外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module3 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module3 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题选词填空。(只填字母序号) A. did B. Where C. hurt D. weekend E. gifts1 . What _ you do last weekend?2 . _ did you go?3 . I went camping last _.4 . Mum bought some _ for me last weekend.5 . I _ my foot.二、排序题6 . 读句子,排顺序。( )1.Excuse me. Can you help me?( )2.Its on Apple Street. Its next to a bookshop.( )3.Is there a Chinese restaurant?( )4.Yes, there is.( )5.You can take the No. 1 bus.( )6.Where is it?( )7.Yes. What can I do for you?( )8.How can I get to the Apple Street?三、阅读回答问题根据短文内容作答。Today is Saturday. The weather is warm and sunny. Bob and Jack go to the park. There are many people there. The girl under a big tree is reading a book. Two boys are playing football on the grass. The girl in a red dress is riding a bike. Two women are talking. The man beside these women is playing with a baby. Bob and Jack are beside the river. They are sitting on the chair and drawing pictures.7 . Are Bob and Jack in the park?_8 . Who is reading a book?_9 . What is the girl in a red dress doing?_10 . Who is playing with a baby?_11 . What are Bob and Jack doing?_四、英译汉翻译下列句子。12 . There are lots of games._13 . In China, we usually start school at 8 oclock._14 . Children often sit around tables in class._15 . The students can have fun at break time._16 . There are childrens paintings on all the walls._17 . Read and translate.英译汉。1. playground _ 2. second floor _ 3. teachers office _4. library _ 5. next to _ 6. computer room _7. first floor _ 8. do homework _ 9. read a book _10. water the flowers _翻译下列句子。18 . Good morning._19 . Hello, Su Hai._20 . Hi, Im Miss Zhang._21 . Good morning, Wang Bing._22 . Good afternoon, Im Mike._23 . 英翻汉。1. What are they doing?_2. I am playing baseball._3. My father is playing ping-pang. _4. My mother is playing badminton. _24 . 把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。1. I really love spring._2. Yes, I like summer. I can go camping. _3. Whats your favourite season?_4. Summer is the best time for swimming. _5. Yes, I can go skiing._五、汉译英25 . 汉译英。1. 多少_2. 一间音乐教室_3. 操场_4. 体育馆_5. 一间老师办公室_26 . 汉译英:端午节是我最喜欢的节日。_根据中文意思,写出所缺的内容27 . Tom擅长画画Tom _ pictures.28 . 让我们中西餐都吃吧Lets have _.29 . 每个人都有五本书Everyone _.30 . 你知道中国人有不同的口味吗?_ people in China have different tastes?31 . 你认为咖啡怎么样?_ coffee?32 . 翻译词组。1. 一个有趣的国家_2. 运动爱好者_3. 一只袋鼠_4. 一只考拉_5. 澳式足球_翻译下列句子。33 . 我期待见到他们。_34 . 我认为他们会很开心。_35 . 厦门在中国南部。_36 . 我的闹钟坏了。_37 . 我很激动!_六、英汉混合38 . 英汉词组互译。1. 道路安全_ 2. at a time_3. 开心地笑_ 4. look out for cars_5. 一些好习惯_ 6. just then_7. 有健康的饮食方式_ 8. keep his room clean _9. 吃太多的米饭_ 10. cross the road_39 . 翻译1. 参加聚会_2. 这么大_3. 你的裤子_4. 一条裙子_5. 一副手套_6.我们可以从这个故事中学到一些东西。_7. What are you going to take?_8. Lets go and play _(乒乓球).七、填内容补全对话Ask and answer 根据图片所给的提示,用完整地句子提出相应的问题,使对话合理与通顺,注意大小写和标点符号的规范要求。40 . Amy : _?Lily: My uncle went to Beijing by train.41 . Mom: _?Tom: Sorry, you cant.42 . David: _?Jack: My sister is thin and pretty.43 . Grandma: _?Linda: Yes, my nose hurts.44 . Miss Li: _?Kate: We are going to plant trees this Sunday.45 . 根据问句将答句补充完整。1. -Is there any problem?-Yes, _.2. -Can you buy some juice?-Yes, _.3. -Are they in the classroom?-No, _.4. -What do you usually have for lunch?-_ noodles.5. -Whos that girl?-_ Ma Li.八、选内容补全对话Qiqi被评选为班级里的“健康饮食小达人”,下面是他和Binbin的一段对话。选择合适的选项补全对话。ADo you like chips?BMy mum is going to make dumplings tonight.CIts bad for our health.DWhat do you usually have for breakfast?EI had noodles and an egg.Binbin: 46 . Qiqi: I have some bread, an egg and a glass of milk.Binbin: 47 . Qiqi: No, I dont.Binbin: Why?Qiqi: 48 . Binbin: What did you have for lunch yesterday?Qiqi: 49 . 50 . Binbin: Great! Theyre delicious.九、匹配题51 . 读一读,选一选,找出对应的翻译。There was a grass in the nature park five years ago. _People couldnt use the Internet. _Now there is a gym in our city. _There was no computer room in our school twenty years ago. _At that time, people didnt go there by bus. _A现在我们城市有一座体育馆。B人们没法使用互联网。C五年前,这个自然公园有一个草坪。D那时,人们没有乘公交车去那儿。E20年前,我们学校没有电脑室。十、看图题52 . Look and write: my_看图片,完成句子。53 . It was rainy in the morning. Now, _.54 . There was some grass here before. But now_55 . _before. Now it is a chicken. 56 . _two minutes ago. Now, the cat is under the desk. 57 . _before. Now I have long hair. 十一、仿写对话58 . 仿例子,写句子。例: animal books on Shelf AA: Where are the animal books? B: They are on ShelfA(1)story books on Shelf BA:_ B:_(2)dictionaries on the tableA:_ B:_(3)books about plants in the library A:_ B:_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、填空题1、二、排序题1、三、阅读回答问题1、四、英译汉1、2、3、4、5、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、六、英汉混合1、2、七、填内容补全对话1、2、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、十、看图题1、2、十一、仿写对话1、


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