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北京版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(七)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出与其他发音不同的一项。( )AbookBfoodCzoo2 . How is a Chinese ink painting, Mum? ( )Its in.AcolourfulBblack and whiteCblue and white3 . June 1st is_.( )ANew Years DayBMid-Autumn DayCChildrens Day4 . -How is Amy going tomorrow?( )-_ABeijing.BBy plane.COn the weekend.5 . Its _ in autumn. ( )AwarmBhotCcool6 . Yang Ling has some _ and a little _ every day. ( )Atomato, milkBtomatoes, milkCvegetables, noodles7 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. singB. playC. song(_) 2. A. listenB. helpfulC. dance(_) 3. A.canB. whoC. what(_) 4. A. drawB. greatC. wonderful(_) 5.A.cartoonB. ChineseC. English8 . What colour _ this pair of shorts? Blue.AamBisCare9 . The six boys all like the beautiful kite.句中三个单词划线部分发音不同的是_. ( )AsixBlikeCkite10 . 选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。( ) 1.A. kite B. like C. kid( ) 2.A. what B. who C. where( ) 3.A. bear B. near C. wear( ) 4.A. bag B. take C. potato( ) 5.A. help B. red C. cinema11 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )ApaperBnationalCpractise12 . Thismy head. ( ) AareBisCnone13 . She can_ to museums. ( )AgoesBgoCgos14 . How many _ in your class(班级)? ( )AgirlBboyCchairs15 . What _ this? ( )AisBareCam16 . Danny does exercise in a _ every day. ( )AgymBtoiletClibraryDMusic room17 . The monkey _ bananas.AlikesBlike二、完形填空18 . 完形填空。My name is Tina. Im 1. _ China. Im ten 2. _. I am 3._ in a school. I do many 4._ after school. On Monday, I have a 5. _ class. I like singing. I go to the library on Tuesday. On Wednesday I play basketball 6._ my 7. _, Mary. I am good 8. _ it. On Thursday, I go to a kung fu club. And I 9._ on Friday. I have fun with my friends on _.( )1.A. on B. from C. to( )2.A. years old B. year old C. years( )3.A. students B. student C. a student( )4.A. thing B. something C. things( )5.A. swimming B. swim C. to swim( )6.A. with B. and C. or( )7.A. friends B. friend C. sisters( )8.A. at B. in C.to( )9.A. watch TV B. watches TV C. watching TV( )10.A. weekday B. day C. weekends三、填空题根据图片提示写单词。19 . I likebest, because it is warm and sunny. 20 . Im Sarah. I usuallyon Sundays. 21 . On the weekend, I often. I like dancing. 22 . Teachers Day is in. We love our teachers. 23 . My name is Amy. Sometimes Iwith my family. 四、排序题24 . 给下面的句子排序AHi Amy. This is Zhang Peng.BMike, we have a new classroom.CHello, Mike.DNice to meet you.EWow! Its so big.FNice to meet you, too.GReally? Lets go and see._25 . 给下列句子排序。(_)ErIs it under your chair?( 3 )No.it isnt.(_)OK! Is it in your bag?(_)Lets play a game. Can you find(找到)my ruler?(_)Yes, it is. Youre clever(聪明的).五、任务型阅读阅读材料Alice: Welcome to my birthday party. Have some fruits, please. Lion: Thanks. Can I have an apple, please?Alice: Here you are.Elephant: I like bananas. Umm, yummy, yummy food.Alice: What about you, Mr. Horse? Do you like bananas?Horse: Sorry, I dont. Can I have a cup of juice?Alice: Here you are.Horse: Thank you. Happy Birthday to you!能力测试根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”26 . Today is Alices birthday. (_)27 . The lion eats a banana. (_)28 . The elephant likes apples. (_)29 . The horse drinks(喝) a cup of tea. (_)30 . Today is Mr. Horses birthday. (_)阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示。It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Like(像.一样)other families, my family get together, too. We watch the moon and eat lots of moon cakes. They are very nice. My uncle sings some English songs for us. He also tells us some funny things in the US. We have a good time.31 . My family dont get together. (_)32 . My uncle sings English songs. (_)33 . The moon cakes are nice. (_)34 . We have a lot of fun. (_)35 . It is the Mid-Autumn Festival today. (_)六、选内容补全对话36 . 选择合适的句子,补全对话。AI dont like them. But Dad likes them very much. BOK. Lets buy some. CLets go to the supermarket and buy some. DI like this story. EYes. Apples are good for our health.At home A: Peter, there isnt any fruit at home. 1. _B: OK! Lets go. At the supermarket A: Do you like apples?B: 2. _A: 3. _ What about bananas?B: 4. _A: So lets buy some for Dad. B: OK. I also want some books. A: Books are over there. Lets go and see. B: I like the English storybooks. A: What about Three Little Pigs?B: OK. 5. _七、匹配题37 . 看图选词1._ 2._3. _ 4. _AmanBboyCgirlDwoman八、书面表达38 . 写一段话,介绍一个你喜欢的故事My favourite story_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、书面表达1、


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