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太原市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Yang Ling went to Nanjing _the holiday. ( )AwithBinCfor2 . My sister has an egg _. ( )Aa timeBat a timeCat timesDin a time3 . Its _. Its _.Asummer; hotBautumn; coldCwinter; warm4 . Is this kite _Jam? ( )AonBinCfrom5 . Its _ a bag. ( )AredBareCin6 . I want _ a pizza. ( )AeatBeatingCto eat7 . -Whats your mothers hobby? ( )-She likes _.Ago shoppingBgoes shoppingCgoing shopping8 . ( )ApencilBruler9 . ball ( )ABC10 . This is a horse. ( )ABC11 . -What do you like_?( )-I like jumping.AdoBdoingCis选出不同类的单词。12 . AfanBhelpCTV13 . AcolourBgreenCred14 . AthisBlookCthat15 . AwhiteBlistenCclean16 . Labour Day is on 1st. ( )AAprilBMayCSeptemberDOctober17 . Have you got any stamps from_? ( )AFrenchBFranceCRussian18 . How _ she feel? ( )Shes angry.AareBdoCdoes二、填空题19 . Think and write: They are very _with that.选择恰当单词,补全句子。20 . How many apples are there _ (on/in) the tree?21 . Look _ (in/at) that room.22 . What would you like _ (for/of) dinner?23 . Hes very _ (friend/friendly).24 . I have a _ (Chinese/English) book.25 . 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. Who _ (have) to go back now?2. Let _(we) go and have a look.3. Who _ (help) me?4. She _ (come) and _(visit) every house.5. Whose shoe _the girls _(try) on?6. Who _ (try) on the dress?7. Why cant you _ (play) football?8. My hands _ (hurt).9. He also likes _(make) cakes.10. They_ (try) on the shoes.11. Who _(want) the book?12. Peter _(study) Chinese after school.13. The shoes dont _ (fit) me.14. Who _(like) playing computer games?15. There _ (be) a chair, a desk and a bed in the room.16. I can skate very _(good).26 . 补充句子。1.Here is your _(信件),Miss white.2.Look!Weiwei is taking_(照片)in the zoo.3.My_(小的) sister is only one.4.My mother is_ (talk) to my grandpa.5.Tom is_(play) with a toy train.6.Lucy is _(take) pictures.27 . 在四线格中写出下面一句话所要求的数字。Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty.按要求写单词。28 . apple(复数形式)-_29 . buy(现在分词)-_30 . orange(复数形式)-_31 . can not(简略形式)-_32 . book(复数形式)-_三、任务型阅读阅读判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。Sally and Linda are good friends. They are not in the same school. They are on holiday at the beach. There are some tall trees at the beach. They are sitting under a tree and talking happily. Suddenly Sally smells smoke. “Linda, can you smell smoke?” “Oh, yes, I smell it too!” “Where does the smoke come from? Lets go and find it!”Sally and Linda walk along the beach. They see some children. Oh, they are Peter, Mary and Kitty.“Hi. What are you doing?” Sally shouts.“Sally and Linda, you are here too! We are having a picnic.” says Peter.“And we are cooking meat.” says Kitty.“Do you want to join us?” says Mary.“Thats great! We love picnics!” Sally and Linda are very happy.The children are having a good time now.33 . Sally and Linda are classmates. (_)34 . Sally and Mary are sitting under a tree. (_)35 . Linda smells smoke first. (_)36 . Peter, Mary and Kitty are cooking meat at school. (_)37 . The five children are having a good time. (_)38 . 阅读短文,连线。Today is Sunday. John goes to the library by car. Mary goes to the zoo by bus. Jack goes to the park by bike. Tom goes to the restaurant by taxi. Amy goes to the shop on foot (步行). They are very happy.1. John a. A2. Mary b. B3. Jack c. C4. Tom d. D5. Amy e. E四、句型转换39 . He can speak French. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ he speak French?Yes, he _.按照要求完成句子。40 . We oftenplant flowersin spring.(对画线部分提问)_41 . My favourite season is summer.(变同义句)_42 . I usually swim in the river with my father.(改成以Mike为主语的句子)_43 . I like winter best.(变否定句)_44 . There are four seasons in a year.(对画线部分进行提问)_句型转换。45 . My mother woke me up this morning.改一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_改否定句:_划线提问1:_划线提问2:_46 . Liu Tao and I became good friends.改一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_改否定句:_划线提问1:_划线提问2:_47 . He let the mouse go.改一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_改否定句:_48 . Did the men catch the lion?改为陈述句:_49 . The lion didnt eat the mouse.改成肯定句:_按要求完成句子。50 . The keys are in the door. (对划线部分提问)_51 . My schoolbag is heavy. (变否定句)_52 . His shoes are blue.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_53 . Would you like some soup?(否定回答)_54 . There are three people in my family. (对划线部分提问)_55 . We are going to the zoo tomorrow.(改为同义句)We _ to the zoo tomorrow.五、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. Lets go to the cinema.B. How much was it?C. Where were you yesterday? D. What colour was it? E. Yes, they were. A: Hello, Lisa.56 . B: I was at the shop. There were many kinds of skirts there.A: Were they beautiful?B:57 . I bought one.A:58 . B: It was pink.A:59 . B: It was fifty yuan.A:60 . B:OK. Lets go.六、连词成句把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子。61 . I, have, a, Can, look, (?)_62 . here, are, you, (.)_63 . a, you, have, cake, can, But, (!)_连词组句。64 . in, Toronto, a, is, city, Canada (.)_65 . Australia, you, have, trip, a, can, to (.)_66 . are, there, many, big, parks, in, Shanghai (.)_67 . like, something, would, you, to, drink (?)_68 . there, speak, English, people, and, French (.)_根据汉语提示,连词成句69 . wears and sweater black a She white (.)_70 . her Whats name (?)_71 . .at the Look dancer (.)_72 . Lily friends has good three (.)_73 . isthereintheforestariver._74 . 连词成句。(1) is, what, it ?(2)cat, it , is. (3)at, look, duck, the.(4)is , it, fat.七、书面表达75 . 下面的表格显示了明天各大城市的天气情况,根据表格写一写吧。ShenyangChongqingTianjin YinchuanHainanThe Weather TomorrowIt will snow in Shenyang._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、任务型阅读1、2、四、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、五、选内容补全对话1、六、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、七、书面表达1、


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