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太原市2019版四年级下册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ you _ a pie? ( ) No, thank you.ACan; makeBDo; haveCWould; like2 . How _ New York?AisBforCabout3 . I go outside now ? ( )AIsBDoCCan4 . 找出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. chairB. deskC. birdD. blackboard(_)2. A. cowB. hot dogC. pigD. duck(_)3. A. friendB. sisterC. motherD. uncle(_)4. A. oneB. tenC. toD. eleven(_)5. A. appleB. rulerC. orangeD. pear5 . I have a new robot. Do you _ have a look? ( )Awant toBwantsCwant6 . When is your _ birthday? ( )AmotherBmothersCmothers7 . A: Where is our canteen? ( )B: Its _.Aon the first floorBon one floorCat the first floor8 . -How are you? ( )-_AGood idea.BVery well, thanks.CNice to meet you.9 . -is it? ( )-Its blue and white.AHow manyBWhere isCWhat colour10 . 电视的缩写是_.APCBTVCIDDDVD11 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项( )AcomputerBduckCmusic12 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项( )AfortyBteacherCdinner13 . _ it often sunny Huaian in spring?Yes. ( )ADoesBIsCDid二、任务型阅读14 . 阅读短文,判断正误。Dear Anna:Im in Beijing. Hows the weather in Canada. Is it cold? In Beijing, It is hot.Its not cold. I wear shorts everyday. The people here are kind . What a great trip ? Im coming home to Canada on February 7.your friend,Mike( )(1)Mike is in Canada now.( )(2)Anna is in Canada now.( )(3)Mike comes from Canada.( )(4)Beijing is cold now.( )(5)Mike wears shorts everyday in Beijing.三、匹配题给句子选择正确的答语AYes, he can.BYes. But he can jump far.CI can run fast.DYes, she can.ENo, I cant.15 . Peter, can you run fast?_16 . What can you do?_17 . Can your sister jump high?_18 . Can Dino fly?_19 . He cannot swim._20 . 从1栏中选出与1栏相对应的答句。I II(_)1.Whatlessonsdoyouhave?AIlikeMaths(_)2.DoyoulikeMusic?BIhaveanEnglishbook(_)3.Whatsubjectdoyoulike?CLetsgototheplayground(_)4.Whatdoyouhave?DTheyarenice(_)5.LookatmynewbooksEYes.Ido(_)6.Howmuchisthemathsbook?FOnlytwelveyuan(_)7.ItstimeforPEGIdliketwomathsbooks(_)8.CanIhelpyou? H. WehaveChinese.ArtandPE(_)9.Dad,wheresmyfootball? I.Itsunderthechair四、看图题21 . 根据图片补全句子,每空一词。1.Sarah is 40 kilograms.Miss White is 60 kilograms.Miss White is _ than Sarah.2.What did you do yesterday,Mike?I _ and _. 3.Last summer holiday,Andy _ for her mother.4.There was no _ in my school twenty years ago. 5.Before,Sarah couldnt _.Now,she loves it.6.John and his friends played football in the _ last weekend.7.What can you see on the chair?I see an _.8.On _ I have maths,Chinese and English.9.My birthday is on _ 16th.五、仿写对话根据提示,写出问答句。例句:下课,下午4:00When do you finish class?We finish class at 4 oclock in the afternoon.22 . 做晨练,7点钟_23 . 吃早餐,八点钟_24 . 做体育运动,下午4点_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、任务型阅读1、三、匹配题1、2、四、看图题1、五、仿写对话1、


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