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外研版(三起)英语六年级下册小升初专题复习-情景交际姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im hungry. ( )_AVery well, thanks.BHave some eggs.2 . Have some rice, please. ( )ANo.BSure. Here you are.CThank you.3 . 读一读,选择正确的答语。( ) (1) -Can I help you ?-_( ) (2) -Welcome to our school.-_( ) (3) -Lets open the red box.-_( ) (4) -What would you like?-_( ) (5) -What does Jone usually do in the morning?-_( ) (6) -Which month do you like best?-_( ) (7) -Does Peter live in Beijing ?-_( ) (8) -How old is Jenny?-_AJenny is ten years old.BOk.CThanks.H.Sure.DI like April best.EJone usually listens to the radio.FYes, he does.GId like a cup of tea.4 . Thanks very much. .ANo thanksBAll rightCYoure welcomeDYou, too5 . Open your books, please. _AThank you.BGoodbye.CYes, Mr Green.6 . 你想知道旁边男孩的年龄,你该怎么说( )AWho is he?BHow old is he?CWhere does he come from?7 . 情景选择,将正确答案填在题前括号里1.当你想让对方看你的眼睛时,应说:.A. Look at my nose B. Look at my eyes2.当你早上见到刘老师时,应说:.A. Good morning, Miss Liu B. Good night! Miss Liu3.当你晚上向妈妈道晚安时,应说:.A. Good night B. Good evening4.当你想表达摸摸你的脖子时,应说:.A. Touch your knee B. Touch your neck5.当你想表达:这是一只熊猫时,应说:.A. This is a panda B. This is a bear8 . They are _.AstrawberryBstrawberriesCstrawberrys9 . And for you! ( )A给你的!B谢谢你!10 . There _an owl and three rabbits in the forest. ( )AareBwasCwereDbe11 . Good morning, Alice. _, Miss Fang . ( )AGoodBGood byeCGood morning12 . (题文)你想知道丽丽冬天有没有去什么地方,你可以说:( )ADid you go anywhere in winter?BDid you go somewhere in winter?13 . ( )Are the sweaters yours? Yes , _.AIts hersBTheyre theirsCIts ours.Dtheyre ours .14 . 当你相助你的朋友生日快乐时,你应该说:( ) AHappy birthday!BNice to meet you .15 . - Here you are.( )- _ .ASureBByeCThank you16 . _ your Chinese teacher like? ( )AWhosBWheresCWhats17 . 选词,补全对话。(30分)(1) AballBseeCHere(2)Peter:Hi,Yangyang,I have a new _.Yangyang:Really?Can I see it?Peter:_,here it is.Yangyang:Wow,how_!AsuperBSure Cbike18 . Its10:00a.m.Itstimefor _. ( )AdinnerBhavelunchCEnglishclass19 . 根据情景,选择最佳答案填空。1. 你想知道兔子在哪里,你会问:_A. What is the rabbit?B. Where is the rabbit?2. 你找不到袜子了,你会怎样问妈妈:_A. Where is my socks?B. Where is my sock?3. 当你想知道你的帽子是不是在床底下时,你会问:_A. Is your hat under the bed?B. Is your hat on the bed?4. 当你想知道松鼠是不是在袋子里,你会问:_A. Is the squirrels in the bag?B. Is the squirrels behind the bag?5. 你想知道对方有没有看见你的书,你会问他:_A. Do you see my books?B. Do you have got my books?20 . -How are you? ( )- .AHello!BIm fine.21 . 一Lets help our teacher carry the heavy bag._.AYes, pleaseBYes, lets do itCNot at allDNo, thanks22 . 补全对话。(5%)A:last Sunday?B: Yes, I did. My classmates and I went to plant trees.A: How did you plant trees?B: First, we in the ground. Then, we and put them into the holes.After that, we . We watered the young trees.A:?B: Yes, they are. They can stop the wind and they can make the air fresh and clean.A: We should plant more trees.23 . Whats he like? ( )_.AShes hungryBShes strictCHes tall and kind24 . A boy or girl? ( )_AThank you.BYoure right.CA girl.25 . Will it be hot tomorrow? ( )AYes, it will be.BYes, it is.CYes, it will.26 . 你看见同学很难受的样子,你应该走过去并对他/她说:AWhats the matter?BWhats wrong?CWhat happened?27 . Can I have some cake? _AThank youBSure.COh, its lovely.DYoure welcome.28 . -The rubber is for you, Mike. -_.AGoodbye.BThank you.COK.29 . 找朋友(根据所给情景选择正确语句)。30 . 找与右框中意思相对的句子,并把编号写在括号里。(10分)31 . 选择正确的句子,完成对话 o (5)W : Good morning.(1)M: Yes. Id like a pair of pants for my son.W: Here are the pants. What colour does your son like?M: He likes blue.(2)W: Look at this pair. Do you like it?M:(3)Do you have any big pants?W: Yes. How about this pair?M :Its nice.(4)W: 80 yuan.M : Too expensive. What about 70 yuan?W:Well.(5). Here you are.M : Thanks.32 . , I was short, Im tallANow;BeforeBBefore;BeforeCBefore;Now33 . Does Mocky like noodles?( )_AYes, he do.BYes, he does.34 . -Whats your favourite fruit? -_.AId like a sandwich.BId like some apples.CId like some juice.35 . 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A: Hello!3769808.B:Hello,Kate. Id like to borrow your Chinese dictionary. I lost mine this afternoon. A:Sorry! _Could you speak a little clearly and slowly?B:Yes. Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary? Mine is lost. A:Sure! When do you want it?B:_A: But it is Sunday tomorrow. I wont go to school.B:_A:But Ill go to Miss Wangs home tomorrow. Could you come in the afternoon?B:Certainly. _.A:_Ill wait for you.B:Thank you. Bye.36 . ( )(5)早上在校门口碰到同学,可以说:AGood afternoon.BGood morning.CGood evening.37 . -Look at that pig,.-AYes, I look.BOK.CWow! It is so fat.38 . 趣味英语。(1)How long does it take the Earth(地球)to turn once on its axis(轴)?A12 hours B1 hours C24 hoursD5 days(2)一Whats wrong with my computer? Dad,can you help me?一Let me have a lookIts OK now一Youre greatDad一Its a piece of cakeHere“Its a piece of cake”means“”AIts a small cakeBThe cake is niceCThe computer is like a cakeDIts very easy for me(3)What man cannot live inside the house ? (4)What does“cn”on the Internet stand for(代表)?。(5)If AB=6(AB),what are the minimum values(最小值)of A and B?A=;B=。(6)Sue wants to cut(切)her birthday cakeShed like to cut the cake into five pieces with three straight(直的)cutsEvery piece is going to have two cherries(樱桃)Where can she cut the cake? Draw the cuts(7)Tim wants to buy a basketball for 5080 yuana pair of shoes for 7000 yuan and a pencil box for 15.00 yuanHe has l3080 yuan altogetherCan he buy all those things?AYeshe canBHe needs lo yuan moreCNohe cantDNohe cantHe needs 5 yuan more(8)At a supermarkets grand opening(开业),every l2th customer(顾客) gets$10.every 40th customer gets a capWhich customer will be the first to got$10 and a cap?A120th B80th C160th D200th二、选内容补全对话39 . 完成下列对话。从下列方框中选择恰当的句子,完成下列对话。A: _1_B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First Peoples Hospital?A: Let me see. Oh, its far from here.B: _2_A: About five miles. _3_B: Which bus should I take?A: The No.1 bus will take you there.B: _4_A: Its about 30 minutes.B: Thanks for your help.A: _5_AThats OK.BYou can take a bus to go there.CCan I help you?DHow long does it take to get there?E. How far is it?40 . 补全对话A. Can I speak to him, please?B. What are you doing?C.This is Jack.D. Whats your father doing?E. Is your mother reading a book, too?A. Can I speak to him, please?B. What are you doing?C.This is Jack.D. Whats your father doing?E. Is your mother reading a book, too?A: Hello, (1) _B: Hello, Jack. (2) _A: Im reading a book.B: (3) _A: No, she isnt. She is making their bed.B: (4) _A: Hes working on the computer.B: (5) _A: Sure. Dad, there is a call for you!41 . 补全对话。A:Hi, Christy! What country is it?B:_A:_B:Ottawa.A:What do they speak in Canada?B:_A:_B:Red and white.A:Is there a red leaf on it?B:_A. Yes, there is.B. What colour is the flag of Canada?C. Canada.D. What is the capital city of Canada?E. English and French.A. Yes, there is.B. What colour is the flag of Canada?C. Canada.D. What is the capital city of Canada?E. English and French.42 . 补全对话,并将正确答案的序号填在相应的横线上。AGreat! Lets go !BWhat are they doing ?CDont shout, please!DDont walk on the grass, Amy!EDont climb the tree.Ms Li: _. My baby is sleeping.Amy : Sorry. I didnt know.Ms Smart: _! Its dangerous.Sam : Sorry, MumMs Smart: _Amy: My grandma is ill in hospital.Amy: Sorry. Lets go and see the pandas, Sam.Sam: _.Amy: Look Sam _?Sam: They are eating bamboo.三、匹配题43 . 读单词或句子,找中文,填序号。(_)1Good morning, Ann.A爸爸(_)2Good morning, Dad.B妈妈(_)3Goodbye, Ann.C早上好,安。(_)4Goodbye, Mum.D再见,安。(_)5mumE再见,妈妈。(_)6dadF早上好,爸爸。44 . 为下面的句子选择合适的答语。( )1.How many?( )2.Good morning!( )3.Sit down,please.( )4.Whats your name?( ) 5.Good afternoon!AEight.BGood morning!CGood afternoon!DThank you.EIm Angel.45 . 连线,根据问句找答语。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、二、选内容补全对话1、2、3、4、三、匹配题1、2、3、


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