外研版(三起)英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 请选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A.autumn B.village C. city(_)2. A. make B.see C. wood2 . My father is young, but my mother is _. ( )AyoungBoldCshort3 . 你来参加我的生日聚会吗?( )AYou will come to my birthday party.BWill you come to my birthday party?CYou come to my birthday party.4 . I _ a good teacher in the future. ( )AamBwill beCwas5 . Sarah went to the park _. ( )AtodayBnext dayCyesterday6 . Ten plus twelve _ twenty-two. ( )AisBareCam7 . They _not Linglings toys. ( )AamBisCare8 . Lucy is tired. She wants to _. ( )AsleepBcoffeeCa bed选出每组单词中不同类的一项。9 . AtallBshortCskate10 . AcampBsawCwent11 . AclimbBbetterCcook12 . AtakeBparkCzoo13 . AagoBenjoyCbefore14 . Cows eat _. ( )AgrassBgrassesCmeat15 . I _a biscuit. ( )AcanBwantCdrink16 . We can swim _ the river. ( )AinBonCnear17 . _ your hands before the meal. ( )AWashingBWashedCWash18 . 根据中文释义,选择对应的选项,将其序号填入题前括号里。(_)1.季节 A. summer B. season(_)2.哪一个 A. what B. which(_)3.最 A. best B. good(_)4.漂亮的 A. sunny B. pretty19 . Theylike some soup. ( )AwouldBisCare20 . - _ is the art room? ( )- Its on the second floor.AWhoBWhatCWhere21 . Do you know Chongqing is a old city_ a long history?( )AhasBwithCinDhave22 . Find the different words.(选出不同类的单词)(_)?1. A. mountain? B. hill? C. lake?(_)?2. A. big?B. beautiful? C. children?(_)?3. A. hiking?B. fishing? C. eat?(_)?4. A. what ?B. here?C. there ? ?(_)?5. A. see?B. house? C. hear23 . What are your _? ( )I like collecting stamps.AplanBlikeChobbies24 . What are they? _ cameras.AYoure BTheyreCIts25 . I _my ice cream last Sunday. ( )AdroppedBdropedCdrop26 . house ( )A厨房B房子27 . Lets _ clean the room with _. ( )Agoes to; theyBgoing to; themCgo and; theyDgo to; them28 . -How does he _?( )-Yes, he _happy.Afeel, feelsBfeels, feelCfeel, feel29 . Are there _ birds in the tree? ( )Yes, _.Asome; there isBsome; there areCany; there are30 . Whats _ the classroom? ( )Two desks and three boards.AonBinCof31 . The boy is _the tree. ( )AbesideBbetweenCbehind32 . I sometimes _ at 6:00 am. ( )AhaveBgoes shoppingCget up33 . I can _ Chinese and English. ( )AtellBsayCspeak选择每组中不同类的一项。34 . AfootballBbasketballCtrain35 . AthoseBlittleCthese36 . ArunningBreadCtake37 . AsisterBboyCbrother38 . ApictureBtoyCplay二、填空题39 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1.My name_(be) Betty.2.Bob _(have) new friend.3.Betty_(come) from Britain.4.Go back to_(you) seat ,please.5.We are good_(friend).根据首字母和中文提示完成句子。40 . Water is useful. We use water to c_ things.41 . Most of our e_ comes from coal and oil.42 . I can r_ paper to make a box.43 . P_ the Earth is really cool.44 . We can use w_ to make chairs and desks.45 . Look, there is so much _(石油) in the water.46 . The _(司机) are _(驾驶) the beautiful cars now.47 . We should _(保护) the _(地球).48 . 填空。请按句子顺序填写所缺的词,每空一词。1. cant, get down, I ( . )I cant _.2. in front of, is, she, Bill ( . )She is _ Bill.3. I. pen, a, have ( . )I have a _.4. wants, he, soup, some ( . )He wants _.5. school, dont, for, late, be ( ! )Dont be _ for _!49 . 用所给词正确时态填空1. You _ (listen) to me now.2. Look, the boy _ (run) fast. 3. Tom _ (not study) English. He is studying Chinese.4. The girl _ (not eat) bananas now.5. Look, the boy over there _ (play) football.50 . I _ (ride) a bike to school last week.51 . 根据句意及图片提示补全句子:It will be _ in Changchun.52 . 写出下列句子中划线动词的种类。1.I am studying in No. 1 Middle School._2.This little child can speak English well._3.Will you please go to the cinema with me?_4.He did his homework by himself yesterday._5.I have been learning English for many years._53 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Sam_(come) back last Sunday.2. Oh no! I_(drop) my cake. 3. We didnt _(buy) any fruit yesterday.4. How many_(egg) do you want?5. Come with_(he), please.语法填空。54 . I _(have)got two good _(friend).55 . My aunt can _ (sing) well. Shes a good _ (sing). Listen! She _ (sing) now.56 . They like to go _ in the countryside. (cycle)57 . We have water _ (pollute) round us.58 . How about _ (go) cycling this afternoon?59 . Shell_(play)with her friends.用所给词的适当形式填空。60 . What _ (do) you often do on the weekend?61 . I _ (am) ill last weekend.62 . Mike _ (see) a film tomorrow.63 . I _ (wash) my clothes last weekend.64 . _ (do) you go for a walk yesterday?65 . Sarah _ (clean) her room every weekend.66 . I _ (drink) tea this morning. It was nice.67 . I _ (stay)at home and slept yesterday.三、匹配题68 . 找出相应的答句。(1)Do you like cakes?_A Its time for bed.(2)What would you like?_B Its cute.(3)Would you like a pie?_CId like a toy panda.(4)Look at my dog._D No, I dont.(5)Is this a monkey?_E I like monkeys.(6)What do you like?_FYes ,it is.(7)Its nine oclock._GYes, please.69 . 选择正确的应答语。(_) 1. Have some bananas.AHere you are.(_) 2. I dont like pears.BThank you.(_) 3. Do you like grapes?CMe, neither.(_) 4. Can I have an orange?DSorry, I dont like bananas.(_) 5. Here you are. ENo, I dont.四、连词成句70 . 连词成句。1. can Where people energy get?2. we How can change into sunlight electricity?3. motion What is energy?4. Where fuels do come from?Rearrange the words. (连词组句。)71 . name Lucy is My_72 . your me Show eraser_73 . your Open book_74 . have ruler I a_75 . box pencil Open your_76 . 连词成句:Xiaoyong, is, this, a, hes, pupil(.)_77 . 连词成句。1. I like Kunming winter in _.2. weather Whats here the like _.3. cant You jumper wear my _.4. People Sanya come winter to in_.5. very summer hot in Its_.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、三、匹配题1、2、四、连词成句1、2、3、4、


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