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.委托加工合同范本_OEM合同(上)委 托 方:_地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_法定代表人:_ 职务:_定 做 方:_地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_法定代表人:_ 职务:_定做方委托委托方加工_,经双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。第一条 加工成品编号名称规格单位数量备注Commission processing contract template _OEM contract (on)Principal :_Address :_ Postal Code :_ Phone :_The legal representative of the :_ duties :_Custom side :_Address :_ Postal Code :_ Phone :_The legal representative of the :_ duties :_Commissioned by the commissioning party custom party processing _, full consultation by both parties, special to make this contract in order to abide by.The first finished productsNumberName Specification Unit Quantity Remarks第二条 加工成品质量要求第三条 原材料的提供办法及规格、数量、质量The second quality finished productsArticle provided by way of raw materials and specifications, quantity, quality1.(用委托方原料完成工作的),委托方必须依照合同规定选用原材料,并接受定做方检验。委托方隐瞒原材料的缺陷或者用不符合合同规定的原材料而影响定做质量时,定做方有权要求重作、修理、减少价款或退货。(质量保证的问题)1 (Principal raw materials used to complete the work), the client must use raw materials in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and accept custom-square test. The commissioning party to conceal material defects or nonconforming use of raw materials affect the quality of custom, the custom-made party the right to request to redo, repair, reduce the price or return. (Quality assurance issues)2.(用定做方原材料完成工作的,应当明确规定原材料的消耗定额)。定做方应按合同规定的时间、数量、质量、规格提供原材料,委托方对定做方提供的原材料要按合同规定及时检验,不符合要求的,应立即通知定做方调换或补齐。委托方对定做方提供的原材料不得擅自更换,对修理的物品不得偷换零部件。2 (square of raw materials with custom work done, it should be clear that the consumption of raw materials, fixed). Custom party should be stipulated in the contract time, quantity, quality, specifications of raw materials, the commissioning party provided the raw material for custom-made according to the contract and timely inspection, does not meet the requirements, custom-made party shall immediately notify the exchange or padded. Principal of the raw materials provided by custom are not allowed to replace, repair items are not allowed for substitution of parts.3.交(提)原材料等物品日期计算,参照第七条规定执行。第四条 技术资料、图纸提供办法3 cross (to mention) the date of the calculation of raw materials and other items, refer to Article VII implementation.Article technical information, drawings supplied by way1.委托方在依照定做方的要求进行工作期间,发现提供的图纸或技术要求不合理,应当及时通知定做方;定做方应当在规定的时间内回复,提出修改意见。委托方在规定的时间内未得到答复,有权停止工作,并及时通知定做方,因此造成的损失,由定做方赔偿。2.委托方对于委托的工作,如果定做方要求保密,应当严格遵守,未经定做方许可不得留存技术资料的复制品。3.定做方应当按规定日期提供技术资料、图纸等。1 Principal parties in accordance with the requirements of custom work, found the drawings or technical demands are unreasonable, it shall promptly notify the custom side; custom party shall reply within the prescribed time, propose amendments. Principal within the prescribed time has not been answered, the right to stop work and notify the custom side, the resulting loss, damages by the custom side.2 Principal for commissioned work, custom side if requested confidentiality, should be strictly adhered to, permission shall not be retained without the custom side of copies of technical information.3 custom-made party date should be required to provide technical information, drawings and so on.第五条 价款或酬金价款或酬金,按照国家或主管部门的规定执行,没有规定的由当事人双方商定。第六条 验收标准和方法1.按照合同规定的质量要求、图纸和样品作为验收标准。2.定做方应当按合同规定的期限验收委托方所完成的工作。验收前委托方应当向定做方提交必需的技术资料和有关质量证明。对短期检验难以发现质量缺陷的定做物或项目,应当由双方协商,在合同中规定保证期限。保证期限内发生问题,除定做方使用、保管不当等原因而造成质量问题的以外,由委托方负责修复或退换。3.当事人双方对委托的定做物和项目质量在检验中发生争议时,可由法定质量监督检验机构提供检验证明。Article price or remunerationPrice or remuneration, in accordance with national regulations or the competent department, does not require the two sides agreed to by the parties.Article acceptance criteria and methods1 according to the contract quality requirements, drawings and samples as acceptance criteria.2 custom-made party shall limit stipulated in the contract acceptance of the work done by the commissioning party. Acceptance before the commissioning party shall be required to submit a custom technical information and evidence about the quality. Difficult to find quality short-term test for defects in materials or items made to order, should be by mutual agreement, the provisions in the contract guarantee period. Problem within the warranty period, in addition to custom-made party to use, improper storage and other quality problems caused by reasons other than by the commissioning party is responsible for repair or exchange.3. Both parties to the commission of custom objects and project quality in the event of a dispute inspection, quality supervision and inspection by the statutory body to provide inspection certificate第七条 交货的时间和地点1.交(提)定做物期限应当按照合同规定履行。任何一方要求提前或延期交(提)定做物,应当在事先与对方达成协议,并按协议执行。2.交(提)定做物日期计算:委托方自备运输工具送交定做物的以定做方接收的戳记日期为准;委托运输部门运输的,以发运定做物时承运部门签发戳记日期为准;自提定做物的,以委托方通知的提取日期为准,但委托方在发出提取定做物通知中,必须留给定做方以必要的途中时间;双方另有约定的,按约定的方法计算。Article delivery time and location1 pay (mentioned) should be made to order things according to the contract performance period. Any party required to pay in advance or postpone (put) custom objects, should be agreed in advance with each other, according to protocol implementation.2 cross (to mention) the date of calculation of custom objects: self-transport sent to the commissioning party custom objects to customize the stamp date of the reception; commissioned by the transport sector transport, custom shipping materials to be issued when the carrier sector stamp date of; from mentioning custom objects to the commissioning party to inform the date of extraction, but the commissioning party in a notice issued by extracting custom objects, custom side must be left on the way to the necessary time; otherwise agreed , according to the agreed method.第八条 包装要求及费用负担第九条 运输办法及费用负担第十条 结算方式及期限第十一条 其他约定第十二条 委托方的违约责任一、 未按合同规定的质量交付定做物或完成工作,定做方同意利用的,应当按质论价,酌减酬金或价款;不同意利用的,应当负责修整或调换,并承担逾期交付的责任;经过修整或调换后,仍不符合合同规定的,定做方有权拒收,由此造成的损失由委托方赔偿。Article packaging requirements and the cost burdenArticle IX transportation methods and cost burdenArticle settlement and duration ofArticle XI of other conventionsArticle XII of the commissioning partys breach of contractFirst, the contract fails to deliver customized materials or the quality of work done, custom party agreed to use, it should be according to quality, reduce it remuneration or price; do not agree with the use of, and shall be responsible for repair or replacement, and take delivery of overdue responsibility; trimmed or exchange, the still not meet the contract requirements, custom party the right to reject, the resulting loss of compensation by the commissioning party.二、交付定做物或完成工作的数量少于合同规定,定做方仍然需要的,应当照数补齐,补交部分按逾期交付处理;少交、迟交部分定做方不再需要的,委托方应赔偿定做方因此造成的损失。三、未按合同规包装定做物,需返修或重新包装的,应当负责返修或重新包装,并承担因此而支付的费用。定做方不要求返修或重新包装而要求赔偿损失的,委托方应当偿付定做方该不合格包装物低于合格包装物的价值部分。因包装不符合同规定造成定做物毁损、灭失的,由委托方赔偿损失。Second, the delivery of custom objects, or less than the number of work done under the contract, custom side are still needed and should be filled according to the number, pay part of the deal by late delivery; pay less, late part of the custom side is no longer needed , the commission shall compensate the resulting loss of custom-made side.Third, the failure to regulate the contract custom packaging materials required to repair or re-packaging, shall be responsible for repairing or re-packaging, and thus bear the fees paid. Custom party does not require repair or re-packaging for damages, the commissioning party shall fail to pay custom packaging side of the lower part of the value of qualified packaging. Inconsistent with the contract caused by custom packaging material is damaged or lost, by the commissioning party for damages.四、逾期交付定做物(包括返修、更换、补交等),应当向定做方偿付违约金_ 元;(合同中无具体规定的,应当比照中国人民银行有关延期付款的规定,按逾期交付部分的价款总额计算,向定做方偿付违约金)以酬金计算的,每逾期一天,按逾期交付部分的酬金总额的千分之一偿付违约金。未经定做方同意,提前交付定做物,定做方有权拒收。Fourth, the late delivery of custom objects (including repair, replacement, pay, etc.) should be made to order parties to pay liquidated damages of $ _; (no specific provisions in the contract, the Peoples Bank of China shall be mutatis mutandis the provisions of the deferred payment, by late delivery of part of the total price calculation, custom-made party to pay liquidated damages) to remuneration calculated for each overdue day, according to the late delivery of one-thousandth part of the remuneration of the total pay liquidated damages.Custom party without consent, early delivery of custom objects, custom party the right to reject.五、不能交付定做物或不能完成工作的,应当偿付不能交付定做物或不能完成工作部分价款总值的_%(10%30%)或酬金总额的_%(20%60%)的违约金。六、异地交付的定做物不符合合同规定,暂由定做方代保管时,应当偿付定做方实际支付的保管、保养费。七、实行代运或送货的定做物,错发到达地点或接收单位(人),除按合同规定负责运到指定地点或接收单位(人)外,并承担因此多付的运杂费和逾期交付定做物的责任。Fifth, not matter or can not complete delivery of custom work, custom-made objects should be paid can not be delivered or can not complete the work part of the price value of _%( 10% to 30%) or 20% of total remuneration _%( 60%) of liquidated damages.Six off-site delivery of custom-made materials do not meet contract, temporary custody by the custom side on behalf of, the parties shall be paid the actual payment of custom-made storage, maintenance.Seven, the implementation of transportation of or delivery of custom-made materials, made to reach the wrong place or receive units (people), in addition to the contract is responsible to the designated place or receive units (people) outside, and take so much and pay transport fees responsibility for late delivery of custom objects.八、由于保管不善致使定做方提供的原材料、设备、包装物及其他物品毁损、灭失的,应当偿付定做方因此造成的损失。九、未按合同规定的办法和期限对定做方提供的原材料进行检验,或经检验发现原材料不符合要求而未按合同规定的期限通知定做方调换、补齐的,由委托方对工作质量、数量承担责任。十、擅自调换定做方提供的原材料或修理物的零部件,定做方有权拒收,委托方应赔偿定做方因此造成的损失。如定做方要求重作或重新修理,应当按定做方要求办理,并承担逾期交付的责任。Eight, the resulting lack of good care provided by custom-made raw materials, equipment, packaging and other items damaged or lost, should be made to order parties to pay the resulting losses.Nine, failure methods and duration of the contract provided for custom inspection of raw materials or raw materials not found by the inspection fails to meet the requirements stipulated in the contract notice period exchange custom-made side, padded, the work by the commissioning party quality, quantity take responsibility.Ten, without exchange of raw materials provided by custom or repair material parts, custom side the right to reject, the commission shall compensate the resulting loss of custom-made side. Such as customs request to redo or re-repair, it should be handled according to customs request, and assume responsibility for late delivery.第十三条 定做方的违约责任一、中途变更定做物的数量、规格、质量或设计等,应当赔偿委托方因此造成的损失。二、中途废止合同,属委托方提供原村料的,偿付委托方的未履行部分价款总值的_%(10%30%幅度)的违约金;不属委托方提供原材料的,偿付委托方以未履行部分酬金总额的_%(20%60%的幅度)违约金。Article XIII of custom-made party liability for breach ofA way to change the number of custom objects, specifications, quality or design, the commissioning party shall compensate the resulting losses.Second, the half-way annulling a contract, provided the original village is commissioned material, to pay the Principals failure to fulfill part of the price value of _%( rate of 10% to 30%) of liquidated damages; do not belong to the commissioning party to provide raw materials, pay commission side to the unperformed portion of the total remuneration _%( 20% to 60% of the amplitude) of liquidated damages二、 未按合同规定的时间和要求向委托方提供原材料、技术资料、包装物等或未完成必要的辅助工作和准备工作,委托方有权解除合同,定做方应当赔偿委托方因此而造成的损失;委托方不要求解除合同的,除交付定做物的日期得以顺延外,定做方应当偿付委托方停工待料的损失。Third, the failure time and requirements stipulated in the contract provided to the commissioning of raw materials, technical data, packaging and other auxiliary work or to complete the necessary work and preparation, the commissioning party the right to terminate the contract, custom party shall indemnify the commissioning party the resultant loss; the commissioning party does not require termination of the contract, other than the delivery date be postponed custom objects, the custom-made party shall pay the Principal downtime to be expected losses三、 超过合同规定期限领取定做物的,除按本条第五款规定偿付违约金外,还应当承担委托方实际支付的保管、保养费。定做方超过领取期限6个月不领取定做物的,委托方有权将定做物变卖,所得价款在扣除报酬、保管、保养费后,退还给定做方;变卖定做物所得少于报酬、保管、保养费时,定做方还应补偿不足部分;如定做物不能变卖,应当赔偿委托方的损失。Fourth, over the contract period to receive custom-made objects, in addition to pay liquidated damages provision in paragraph 5, should also undertake to pay the commission, the actual custody, maintenance costs. Custom-made party to receive more than six months duration do not receive custom objects, custom objects entrusted party is entitled to sell, proceeds from the net pay, storage, maintenance fee, returned to the custom side; sell custom-made from less material in compensation, custody, maintenance and time-consuming, custom-made side should also compensate for lack of parts; such as custom objects can not be sold, the commissioning party should compensate the losses.五、超过合同规定日期付款,应当比照中国人民银行有关延期付款的规定向委托方偿付违约金;以酬金计算的,每逾期一天,按酬金总额的千分之一偿付违约金。六、无故拒绝接收定做物,应当赔偿委托方因此造成的损失及运输部门的罚款。七、变更交付定做物地点或接收单位(人),承担因此而多支出的费用。Fifth, more than the contract payment date, Peoples Bank of China shall be mutatis mutandis the provisions of the deferred payment to pay liquidated damages to the commissioning party; to remuneration calculated for each overdue day, according to one thousandth of the total remuneration to pay liquidated damages.Sixth, for no reason refuse to accept custom-made objects, the commissioning party shall compensate the resulting loss of fine and transport sectors.Seven, custom-made material changes to the delivery location or the receiving unit (person), so take the extra expenses第十四条 不可抗力在合同规定的履行期限内,由于不可抗力致使定做物或原材料毁损、灭失的,委托方在取得合法证明后,可免予承担违约责任,在定做方迟延接受或无故拒收期间发生的,定做方应当承担责任,并赔偿委托方由此造成的损失。Article XIV Force MajeureStipulated in the contract performance period, due to force majeure custom objects or materials damaged or lost, the client in obtaining legal proof, may be exempt from any penalty, delay in the custom side to accept or reject without cause during the, custom party should bear the responsibility, and compensate the resulting loss of the commissioning party.第十五条 纠纷的处理加工委托合同发生纠纷时,当事人双方应协商解决;协商不成按( )项处理:1.向仲裁机关申请仲裁;2.向人民法院起诉。本合同自_ 年_ 月_ 日起生效,合同履行完毕即失效,本合同执行期间,双方不得随意变更和解除合同,合同如有未尽事宜,由双方共同协商,作出补充规定,补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。本合同正本一式二份,定做方和委托方各执一份;合同副本一式_份,交_(如经鉴证或公证,则应送鉴证机关或公证机关)各留存一份。Article XV dispute handlingCommission processing contract disputes, the parties should be settled through consultation; consultation fails by () of treatment:1 to the arbitration body for arbitration;2. To the peoples court.This contract _ day _ year _ month with effect from completion of the failure to fulfill the contract, during the execution of this contract, both parties are not free to change and cancel the contract, the contract if not entirely, by mutual agreement, to make supplementary provisions, supplementary Provisions of this contract has the same effect.A duplicate original of this contract, custom side and armed with a commissioning party; copy of the contract type _ copies, such as by cross _( identification or notarized, should be sent to forensic authority or notary public) of the retirement of copies.定做方:_代表人:_年_月_日委托方:_代表人:_Custom party :_Representative :_ Month _ day _ yearPrincipal :_Representative :_欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档15.


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