion, being confident does not _ being proud, so sometimes you should be confident _ being modest. If you are modest and say, “No, Im afraid I cant do it well”, while working in a western country, the others may think that you really cannot do it. If you often say “No”, you will certainly be looked down upon by others. When asking for a job, if one says something like “Yes, I can certainly do it” instead of “Let me have a try”, he or she will _ getting it. So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence.11 . AitselfBherselfChimself12 . AThoughBAlthoughCBut13 . AhowBwhichCwhat14 . AreceiveBacceptCagree15 . AhardlyBreallyCbadly16 . AeastBsouthCwest17 . AdishesBbowlsCglasses18 . AthinkBsayCmean19 . Aas soon asBas well asCinstead of20 . Afail toBexpect toCsucceed in三、阅读单选NameJim GreenSchoolHilltop High SchoolTerm ending8th, JulyMathsHe is a little weak in this subject.ScienceHe can work out many difficulties. Well done.EnglishHe is the best in the class. Keep it up.FrenchHis reading is very good. He can remember many words.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but has done better than before.GeographyHe is familiar with the names of many places in the world.MusicHe doesnt like pop songs, though he sings very well.Conduct(行为)BetterAbsence2Remark(评语)Jim has the ability to do a lot better.Head teacherSue ReadPrincipleAndrew RobinsonSchool reports18th, July21 . After reading the form, we know this is .Aa studying plan of Jim GreenBa teaching report of Sue ReadCa school report about Jim GreenDa working plan of Andrew Robinson22 . From this form, we know that Jims best subject is .AscienceBFrenchCgeographyDEnglish23 . From this form, we know Jim is not so food at .Ascience and geographyBmaths and historyChistory and FrenchDmusic and English24 . According to the form, which of the following is NOT true?AJim doesnt like pop music at all.BJim can do better if he works harder next termCJim doesnt do well in science.DJim learns two languages.It was a summer evening. It was very hot and there was no wind. People in the city couldnt fall asleep. Suddenly the lights went out and the air conditioners stopped working. The angry people called the power station to ask about the reason. The engineers there were all worried. Something was wrong with a generator. But all of them didnt know what was wrong with it.“We can ask my teacher Professor Hyde for help,” said a young man. He left university a year ago. “Im sure only he can work out the problem.” Professor Hyde was a famous expert(专家) on generators. So several hours later the expert came. Looking at the generator carefully, the expert walked around it and several minutes later he stopped. He took out a hammer( 铁锤 ) and hit a part of the generator with it. And it began to work at once.“Thank you very much,” said the director( 主任 ). “How much shall we pay for fixing(修理) the generator?”“5,000 dollars,” answered the professor.“Oh dear!” called out an engineer. “5,000 dollars for only hitting the generator with a hammer?”25 . Why could people in the city NOT fall asleep that night?ABecause it was very hot.BBecause the wind was very strong.CBecause there was something wrong with their air conditioners.DBecause their lights went out.26 . What does the underlined word “generator” mean?AA machine for cooling the air.BA machine for cooking meals.CA machine for producing electricity.DA machine for cleaning water.27 . Which of the following is TURE?AThe engineers knew whats wrong with the generator, but they couldnt fix it.BA young man could work out the problems with his teachers help.CProfessor Hyde fixed the generator with a hammer finally.DThe director didnt give Professor Hyde and money at last.28 . What did the engineer think of the pay(报酬) the professor asked for?AIts really low.BIts wrong.CIts perfect.DIts too high.29 . What can we learn from the passage?AA hammer is really useful.BThe engineers can help people a lot.CKnowledge(知识) is the key to a problem.DGenerators are important to people.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot(辣的) food.Japanese like to eat fish. Often they dont cook it.In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their workplace. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. The worlds favorite food is American fast food. If you go to some important cities in the world, you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.Fish and chips and Chinese take- away food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA. They eat take-away food, too, like chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger. It looks like a bread with meat in it,but the hamburger does not have any pork(猪肉)in it.The hamburgers with beef inside are delicious.They are also popular in England and Australia.30 . Italians like to eat.AdumplingsBpizzaChot foodDfish31 . Fish and chips are very popular in.AEnglandBAustraliaCthe USADCanada32 . In different countries people eatfood.AdifferentBthe sameCthe differentDsame33 . The hamburger does not have anyin it.AbeefBporkCfishDchips34 . The underlined word “take-away food” I means“”.A垃圾食品B进口食品C外卖食品D冷冻食品四、句型转换35 . Does your father often eat vegetables?(做肯定回答)Yes, _.36 . How is he?(改为复数)How _?37 . Ann likes this yellow ruler.(改为否定句)Ann _ this yellow ruler.38 . The boy likes history best at school.(对划线部提问)_ does the boy like best at school?39 . The hat is black and white.(对划线部分提问)_ is the hat?五、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子):40 . I am not giving you my own personal _ /pnjn/.41 . Our English homework yesterday was to write a book _ /rvju:/.42 . Hes a very strict teacher, but the students _ /rspekt/ him.43 . The house is in a _ /mes/ after the wonderful party.44 . These problems are the _ /rzlt/of years of his bad management.45 . Our daughter makes a good _ /slr/, but she really works hard for it.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词适当形式填空46 . His money is _ (exact) enough for the scarf.47 . To my _ (surprised) .Tom passed the exam.48 . His mother raises five_ (goose).49 . Do you know the _ (different) between the two paintings.50 . _ (learn) a new language can be a challenge.51 . I am looking forward to _ ( meet ) you.52 . She speaks English online _ ( two ) a week.53 . Hurry up. Im afraid of _ ( be ) late for class.54 . Tom has a few _ ( Canada ) friends.55 . We must take care of _ ( 活着的 ) things.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译56 . 它们含糖量太多,对我们的牙齿有害。_57 . 日本在中国的东面。_58 . 当我们阅读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快。_59 . 有时候我真不知道如何做决定。_60 . 这辆99路车上人太多,我上不去。_八、英汉互译:单词/短语66.Many famous people had dreams when they were young. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true. When I was only 14 years old, I first thought about what I should do in the future. 67.I used to dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player or a baseball player. However, because I was too short, 68.所以我放弃了这些梦想。Then I thought about going into music, so I bought a guitar.69.但我弹得不是很好。Then I had to give up my dream again. After that I thought about being a reporter and worked really hard. At the age of 25, my dream came true and I became a reporter.Finally, 70.I learned the truth about making dreams come true. I should never give up and I must work hard.61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _九、材料作文66 . 书面表达你妹妹的生日就要到了,你和父母一起去商场为她挑选礼物。根据表格提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。(用一般现在时表达即可)人物礼物原因爸爸李健的CD妈妈玩具熊我书My sisters birthday is coming._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、英汉互译:单词/短语1、九、材料作文1、


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