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.CONTRACTCONTRACT NUMBER: HY93S-2010CONTRACT DATE: 11th January 2010BetweenHuayang Technologies Pte.LtdNo.30 Tuas View Loop,Singapore 637691hereinafter called “Seller”andHUNAN JINGSHI GROUP CO., LTD.Xiangshi Western Road,Shifeng District, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province 412007, Chinahereinafter called “Buyer”1. Material and Quality 品名及质量Zinc concentrate with the following specifications: 锌精矿Zn锌 35.0% basis (30% min.)Fe铁 20.0% max.Pb铅 4.20% maxF 氟 0.10% max.Cl氯 6.00% max.Moisture水分 3% maxThe typical assays shall be close to the actual quality. If the Zn content is less than 30%, the Buyer has the right to reject the cargoes,and claim all fees includes expenditure, losses, Interest, etc which are accurred by the business to the Seller for compensation.该典型分析值应与实际到货品质保持相近。如果锌含量低于30%,买方有权拒收货物,可权向卖方就该业务项下发生的支出,损失,利息等向卖方提出索赔。2. Duration, Origin And Quantity合同时效、货源及数量The contract commences on Jan. 20, 2010 and shall remain in force until completion of the parties obligations herein. If the Seller fails to ship the cargoes before Mar.10th,2010, the Buyer has the right to reject the cargoes.本合约自2010年1月20日起生效,直至本合约项下相关方的义务全部履行完毕时止。如果卖方未能在2010年3月10日前装运,买方有权拒收货物。The Seller will sell approximately 3,000 wmt (Three-thousand Wet Metric Ton) of Zinc concentrate (Concentrates) to the Buyer and the Buyer agrees to buy approximately 3,000 wmt of Zinc Concentrate (Concentrates) from the Seller in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.The quantity shall always be +/-10% at Sellers option.买卖双方同意根据合同约的规定,装运约3000个湿吨的货物,具体数量可以溢短装10%,具体由卖方确定。Origin: Thailand货源:泰国3. Packing 包装In bags of about 1mt big bags. 1000千克大袋包装。 4. Shipment装运In bag/bulk in containers during Jan. 28, 2010, Feb 25, 2010 and Mar.4, 2010. 2010年1月28日,2010年2月25日和2010年3月4日期间装运。If the cargo is arrived late than April 2010, which are accurred by the business shall be for Sellers account.如果货物无法在2010年3月10日前装运,卖方需承担相应责任。Partial shipment are allowed. 允许分批装运。Transhipment are allowed. 允许转运。5. Delivery交付The Concentrates shall be delivered CIF CY (Incoterms 2000) Liner Terms Chang Sha Port, China.Inland China transportation cost shall be responsible by the Buyer.该货物的交货条件为:CIF CHANGSHA,CHINA即运保费付至中国长沙港的集装箱堆场止(按2000年国际贸易术语解释通则)。之后,包括清关及内陆的运费由买方负责。The shipment shall be in containers, duty unpaid, customs uncleared. 集装箱运输,关税未付未清关。At the discharge port, Buyer shall be responsible for all costs beyond CIF Liner Terms. THC, container cleaning etc., at discharge port is for the account of the Buyer.在卸货港,买方负责CIF班轮条件之外的所有费用,码头操作费、集装箱清洁等。Seller has option to load upto 28wmt in one FCL. 卖方可以每柜装28吨。If THC is more than RMB 370 Yuan/Container, for the account of the Seller. 如果码头操作费高于370元每柜,卖方承担高出费用。 Seller will guarantee 14 days container free detention at discharge port. 卖方保证提供14天的滞箱免费。6. Price 价格6.A.1 Zinc (Zn) 锌The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$4.70 (Four U.S, Dollars and seventy cents) per 1% pro-rata contained Zinc (Zn) metal on a dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content between 30.00%-34.99% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量为30.00%-34.99%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为4.7美元 (美元肆元七角)。The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$4.80 (Four U.S, Dollars and eighty cents) per 1% pro-rata contained Zinc (Zn) metal on a dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content between 35.00%-39.99% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量为35.00%-39.99%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为4.8美元 (美元肆元八角)。The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$5.0 (Five U.S, Dollars) per 1% pro-rata contained Zinc (Zn) metal on a dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content over 40.00% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量超过40.00%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为5.0美元 (美元伍元)。6.B.1 If the cargo is lower than Zinc (Zn) purity 30%, the Seller shall provide another cargo with the same spcification which is stipulated in the caontract and all fees includes expenditure, losses, Interest, etc which are accurred by the business shall be for Sellers account.如果锌含量低于30%,卖方将另行提供符合本合同要求之货物给买方,所有相关的费用由卖方承担。7.Payment 付款7.A.1 Currency 货币All invoices or credit notes shall be in U.S. Dollars and Cents, and all payments shall be made by the relevant party in U.S.Dollars and Cents. 所有的发票和贷记通知的货币为美元。7.B.1 Provisional Payment 临时付款90% (Ninety percent) provisional payment in U.S. Dollars against Letter of Credit, net cash, at sight, against Sellers presentation of the following shipping documents to Buyers bank:买方需即期以美元现金形式支付90%临时付款在卖方根据信用证条款提供以下船运单据给了买方银行后,1) Full set Original clean shipped on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order blank endorsed, marked “freight prepaid”, 3 originals and 3 copies.三正三副全套正本海运提单,空白抬头,空白背书,提单标明运费已付2) Weight certificate issued by INTERTEK at loading port showing moisture in percentage, wet metric ton, dry metric ton and whole inspection process, 1 original and 2 copies.一正二副在装载港口由INTERTEK出具的重量证明,显示水分的含量,湿重,干重和整个的检测工序3) Assay certificate issued by INTERTEK at loading port, showing seal No., content of Zn, Fe, Pb, Cl, F, moisture, size and whole inspection process, 1 original and 2 copies.一正一副在装载港口由INTERTEK出具的品质分析证明,显示封号,锌,铁,铅,氯化物,氟,湿度,粒度和整个的检测工序4) Provisional commercial invoice issued by Seller, 3 originals.三正由卖方出具的临时商业发票5) Certificate of Origin issued by Seller, 1 original.一正由卖方出具的原产地证明。6) Packing List issued by Seller, 3 original.三正由卖方出具的箱单Original certificate of insurance for 110% of the provisional CIF invoice value, indicating payable in China and showing “HUNAN JINGSHI GROUP CO., LTD.” as the beneficiary, 1 original.一正保险证明承保110%临时CIF发票价值指出可在中国支付和显示湖南经仕集团作为受益者。7.B.2 Final Payment 最终付款Any balance between Sellers provisional invoice value and final value of the goods shall be payable under the Letter of Credit at sight or by T/T against presentation of following documents:所有在卖方货物临时发票价值与最终发票价值之间的余款须在提供以下单据后根据信用证即期或者电汇的形式支付。1) Final commercial invoice issued by Seller, 1 orginal and 2 copies.一正二副由卖方出具的最终商业发票2) Inspection certificate of quality issued by CIQ/CCIC.CIQ/CCIC出具的品质检测证明3) Inspection certificate of weight and moisture issued by CIQ/CCIC.CIQ/CCIC出具的重量跟湿度检测证明And the above balance shall be paid based on the report of CIQ/CCIC in China and CIQ/CCIC shall be the final for settlement.以上所有余款必须依据中国CIQ/CCIC的结果才能支付,且作为最终的协议依据。If the final amount according to the the results of CIQ/CCIC is less than the amount of first payment, Seller should remit the difference amount to Buyer within 3 working days after CIQ/CCIC results is presented.如果根据CIQ/CCIC的结果,最终货款少于原先付款,卖方应在CIQ/CCIC结果出来之后的三工作日内将多付货款返还给买方。All issuing bank charges are for Buyers account.买方承担所有开证行费用All advising/negotiating bank charges are for Sellers account.卖方承担所有通知行/议付行费用8. Weighing, sampling and Moisture Determination 称重、取样和湿度测定8.1 The cargo should be inspected by INTERTEK at loading port when cargo is shipping. The Buyer shall authorize INTERTEK to inspect the cargo on behalf of the buyer and this operation shall be carried out for Sellers account. Seller should notify the Buyer beforehand by fax or email of the date of inspection, and the name and contact information of the surveyor acting on behalf of the independent inspector specified in the contract.货物出运前,买方授权INTERTEK代表买方在装载港检测货物,卖方承担检测费用并须预先通过传真或邮件通知买方检测日期,代表合同上列明的独立检测方的检测员的名字,联系方式。When the cargo are stowed/packed into containers at the loading port, they should be inspected by the surveyor of the independent inspector. The surveyor shall carry out sampling in accordance with standard international practices, and the sample lot size shall be in conformity with what stipulated in the contract. The surveyor shall seal the containers right after sampling, and place sealing on them. The operations including sampling and sealing shall be conducted by the surveyor personally. 货物装箱后须由检测员检测,检测员须根据国际标准亲自进行取样封柜操作,取样批次大小与合同规定一致,取样后,检测员进行严格封柜。Within 3 working days after sampling and sealing, Seller shall notify Buyer immediately by fax or email the name of the surveyor, the date and place of the sampling, the sealing numbers, and the whole process of the sampling and assaying. In the certificates issued by the independent inspector (here is INTERTEK), the words such as “The result is just for the sent samples” or “We are not responsibility for the whole shipped cargo” or with similar meaning must not appear. 在取样和封柜后三个工作日之内,卖方须立即通知买方检测员姓名,取样日期,地点,封号和整个取样和分析操作过程。证明须由INTERTEK出具,证明上不允出现“仅供寄样”或“我们不对整个已出运货物负责”或相类似字样。The above operation shall be carried out for Sellers account at loading port.卖方承担以上操作跟费用。8.2 For the purpose of final settlement, weighing, sampling and moisture determination shall be carried out for the Buyers account at the discharge port or the receiving smelter, in Buyers option, by CIQ/CCIC, in accordance with standard international practices. Weighing will be determined by scale weight at the discharge port or the receiving smelter, in Buyers option, with costs for Buyers account. The Seller has the right to be present at these operations by a surveyor or representative, acting in name and on behalf of the Seller at its own expense. The sample lot size shall be approximately per 100 WMT and each lot shall form a separate and complete delivery for the purposes of settlement of weight and moisture content. The results obtained shall be final and binding on both parties. Representative samples shall be taken from each lot with the following distribution: 出于最终结算目的,称重,取样和湿度测量应该在卸货港由CIQ/CCIC依据国际标准惯例进行操作,买方承担费用。称重应该在卸货港由CIQ/CCIC以及买方的代表一起通过水尺测定,买方承担费用。卖方有权参与这些操作过程, 或者有权指定检测人员或代表以卖方名义参与这些操作,由此产生的费用由卖方自行解决。每100湿吨需取一个样,每个样品应为一个独立完整的可作为水份和含量最终结算用的样品,次结果对双方都产生约束力。代表样应从上述每批样品中取出并按照如下方式分配:one set of sealed samples for Buyer 一份经封样的样品由买方保管one set of sealed samples for CIQ/CCIC一份经封样的样品由CIQ/CCIC保管one set of sealed samples for Seller一份经封样的样品由卖方保管one set of sealed samples to be kept in CIQ/CCIC appointed conjointly by both parties for eventual umpire purposes。一份经封样的样品由CIQ/CCIC保管供双方仲裁用All samples shall be sealed and signed jointly by both Buyer and Sellers representative.以上提及的所有样品必须由CIQ/CCIC和买方和卖方的代表共同封样并签名。The result shall be exchanged by Seller and Buyer within 60 days after the samples taken at the receiving smelter.卖方与买方可在取样后的60天之内交换双方结果。9. Total And Partial Loss 完全损失和部分损失All Zinc concentrates lost or damaged after risk has passed to the Buyer in accordance with Article 11, will be treated as if they had been safely delivered to the Buyer for the purposes of determining whether the obligation of the Seller to deliver and sell, and the obligation of the Buyer to buy in accordance with Article 2 has been fulfilled在交货后所有锌精矿损失或者损坏买方将依据条款11.Total Loss:In case of total loss of, or damage to concentrates after risk has been transferred to the Buyer in accordance with Article 12, payment shall be made as if the shipment had been safely delivered. The amount payable will be calculated based on the Bill of Lading wet weight, the provisional moisture and provisional assays of the loaded Zinc concentrates and otherwise in accordance with the terms of this contract.Partial Loss:In case of partial loss of, or damage to the Concentrates after risk has been transferred to the Buyer in accordance with Article 12, payment shall be made as if the shipment had been safely delivered. The amount payable will be calculated based on the Bill of Lading wet weight, and the final moisture and final assays on that part of the cargo which has been safely delivered and otherwise in accordance with the terms of this contract.10.Assaying:品质分析10.A.1 Assays for Zinc (Zn) shall be made independently by Buyer and Seller, on a lot by lot basis, from samples taken at the above operations. These results shall be exchanged in the normal commercial manner within 45 days after sampling date at receiving smelter. Should the difference between Buyers and Sellers results be not more than:买卖双方单独对所取样品按批次进行锌的含量检测。买卖双方应该按照一般商业做法在称重取样后的45天之内交换双方结果。如果双方结果差别不超出如下的范围:Zn 0.50%Percent锌: 0.50%then the exact mean of the results shall be taken as the agreed assays for final settlement. 那么双方结果的精确平均值就作为买卖双方共同确定的结果来进行结算。10.A.2 If differences exceed the splitting limits, either party may request an umpire chosen by mutual agreement, from如果买卖双方的交换结果差别超出以上规定范围,任何一方都有权利要求仲裁,仲裁机构由双方共同决定从以下机构中选择,Laboratory Services International BVGeyssendorfferweg 543088 GK RotterdamThe NetherlandsORA.H. Knight International Ltd.Eccleston GrangePrescot Road, St. HelensMerseyside WA10 3BQ, England ORAlex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd. Caddick Road Knowsley Industrial Estate Knowsley, Merseyside L34 9ER England10.A.3 Should the umpire assay fall between the results of the two parties hereto, the arithmetical mean of the umpire assay and the assay of the party which is nearer to the umpire assay shall be taken as the final assay. 如果仲裁结果落在买卖双方的结果之间,那么仲裁结果和品质接近仲裁结果方两者的数据的精确平均值就为最终品质。10.A.4Should the umpire assay coincide exactly with the results of either party hereto, then the umpire assay shall be accepted by both parties as the final assay. 如果仲裁结果恰好跟此合同中某一方的结果相符,那么仲裁结果就将作为双方最终结果。10.A.5 Should the umpire assay fall outside the results of the two parties hereto, the umpire assay shall be taken as the final assay. 如果仲裁结果落在买卖双方结果之外,那么仲裁结果将作为双方最终结果。10.A.6 The cost of the umpire shall be paid by the party whose assay is further from the umpire, except when the umpire assay is the exact mean of the parties assays in which event the cost shall be shared equally by both parties. 与仲裁结果差距较大一方应承担所有仲裁费用,除非仲裁结果刚好是买卖双方结果的平均值,那么仲裁费用就由买卖双方平均共同承担。11. Suspension of Quotations: 引用价格的中止Should any quotation referred to in this contract cease to be published or cease to be representative, Buyer and Seller shall negotiate in good faith to establish a mutually acceptable pricing method. 如果此合同项下引用的价格停止发行,或是不再具有代表性,那么双方应当买卖双方应友好协商并建立可行的作价方法。12. Title and Risk所有权和风险Title shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon Sellers receipt of the provisional payment. Risk shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon delivery of material over ships rail at loading port. 所有权从卖方收到临时议付付款后, 从卖方转移到买方;风险从在装货港货物越过船舷时起,从卖方转移到买方。13. Insurance保险 Seller shall be responsible for providing original certificate of insurance issued by First Class Insurance Company for 110% of the provisional CIF invoice value in U.S Dollars covering: 卖方必须提供由一流保险公司出具的覆盖110%货物预期总值的的正本保险单,此保险单以美元为货币并覆盖以下保险条款: Institute Commodity Trade Clauses (A) Institute War Clauses Institute Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion Clauses (Institute SR&CC clauses)Coverage shall be claused for adjustment to 110 % of the final invoice amount, calculated in accordance with the terms of this contract.Such insurance shall be in effect from the passing of risk at the port of loading through to Buyers designated smelter yard. Claims shall be payable in U.S. dollars in the country of Buyers domicile. 此保险最终按照合同规定的货物的最终货值的110%来调整, 有效期为从装货港货物越过船舷到货物到达收货方的冶炼厂。 索赔应在买方所在地用美元方式实现。Notwithstanding the above, it is Buyers responsibility for properly filing the insurance claim in accordance with the terms and conditions of insurers coverage. Seller agrees that it will co-operate and assist the Buyer to the best of its ability in proceeding settlement of any loss or damage with an insurance company. 除了以上规定,买方有责任根据保险公司的保险规定的条款和条件正确填写保险索赔单据。 卖方同意将与买方合作并尽最大努力帮助买方从保险公司索回所损失。14.Ship Lost and Damage Clause 海损14.1In the event that the complete cargo is lost or no part thereof shall arrive in good condition, final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. Cargo shall be deemed to have arrived after B/L date. B/L weight, along with moisture and assays determined at the time of loading, will be on the basis for final settlement. 在所有货物都丢失的情况下,最终付款应当按照此合同规定和条款执行。货物将被认为在提单日后到达目的地。提单重量,装货时水分含量和品质,应为最终结算依据。14.2In the event that part of the cargo is lost, final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. Net dry weight shall be based upon the B/L weight less moisture to be determined at the time of loading. Assays shall be determined from the samples taken from that portion of the cargo, which has safely arrived in good condition and shall be on the basis for final settlement. 在部分货物丢失的情况下,最终付款应当按照此合同规定和条款执行。净干重应为提单重量减去装货港水分含量。品质按照安全到港货物所取的样品的品质。上述净干重和品质应作为最终结算的依据。14.3In the event the damage shall not have altered the weight of the damaged portion, final payment for the material damaged shall be made on the basis of final weight in accordance with clause herein, and assays and prices as determined for the part of the cargo which has been safely delivered in accordance with terms and conditions contained herein. 在货物受到损害,但是没有影响到货物的重量,那么被损害部分的最终付款应该按照最终重量并应该按照此合同第7条规定付款, 品质和价格由安全到达卸货港的那部分货物的品质和价格。14.4In the event that part of the cargo is lost or the weight is altered by damage, final payment for the material lost or damaged shall be made on the basis of the B/L weight adjusted for moisture on the safely delivered and unaltered portion, and assays and prices as determined for the part of the cargo which has been safely delivered and without damage in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. 部分货物被损坏而且货物重量被改变的情况下,被损坏部分的最终付款应根据提单重量,安全到港货物的水分含量,品质及价格来计算。15. Notices 通知All notices shall be made to the addresses of the parties set forth below or such subsequent address as any party may subsequently advise the other party in writing: 所有通知应该通知到以下地址,或另一方之后提出的别的地址:Seller:HuaYang Technologies Pte. Ltd.Address: No 30 Tuas View Loop Singapore 637691 SingaporeTelephone: +65-6862 5318 Facsimile: +65-6862 5618 SellerS Bank Details:Bank name : DBS BANK LIMITEDCable: DBSBANK Address : 6 SHENTON WAY, DBS Building singapore 068809Account name : HUAYANG TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTDAccount No.: 0033001916012 Swift Code : DBSSSGSGTelex: RS24455Buyer: HUNAN JINGSHI GROUP CO LTDAddress: Xiangshi Western Road,Shifeng District, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province 412007, ChinaTelephone: +86-731-28349561Facsimile: +86-731- 2833360116. Force Majeure 不可抗力If the performance of any obligation (other than the obligation to pay for material) by any party to this Contract is hindered or prevented by reason of any of the following events, beyond the control of the parties: 如果此合同项下任何义务(除了付货款的义务)的履行, 因为以下任何一条原因, 超出人力控制范围而不能执行,Act of God, strike, fire, lockout, flood, war, insurrection, mob violence, lockout, combination of workmen, interference of Unions or Government, suspension of labour, accident, lack of transportation or delay en route or of any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of Buyer or Seller; this shall be hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure. Such notice shall set forth in reasonable detail the nature of the Force Majeure and the best estimate by the party claiming Force Majeure of the duration thereof. The party so affected shall not be liable to the other for damages on account thereof. However, if Seller has commenced loading of the material, or quotational period has commenced, neither Buyer nor Seller may declare Force Majeure. 天灾人祸(上帝的行为),罢工,火灾,工厂停工,洪水,战争,起义,暴动,工人联合运动,政府或工会干涉, 突发事件,交通堵塞,等等一切在买方或卖方控制范围之外的都被认为是不可抗力。不可抗力通知应提供比较详尽的不可抗力因素和要求不可抗力方提供的最实际的不可抗力期限。受损方不可向合同另一方要求损失赔偿。但是如果卖方已经开始装船, 或已经进入作价期,任何一方都不能提出不可抗力。Any event of Force Majeure so preventing or delaying


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