七年级英语下册Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses!

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七年级英语下册Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses!姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . should we do when we meet a Maori friend? Well, touch noses, I think.AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen2 . I hear Mary has got a good job in a worlds top company.Yes. Her good _ experience helped her a lot. She once studied in one of the best college in China.AtravelBeducationClifeDteaching3 . I like to travel on high-speed trains because they are usually. While planes are behind schedule (晚点) too often.Aat timesBon timeCat the timeDon the time4 . I cant relax on weekends,.AsoBneitherCeitherDalso二、完型填空Julia comes from America. Lingling comes from China. They are in the same class and they are good friends.oday they go_together. Julia would like_a skirt and Lingling wants to buy a pair of socks. Now it is four oclock in the afternoon. Julia is_and she takes Lingling to a fast-food_.There Julia asks Lingling, What would you like to eat? Nothing, Lingling answers embarrassedly(不好意思地)._Julia only buys a hamburger and a_of orange juice. Lulia sits and eats. Lingling sits next to Julia and_her. She is hungry and very angry. She_Julia isnt polite. But Julia doesnt_this, because it is all right in_country. Do you see the difference between two countries?5 . AswimmingBskatingCfishingDshopping6 . Ato eatBto buyCto wearDto give7 . Ahungry .BsadCtiredDhappy8 . AhospitalBpost officeCrestaurantDbank9 . ASoBAndCButDOr10 . AbagBpieceCtinDglass11 . AreadsBfindsClooks atDlooks12 . AthinksBwantsCwould likeDlikes13 . AwantBknowCeatDshow14 . AmyByourCherDtheir三、阅读单选There are at least 3,000 miles (about 4,828 km) of waterways in Britain. On these canals (运河) and rivers, there are over 30,000 houseboats-boats that people use as homes. Around 10,000 of them are located in London.Houseboat communities are made up of people who are looking for a slower way of life and who want to be in touch with nature.Living on the water sounds romantic (浪漫的), but it is also hard work. There are daily things that need to be done, like bringing fuel (燃料) and water on board and dealing with waste water from the kitchen sink, shower and toilet. In winter, living on a boat can be very cold and there is always a feeling of being damp(潮湿的). Of course, most boats are quite small inside, so you dont have much space, especially if you are a couple, family or group of friends.However, the number of people living on Britains waterways has increased by around 50 percent over the past ten years. This is not only because they like the idea of life on water but also because it is much cheaper to buy or rent (租) a boat than a flat or a house.There is a great sense of community on the waterways. Houseboat neighbours often become friends for life. This is quite a different story from people who live in flats or houses and may hardly know the people next door at all.15 . What can we know about houseboats in Britain from the passage?AThere are about 40,000 houseboats in total.BThey are boats that are used as homes.CThey are houses in the shape of boats.DThey are designed for traveling on water.16 . Why do people live in houseboats?AThey want to get away from nature.BThey need to make a living by fishing.CThey prefer a slower way of life.DThey enjoy living an faster life on water.17 . What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about?AThe best season to live on a boat.BTips for living on a houseboat.CThe costs of living on water.DThe difficulties of living on the water.18 . Why are more people choosing to live on waterways?ABecause it costs less than living in a house or flat.BBecause the government is promoting (推进) this idea.CBecause they are afraid of living in cities.DBecause it provides a bad sense of community四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。19 . We take photos with a c_.20 . Can I use your m_ phone? Of course, here you are.21 . She gets up late. So she goes to school in a h_.22 . H_ of people visit our school every year.23 . People often lose things at the a_ and station.24 . Tom doesnt like the _ (香肠).25 . Its very _ (奇怪). I dont know it.26 . Its very far from our hotel to the station, youd better take a _ (出租车).27 . Mr. Green _ (忘了带) his umbrella on the bus.28 . We found three _ (鸭子) at the Lost and Found Office.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)29 . We can_the old cans, bottles and books. (use)30 . She never gets_. (angrily)31 . Kitty gave her parents an_to their Open Day. (invite)32 . Can you show me the_to the park? (enter)33 . It will be my uncles_birthday tomorrow. (thirty)六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子34 . 地上覆盖着厚厚的雪。The ground is _ thick snow.35 . 不要把书包放在地上。_ the schoolbag _ the floor.36 . 我们应当对父母给予的一切表示感谢。We should _ for everything that our parents give us.37 . 那个箱子里装满了各种各样的书。The box is _ all kinds of books.38 . 你应该在我们吃之前把烤鸭切成薄片。You should _ the roast duck _ thin pieces before we eat.七、汉译英:整句根据括号内所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。39 . 王阿姨格外努力地帮我学习地理。 (go out of ones way)_40 . 玛丽将会让你感到宾至如归的。 (make sb. feel at home)_41 . 张晴习惯每天听音乐。 (get used to)_42 . 丁桥觉得使用筷子很难。 (its + adj. + to do sth.)_43 . 他的饮食习惯和我的大不相同。(be different from)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、汉译英:整句1、

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