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合同条款Chapter II Terms and Conditions of the Contract第一部分 北京市建设工程委托监理合同Part One Beijing Entrustment Supervision Contract for Engineering Construction委托人 与监理人 经双方协商一致,签订本合同。The Contract is made by and between the Client, AMECO Beijing, and the Supervisor, _, based on unanimous negotiation. 一、委托人委托监理的工程(以下筒称“本工程”)概况如下:Article 1 Overview of the Project to be supervised with the Clients entrustment(hereinafter referred to as the “Project”): 工程名称: Project Name: 工程地点: Construction Site: 工程规模: Project Scale: 总 投 资: Total investment: RMB 二、本合同中的有关词语含义与本合同第二部分标准条件中赋予它们的定义相同。Article 2 Terms and words in the Contract shall have the same meaning specified in Part Two of the Contract, Standard Conditions. 三、下列文件均为本合同的组成部分:(加优先次序)Article 3 The following documents are consist of the Contract: 监理投标文件或中标通知书; Bidding Documents for Supervision or Notification of Award;本合同标准条件; Standard Conditions of the Contract; 本合同专用条件; Specific Conditions of the Contract; 在实施过程中双方共同签署的补充与修正文件。 Supplementations and modifications to the Contract made by the Parties during performance hereof. 四、监理人向委托人承诺,按照本合同的规定,承担本合同专用条件中议定范围内的监理业务。Article 4 The Supervisor ensures to the Client to, in accordance with the Contract, undertake the supervision services within the agreed scope in Specific Conditions of the Contract. 五、委托人向监理人承诺,按照本合同注明的期限、方式、币种,向监理人支付报酬。Article 5 The Client ensures to the Supervisor to make remuneration according to the time limit, method and currency as mentioned in the Contract. 本合同自 年 月 日开始实施,至 年 月 日完成。The Contract shall be from the _ day of _, to the _ day of _, . 本合同一式 份,具有同等法律效力,双方各执 份。The Contract shall be in _ copies with equal force, _ for either party. 委托人:(签章) 监理人:(签章)Client (signature & seal): Supervisor (signature & seal):住所: 住所:Domicile: Domicile法定代表人:(签章) 法定代表人:(签章)Legal representative (signature & seal): Legal representative (signature & seal):开户银行: 开户银行:Bank: Bank:账号: 账号:A/C.: A/C.:邮编: 邮编:Postcode: Postcode:电话: 电话:Tel: Tel:本合同签订于:_年_月_日The Contract is signed on the _ day of _.:第二部分 标准条件Part Two Standard Conditions词语定义、适用范围和法规Definitions, Applicable Scope and Regulations第一条 下列名词和用语,除上下文另有规定外,有如下含义:Article 1 Unless otherwise specified in context, words and terms as follows shall have the following meaning: (1)“工程”是指委托人委托实施监理的工程。(1) Project: the project which the Client entrusts for supervision.(2)“委托人”是指承担直接投资责任和委托监理业务的一方以及其合法继承人。(2) Client: one party, as well as its legal successors, assuming direct investment liability and entrusting the supervision service. (3)“监理人”是指承担监理业务和监理责任的一方,以及其合法继承人。(3) Supervisor: one party, as well as its legal successors, providing supervision service and assuming supervision liability.(4)“监理机构”是指监理人派驻本工程现场实施监理业务的组织。(4) Supervision Office: the organization which is to provide supervision service at the site of construction with the appointment of the Supervisor. (5)“总监理工程师”是指经委托人同意,监理人派到监理机构全面履行本合同的全权负责人。(5) Chief Supervising Engineer: the person who is appointed by the Supervisor to the Supervision Office, with the consent of the Client, to be in full charge of performance of the Contract.(6)“承包人”是指除监理人以外,委托人就工程建设有关事宜签订合同的当事人。(6) Contractor: the party who the Client enters into the contract concerning engineering construction, except for the Supervisor.(7)“工程监理的正常工作”是指双方在专用条件中约定,委托人委托的监理工作范围和内容。(7) Normal Supervision Service: the scope and content of supervision, as specified in the Specific Conditions, under the entrustment of the Client. (8)“工程监理的附加工作”是指:委托人委托监理范围以外,通过双方书面协议另外增加的工作内容;由于委托人或承包人原因,使监理工作受到阻碍或延误,因而增加工作或持续时间。(8) Additional Supervision Service: a. other contents of supervision added in written agreement between the Parties; b. adding services or working period resulted from block or delay of supervision due to reason attributable to the Client or the Contractor.(9)“工程监理的额外工作”是指正常工作和附加工作以外,根据第三十八条规定监理人必须完成的工作,或非监理人自己的原因而暂停或终止监理业务,其善后工作及恢复监理业务的工作。 (9) Extra Supervision Service, the work which the Supervisor has to complete in accordance with Article 38 hereof, expect for normal supervision service or additional supervision service, or recovery of supervision services due to the suspension or termination of supervision service due to no fault of the Supervisor. (10)“日”是指任何一天零时至第二天零时的时间段。(10) Day: any time section starting from zero of any day to zero of the next day.(11)“月”是指根据公历从一个月份中任何一天开始到下一个月相应日期的前一天的时间段。(11) Month: the time section starting as of any day to one day before the corresponding day of the next month.第二条北京市建设工程委托监理合同适用的法律是指国家的法律、行政法规,以及专用条件中议定的部门规章或北京市的地方法规、地方规章。Article 2 The applicable law to Beijing Contract for Engineering Construction Supervision refers to the laws and administrative regulations of the State, and regulations or rules as agreed under the specific conditions, or the local regulations and rules of the Beijing.第三条本合同文件使用汉语语言文字书写、解释和说明。如专用条件约定使用两种以上(含两种)语言文字时,汉语应为解释和说明本合同的标准语言文字。Article 3 Any and all documents under this Contract shall be written, interpreted and descried in the Chinese language. In case of any need to use more than two (included) languages, Chinese shall be the standard language to interpret and describe this Contract. 监理人义务Supervisors Obligation第四条监理人按合同约定派出监理工作需要的监理机构及监理人员,向委托人报送委派的总监理工程师及其监理机构主要成员名单、监理规划,完成监理合同专用条件中约定的监理工程范围内的监理业务。在履行合同义务期间,应按合同约定定期向委托人报告监理工作。Article 4 The Supervisor shall assign the supervisor office and personnel necessary for supervision as mentioned hereunder, present the Client a list of names of the chief supervising engineer and principle members of the supervision office and the supervision planning, and shall complete the supervision services within the supervision scope as mentioned in the Specific Conditions hereof. During performance of its obligations hereunder, the Supervisor shall report regularly the supervision work to the Client as agreed hereunder.第五条监理人在履行本合同的义务期间,应认真、勤奋地工作,为委托人提供与其水平相适应的咨询意见,公正维护各方面的合法权益。Article 5 The Supervisor shall, while performing the obligations hereunder, work earnestly and diligently, provide the Client with advisory comments corresponding to its level and protect the legitimate interests and rights in all respects in a fair and just manner.第六条监理人使用委托人提供的设施和物品属委托人的财产。在监理工作完成或中止时,应将其设施和剩余的物品按合同约定的时间和方式移交给委托人。 Article 6 The facilities and articles used by the Supervisor, provided by the Client, shall be the properties of the Client, and the Supervisor shall turn over such facilities and the rest of such articles to the Client within the time limit and in a manner as agreed between the Parties when the supervision service is completed or terminated. 第七条在合同期内或合同终止后,未征得有关方同意,不得泄露与本工程、本合同业务有关的保密资料。Article 7 Within the term of the Contract or after termination hereof, the Supervisor may not disclose any confidential materials pertaining to the Project and the Contract without the consent of relevant parties. 委托人义务Clients Obligations第八条委托人在监理人开展监理业务之前应向监理人支付预付款。Article 8 The Client shall make advance payments to the Supervisor before the latter carries out supervision services.第九条委托人应当负责工程建设的所有外部关系的协调,为监理工作提供外部条件。根据需要,如将部分或全部协调工作委托监理人承担,则应在专用条件中明确委托的工作和相应的报酬。Article 9 The Client shall be responsible for the coordination with external relationship concerning the Project construction, and providing external conditions for the supervision service. The Client shall, if necessary, authorize all or part of coordination work to the Supervisor, in which case the Client shall define the work of authorization and corresponding remuneration in the Specific Conditions. 第十条委托人应当在双方约定的时间内免费向监理人提供与工程有关的为监理工作所需要的工程资料。Article 10 The Client shall free provide the supervisor with all necessary data or information pertaining to the Project in respect of the supervision service as agreed by the Parties.第十一条委托人应当在专用条款约定的时间内就监理人书面提交并要求作出决定的一切事宜作出书面决定。 Article 11 The Client shall make written decisions on all matters submitted by the Supervisor and required to be decided within the time limit as specified in the Specific Conditions.第十二条委托人应当授权一名熟悉工程情况、能在规定时间内作出决定的常驻代表(在专用条款中约定),负责与监理人联系。更换常驻代表,要提前通知监理人。Article 12 The Owner shall authorize one standing representative (as agreed in the Specific Conditions), who is familiar with the Project and can make decisions within the given time, and shall be responsible for contacting the Supervisors. Any replacement of the standing representative shall be notified in advance to the Supervisor. 第十三条委托人应当将授予监理人的监理权利,以及监理人主要成员的职能分工、监理权限及时书面通知已选定的承包合同的承包人,并在与第三人签订的合同中予以明确。Article 13 The Client shall grant the right to the Supervisor, and the functional work assignment for principal members from the Supervisor as well as the supervision power, which shall be notified in writing to the selected Constructor under the Contract in time, and must be expressly specified in the contracts signed with any third party. 第十四条委托人应在不影响监理人开展监理工作的时间内提供如下资料:Article 14 The Client shall provide the following information at the time when no supervision service is affected:(1)与本工程合作的原材料、构配件、机械设备等生产厂家名录。(1) Lists of manufacturers of raw materials, components, parts and equipments, etc., which are in the cooperation with the Project; (2)提供与本工程有关的协作单位、配合单位的名录。(2) Lists of cooperating units or coordinating units concerning the Project.第十五条委托人应免费向监理人提供办公用房(同时作为监理人员工作住房)、通讯设施、合同专用条件约定的设施。Article 15 The Client shall free provide office rooms (which will be used as the lodgings of supervision personnel), communication facilities and the equipments as mentioned in the Specific Conditions hereof. 第十六条根据情况需要,如果双方约定,由委托人免费向监理人提供其他人员,应在监理合同专用条件中予以明确。Article 16 If it is agreed that the Client will provide other personnel to the Supervisor, free of charge, if necessary, the case shall be specified in the Specific Conditions hereof.监理人权利Supervisors Rights第十七条监理人在委托人委托的工程范围内,享有以下权利:Article 17 The Supervisor shall, within the scope of entrusted Project, enjoy the following rights: (1)选择工程总承包人的建议权。(1) the right to recommend the general contractor in its selection;(2)选择工程分包人的认可权。(2) the right to recommend subcontractors for the Project;(3)对工程建设有关事项包括工程规模、设计标准、规划设计、生产工艺设计和使用功能要求,向委托人的建议权。(3) the right to make suggestions on the matters concerning the Project construction shall cover project scale, design criteria, planning and designing, production process designs and operation function requirements, etc; (4)对工程设计中的技术问题,按照安全和优化的原则,向设计人提出建议;如果拟提出的建议可能会提高工程造价,或延长工期,应当事先征得委托人的同意。当发现工程设计不符合国家颁布的建设工程质量标准或设计合同约定的质量标准时,监理人应当书面报告委托人并要求设计人更正。(4) the right to independently put forward advice to the design institute with regard to the technical issues in project design on the basis of safety and optimization; any advice so put forward that may raise the cost of the Project or lead to the delay in or extension of the construction period shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Client. If the Supervisor finds that the project design cannot meet the standards for engineering construction quality issued by the State or the quality standards as specified in the design contract, the Supervisor shall report to the Client in writing and require the design institute to make correction;(5)审批工程施工组织设计和技术方案,按照保质量、保工期和降低成本的原则,向承包人提出建议,并向委托人提出书面报告。(5) the right to put forward advice to the Constructor in respect of the organization designs and technical programs for the construction works on the basis of guaranteed quality as well as the construction period and reduced costs, and to submit written reports to the Client; (6)主持工程建设有关协作单位的组织协调,重要协调事项应当事先向委托人报告。(6) the right to organize and coordinate with cooperating units and significant coordinating matters shall be reported to the Client upon the prior written consent of the Client; (7)征得委托人同意,监理人有权发布开工令、停工令、复工令,但应当事先向委托人报告。如在紧急情况下未能事先报告时,则应在24小时内向委托人作出书面报告。(7) the right to issue orders for works commencement, suspension and resumption upon prior written consent of the Client. In case of impossible written reports to the Client under emergent conditions, the Supervisor shall submit a written report to the Client within 24 hours thereafter; (8)工程上使用的材料和施工质量的检验权。对于不符合设计要求和合同约定及国家质量标准的材料、构配件、设备,有权通知承包人停止使用;对于不符合规范和质量标准的工序、分部分项工程和不安全施工作业,有权通知承包人停工整改、返工。承包人得到监理机构复工令后才能复工。(8) the right to inspect the materials used for the Project and the construction quality, to notify the Constructor to stop using any materials, components or parts and equipments not in conformity to the design requirements and the quality standards of the State, to notify the Constructor to stop to make correction and rework with regard to any process and subdivided works not complying with the standards or the standard processes of quality. The Constructor may not resume work prior to receipt of the order of resumption issued by the supervision office; (9)工程施工进度的检查、监督权,以及工程实际竣工日期提前或超过工程施工合同规定的竣工期限的签认权。 (9) the right to inspect and supervise the progress of the Project, and to recognize with signature prior completion date or delay of the completion date as mentioned in the construction contract; (10)在工程施工合同约定的工程价格范围内,工程款支付的审核和签认权,以及工程结算的复核确认权与否决权。未经总监理工程师签字确认,委托人不支付工程款。(10) the right to review and sign the payments for the Project within the scope of project cost as agreed under the construction contract, to examine and recognize payment of the project cost, and the right or the denied voting rights to review and confirm the project settlements. The Client will not make payment without confirmation by the chief supervising engineering with signatures; (11)监理人有权及时向委托人获取工程建设过程中有关如:工程洽谈商变更、材料采购及工程拨付款等重要信息、资料,委托人应当给予支持。(11) the right to obtain important information and data in time from the Client during construction of the Project, including change of project negotiators, material purchase and payment for the Project, and the Client shall provide support;(12)所有工程变更(包括设计变更和工程洽商)应当通过监理人的审核和签认。(12) any and all modifications to the Project, including design change and project negotiation, shall be examined and confirmed by the Supervisor;(13)工程竣工时,如委托人未按规定支付监理报酬的90%,监理人可不签署工程竣工验收及移交竣工文件。(13) if the Client fails to pay 90% of the supervision fee according to the contract upon completion of the Project, the Supervisor can refuse to sign the documents on inspection upon completion of the Project and completion of handover. 第十八条监理人在委托人授权下,可对任何承包人合同规定的义务提出变更。如果由此严重影响了工程费用或质量、或进度,则这种变更须经委托人事先批准。在紧急情况下未能事先报委托人批准时,监理人所做的变更也应尽快通知委托人。在监理过程中如发现工程承包人人员工作不力,监理机构可要求承包人调换有关人员。 Article 18 The Supervisor may advance the modification of any obligations for the Constructor under the contracts with the authorization of the Client. If the case substantially affects the project costs or quality or progress of the Project, such modification shall be subject to prior written consent of the Client. In the case of any emergency that makes it unable to report to the Client for prior written approval, such modification made by the Supervisor shall be also notified to the Client as soon as possible. If there is any incompetence of personnel in the Constructors personnel found in the process of supervision, the supervision office may require the Constructor to make replacement. 第十九条在委托的工程范围内,委托人或承包人对对方的任何意见和要求(包括索赔要求),均必须首先向监理机构提出,由监理机构研究处置意见,再同双方协商确定。当委托人和承包人发生争议时,监理机构应根据自己的职能,以独立的身份判断,公正地进行调解。当双方的争议由政府建设行政主管部门调解或仲裁机关仲裁时,应当提供作证的事实材料。Article 19 Within the scope of entrusted Project, the Client or the Constructor can advance advice or requests (including claims) on the other party to be first submitted to the supervision office, who will consider the opinions of disposition, and then both parties will agree upon such matters. In case of any dispute between the Client and the Constructor, the supervision office shall judge in its independent capacity according to its function and make mediation in a fair and just manner. When any dispute between the parties is subject to the mediation or arbitration by the competent government administrative authority in charge of construction, fact materials and instruments shall be provided for evidences. 委托人权利Clients Rights第二十条委托人有选定工程总承包人,以及与其订立合同的权利。Article 20 The Client has the right to select and to enter into the contract with the general contractor of the Project.第二十一条委托人有对工程规模、设计标准、规划设计、生产工艺设计和设计使用功能要求的认定权,以及对工程设计变更的审批权。 Article 21 The Client has the right to confirm the scope, design standards, planning, designing, production technics design and designed functions of the Project, and to examine and approve modifications to the design of the Project. 第二十二条监理人调换总监理工程师须事先经委托人同意。Article 22 The Supervisor must receive prior consent of the Client in case of replacement of the chief supervising engineer.第二十三条委托人有权要求监理人提交监理工作月报及监理业务范围内的专项报告。Article 23 The Client has the right to require the Supervisor to submit the monthly supervision report and the special report on supervision service. 第二十四条当委托人发现监理人员不按监理合同履行监理职责,或与承包人串通给委托人或工程造成损失的,委托人有权要求监理人更换监理人员,直到终止合同并要求监理人承担相应的赔偿责任或连带赔偿责任。Article 24 Where the Client finds that the supervision personnel fail to perform their duties according to the supervision contract, or cause losses to the Client or the Project together with the Constructor, the Client has the right to require the Supervisor to replace them, up to termination of the Contract; furthermore, the Client has the right to require the Supervisor to assume corresponding liability for compensation or take joint and several liability for compensation. 监理人责任Supervisors Liability第二十五条监理人的责任期即委托监理合同有效期。在监理过程中,如果因工程建设进度的推迟或延误而超过书面约定的日期,双方应进一步约定相应延长的合同期。Article 25 The period of Supervisors liability shall be the term of the Entrustment Contract for Supervision. In case of beyond the written agreed date due to suspension or delay of the construction progress of the Project during the supervision, the Parties shall further agree on a contractual period correspondingly.第二十六条监理人在责任期内,应当履行约定的义务,如果因监理人过失而造成了委托人的经济损失,应当向委托人赔偿。累计赔偿总额(除本合同第二十四条规定以外)不应超过监理报酬总额(除去税金)。Article 26 The Supervisor shall perform the agreed obligations hereunder within the liability period. The Supervisor shall compensate for any and all economic losses to the Client due to fault of the Supervisor; however, unless otherwise stipulated in Article 24 hereof, the accumulative compensations may not be more than the total supervision remuneration (after tax). 第二十七条监理人对承包人违反合同规定的质量要求和完工(交图、交货)时限,不承担责任。因不可抗力导致委托监理合同不能全部或部分履行,监理人不承担责任。但对违反第五条规定引起的与之有关的事宜,向委托人承担赔偿责任。Article 27 The Supervisor shall not be responsible for the Constructors breach of the quality requirements and the time limit for completion (drawing and Project) as mentioned in the Contract, for impossible performance of all or part of the Entrustment Contract for Supervision due to force majeure. However, the Supervisor shall make compensation to the Client with respect to such matters due to breach of Article 5 hereof. 第二十八条监理人向委托人提出赔偿要求不能成立时,监理人应当补偿由于该索赔所导致委托人的各种费用支出。 Article 28 Where there are no stands for claims made by the Supervisor against the Client, the Supervisor shall compensate the Client for all costs and expenses arising therefrom. 委托人责任Clients Liability第二十九条委托人应当履行委托监理合同约定的义务,如有违反则应当承担违约责任,赔偿给监理人造成的经济损失。监理人处理委托业务时,因非监理人原因的


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