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辽宁省2020年英语五年级下册专项训练:阅读与写作B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案My school is very big. It has sixteen classrooms. There are three hundred students in it. Im in Class 2, Grade 4. There are two doors and six windows in my classroom. On the teachers desk, there is a computer. We have twenty-five desks and fifty chairs. Therere thirty boys and twenty girls in our class. We have three teachers. They are a Chinese teacher, an English teacher and a maths teacher. We all love our teachers.1 . The school has _ classrooms. ( )AsixtyBsixteenCsix2 . There are _ students in my school. ( )Aone hundredBninetyCthree hundred3 . There is _ on the teachers desk. ( )Aa computerBa TVCtwo doors4 . Therere _ boys in my class. ( )Atwenty-fiveBtwentyCthirty5 . We have _ teachers. ( )AtwoBthreeCfour二、完形填空完形填空。The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. It usually _ in January or February. Almost(几乎)everybody _ China likes the Spring Festival _. _ the Spring Festival comes, people _ their houses and buy new clothes, new shoes and a lot of food. _ the _ day of the festival, most people in China _ dumplings. People _ their relatives and friends. They usually have a _ time.6 . AcomeBcomesCis coming7 . AinBonCto8 . Avery goodBvery wellCvery much9 . AWhatBWhereCWhen10 . AplayBwaterCclean11 . AInBOnCAt12 . AfirstBsecondCthird13 . AeatsBeatingCeat14 . AgoBvisitCsee15 . AgoodBbadCsad三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Lucy is an English girl. She is twelve years old. She has got a pet dog. It is a lovely dog. It has got long hair and big eyes. Lucy loves it very much. She often plays with it. Lucy likes dancing and painting. She can speak Chinese very well. She says she wants to visit China someday. She wants to have a pen friend from China. Would you like to be her pen friend?16 . How old is Lucy?_17 . Has Lucy got a pet cat?_18 . What does Lucy like?_19 . What does Lucy want to do someday?_20 . Does Lucy want to have a pen friend from China?_四、任务型阅读阅读理解You Can Use MineTim: Where are you going?Nancy: Im going to the classroom. Whats the weather like outside(外面)?Tim: Its raining and windy. You should take an unbrella(雨伞) with you.Nancy: But I havent got one. Tim: You can use mine. I dont need(需要) it now. Here it is.Nancy: Thank you very much. Bye.Tim: Bye.根据短文填空21 . Whats the _ like outside?22 . Its _ and windy.23 . Nancy hasnt _ an umbrella.24 . You should take an umbrella _ you.25 . You can use _ .阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。Dear Amy,Im very happy, because my birthday will come next Saturday, and my family has many food and drink. I would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home. If you can come, please call me on 1234-5634.See you at the party.Yours,Jack26 . Jacks birthday well be next Saturday. (_)27 . Jacks family has many food and drink. (_)28 . Jacks birthday party is at his school meeting. (_)29 . If you can come, please call Jack on 1324-5634. (_)阅读理解,判断正误Lucy does many things on Saturday. She visits the doctor at 9:15. At 11:30, she goes to the library. She takes the cat to the vet at 14:15. She has music class at 16:45. She visits John in the hospital at 18:15. She goes to Dads birthday party at 19:30. She writes her diary at 10:00. Oh, what a busy(忙碌) day!30 . Lucy does many things on Sunday. (_)31 . Lucy visits the doctor at nine thirty. (_)32 . At eleven thirty, Lucy goes to the library. (_)33 . Lucy has music class at four forty-five. (_)34 . Lucy has dinner at ten oclock. (_)五、选内容补全对话选择合适的单词填空,使短文意思完整。have, visit, by, buy, with, for, at, watch, read, doIm going to 35 . a busy weekend. On Saturday, Im going to the bookstore 36 . bus. Im going to 37 . some books about science there. Then, Im going back home to read the new books. On Sunday, Im going shopping 38 . my mother. She will buy a new bike for me. Then we are going to have lunch 39 . home. In the evening, Im going to 40 . my aunt. We are going to 41 . TV together. How fun the weekend will be! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?六、书面表达42 . 你会描述自己的衣服吗?请参考上一篇Lucy的作文,结合自己的实际情况,对自己的衣服进行描述。提示:可以从颜色,喜好程度等方面进行描述。_43 . 根据图片和提示词写短文。tall, big eyes, big mouth, red T-shirt, blue shorts, white and blue shoesBill is my new friend._44 . 写作。请你介绍一下你是如何过生日的,包括生日的时间,哪些人和你一起过生日,你在生日那天做些什么等。至少5句话。_45 . 书面表达请模仿范文,介绍你的家人。注意圈出一个合适的人称代词 He/She。This is my mother.She is a teacher.She has a red dress.She can draw.She cannot dance.This is my _.He/She is _.He/She has _.He/She can _.He/She cannot _.46 . 书面表达。Amy去年参加了一场音乐会。一开始很紧张。演出后觉得很自豪。你参加过音乐会 (a concert) 或运动会(a sports meeting)吗?或者是演讲比赛(a speech competition),等。请你把自己的经历叙述一下吧!30词左右。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、二、完形填空1、三、阅读回答问题1、四、任务型阅读1、2、3、五、选内容补全对话1、六、书面表达1、2、3、4、5、


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