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太原市2020年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ season do you like best, Sarah? ( )AWhichBWhereCWhen2 . Judy, youre late _ school. ( )AinBonCforDat3 . Theres _ orange juice. ( )AaBsomeCany4 . Mikelikes_inwinterandoften_withhisfatheratweekends. ( )Aswim;swimBswimming;swimCswimming;swimsDswim;swims选择不同类的一项。5 . AbearBbodyCbird6 . AkiteBcrayonCpen7 . AanimalBelephantCmonkey8 . AarmBfootCnoodle9 . AbrownBwhatCorange10 . We _ ping-pong. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking11 . Candy always walks to school. She _ goes to school by bus, too. ( )AneverBusuallyCsometimes12 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AsunnyBtalkCwarm13 . Push _.( )AIBweCher14 . Tomorrow is SundayIs Bob going to an art museum?AYeshe would like toBYes,he willCYes,he is.二、阅读选择阅读理解。阅读短文内容,选择正确答案。I am a girl. My English name is Linda. I am eleven years old. I have seven subjects at school. They are Chinese, math, English, P.E., music, art and science.My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is fun. I also like English. But its a little difficult(困难的) for me. I can speak only a little English. Science is fun, too. I like it. Math is difficult. Mr. Wang is our math teacher. He is very strict.(严格的). Im usually tired after his class. But I work hard. I think I can study it well.15 . Linda is_. ( )A11B12C1316 . Linda has_ subjects at school. ( )AsixBsevenCeight17 . Lindas favorite subject is_. ( )AChineseBEnglishCmath18 . Linda thinks English is_. ( )AdifficultBfunCa little difficult19 . The underlined word “tired” means_. ( )A兴奋的B累的C重要的三、填空题20 . 补全句子1.The boy was _ (sad的反义词) yesterday.2. My brother is _ (short的反义词).3. The tree was _ (big的反义词) last year.4. We _ (are的过去式) in Canada last week.5. This is a _ (picture的同义词) of my family.四、单词拼写21 . crayon (复数) _22 . 根据括号中的数字填写合适的序数词或基数词(写单词)。1、Bill is _(11)years old , he is in Class_(2)Grade_(4).2、My birthday is on the_(3)of March .3、September is the _(9)month in a year .4、Which boy is thinner , the _(1)one or the _(2)one ?5、There are _(12)apples on the desk .五、任务型阅读阅读理解Mr.Wood:LiMing,doyouusuallywalktoschool?LiMing: No,Iusuallygotoschoolbybus.SometimesIridemybicycle.Ilivetoofar fromschool.Mr. Wood:Danny,howdoyougotoschool?Danny: SometimesIridemybike,sometimesIwalk. Ilivenearhere. I never(从来不) takea bus. Howaboutyou,Mr.Wood?Mr.Wood:Ialwaysgotoschoolbybus. Ineverwalk.Ineverridemybike,too.根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。23 . Ling Ming usually goes to school on foot. (_)24 . Ling Mings house is near school. (_)25 . Danny goes to school by bus. (_)26 . Danny sometimes goes to school by bike. (_)27 . Mr. wood never goes to work on foot. (_)六、英汉混合英汉互译。28 . 三十匹马_29 . at a snack bar_30 . 一间大的卧室_31 . make a salad_32 . 一杯咖啡_33 . play football well_34 . 一些米饭_35 . on the sofa_36 . 喜欢香蕉_37 . a short tail_七、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Lets go to the restaurant.B. How much are they?C. Id like some soup.D. Id like some dumplings.E. Im hungry.Mrs. Li: Its time for lunch. 38 . Mr. Li: Me, too. But there is no food at home.Mrs. Li: 39 . Mr. Li: OK.At the restaurantMrs. Li: Id like some rice and vegetables. What about you?Mr. Li: I dont like rice. 40 . Mrs. Li: What would you like to drink?Mr. Li: 41 . How about you?Mrs. Li: Id like some juice. 42 . Waiter: They are 38 yuan.八、书面表达43 . 书面表达。请从外貌特征、会做什么、喜欢做什么等方面来介绍你的朋友,不少于五句话。提示:我有一位好朋友。她/他有大大的眼睛。她/他喜欢画画,也喜欢阅读。她/他有许多书。她/他会跳舞My good friendI have a good friend. _第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、2、五、任务型阅读1、六、英汉混合1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、书面表达1、


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