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教科版(广州)四年级下册期中质量检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Lingling is in London _ Sam and Amy. ( )AforBandCwithDof2 . You can _ every day.( )ArunningBranCrun3 . should I wear today? ( )AWhichBWhatCWhere4 . He likes .He can well.( )Apaint; paintBpainting; paintCpainting; painting5 . I dont have lessons on Saturday! ( )AaBanyCsome6 . I am Dog. ( )AmissBMissCmr7 . There are _ seasons in China. ( )AtwoBthreeCfour8 . You should _ carefully in class. ( )AlistenBlisten toClistened9 . The children enjoyup in mothers old clothes. ( )AdressBdressedCdressingDto dress二、阅读选择阅读短文。Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking was born in 1942 in England. When he was a child, he was very clever. He helped his teachers install (安装) computers.At the age of 21, Hawking got an illness. He could only speak using a computerized voice(电脑语音), but he did not give up(放弃). In 1988, Hawking wrote a famous book. It is A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes(时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞) The book talks about the universe(宇宙). Where did it come from? How will it end? What does it look like? You can read the book to find out more.Hawking visited China three times. He had many fans in China. Hawking told Chinese children to stay curious and confident (保持好奇和自信).On March 14th, 2018, the great scientist passed away(逝世) in the UK. He studied the universe in his whole life. He also wrote many famous science books. He said, Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.10 . Where was Stephen Hawking born? ( )AIn China.BIn the US.CIn the UK.11 . When did Hawking get an illness? ( )AIn 1988.BIn 1963.CIn 2018.12 . What did Hawking do in 19887 ( )AHe got an illness.BHe visited China three times.CHe wrote a book-A Brief History of Time.13 . Why was Hawking very great? ( )ABecause he helped his teachers install computers.BBecause he studied the universe in his whole life and wrote many famous science books.CBecause he told Chinese children to stay curious and confident.14 . How old was Hawking when he died? ( )A76. B80.C86.三、填空题15 . Look, read and answer.【小题1】What is your father doing?_【小题2】What does your grandfather like to do in the afternoon?_【小题3】What are you going to do on Childrens Day? _【小题4】What are you doing, Jack?_【小题5】What is Lily doing?_【小题6】_They are having a birthday party.四、任务型阅读16 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。This is Linda. Shes twenty-one. She has long black hair, big ears and small eyes. She is tall. She likes music and sports. She likes computer games, too. Im Kate. I have short black hair. I dont like music. I like Chinese.【小题1】Linda is twenty-one. (_)【小题2】Linda has big eyes and small ears. (_)【小题3】Kate likes music. (_)【小题4】Linda likes computer games. (_)【小题5】Kate has long black hair. (_)五、选内容补全对话17 . 补全对话。AHello! Im Bob. BWe have two new friends in our class.CWelcome to our class! DGood morning.E. Bob and Zhou Pei, go back to your seats, please.Miss Liu: Hello, boys and girls.1_ Come here, Bob and Zhou Pei. Come to the front.Bob:2_ Im eleven. I come from Britain. Zhou Pei: 3_ Im Zhou Pei. Im eleven. I come from Beijing.Patrick:4_Zhou Pei: Thank you! Miss Liu:5_ Now, lets begin our class.六、匹配题18 . 选出表示下列图片内容的单词。(_) 1. (_) 2.(_) 3. (_) 4. (_) 5.A. sun B. sheep C. bear D. children E. owl A. sun B. sheep C. bear D. children E. owl 七、看图题看图,补全句子。19 . Here is an _.20 . I sent Lingling an _ yesterday. 21 . Did you travel by train? _, _.22 . They went to the _ on Saturday. 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、七、看图题1、


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