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教学课件教学课件 英语英语 七年七年级级上册上册 冀教版冀教版教学课件1Unit 2 Colours and ClothesLesson 10:Clothes for a Cold DayUnit 2 Colours and Clothes2Whose is this?Whose are they?Lets review.DannysBobsLynnsKimsWhose is this?Whose are they3Words and expressionscatchreadydinosaurT-shirtjacketforgetv.接住;抓住;染上(病)n.抓球(游戏)adj.准备好的n.恐龙n.短袖汗衫n.夹克;上衣v.忘记Words and expressionscatchv.4Work in pairs.hatpantscolourfulsobright n.帽子(指有边的帽子)n.裤子adj.丰富多彩的adv.非常;那么;很adj.明亮的;耀眼的Work in pairs.hat n.帽子(指有边5Clothes for a sunny dayhatT-shirtshortsskirtClothes for a sunny dayhatT-sh6Clothes for a rainy dayraincoatbootsjacketClothes for a rainy dayraincoa7Clothes for a snowy dayglovesscarfsweaterClothes for a snowy dayglovess8You may catch a cold.Wait,Danny!Its cold today.You cant wear a T-shirt and shorts.Mum,I look nice in this green T-shirt.And I like shorts.Look!Its raining.You may catch a cold.OK.Mum.You may catch a cold.Wait,Dan9Danny!Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.OK.Dont forget your umbrella.Well,I dont like to wear pants.Its in my schoolbag.Bye,Mum.Danny!Your jacket doesnt go 10教材解读教材解读1.You may catch a cold.you属于人称代词属于人称代词,意为意为“你你”,在句在句中作主语。中作主语。Are you a student?你是一个学生吗你是一个学生吗?【拓展拓展】you意为意为“你你”,在句中还可在句中还可以作宾语。以作宾语。Let me help you.让我帮助你。让我帮助你。教材解读11may用作情态动词用作情态动词,后接动词原后接动词原形形,在句中意为在句中意为“或许或许”。Jane may come to my birthday party.简或许来我的生日晚会。简或许来我的生日晚会。【拓展拓展】may用作情态动词用作情态动词,还有还有“可以可以”的意思。的意思。May I have a ruler?我可以有一把尺子吗我可以有一把尺子吗?may用作情态动词,后接动词原形,在句中意为“或许”。12catch a cold用作动词短用作动词短语语,意为意为“感冒感冒”。Dont catch a cold.Lets play at home.不要感冒了。让我们在家不要感冒了。让我们在家里玩吧。里玩吧。catch a cold用作动词短语,意为“感冒”。132.Danny is ready for school.be ready for意为意为“为为做好准做好准备备”。We are ready for the party.我们为晚会做好准备了。我们为晚会做好准备了。【拓展拓展】be ready for的同义结的同义结构是构是:be ready to do。My family are ready for dinner.=My family are ready to have dinner.我家准备吃晚饭了。我家准备吃晚饭了。2.Danny is ready for school.143.He says goodbye to his mum.he属于属于人称人称代词代词,在句中作主语在句中作主语,意为意为“他他”。He is my good friend.他是我的好朋友。他是我的好朋友。【拓展拓展】he是人称代词的主格是人称代词的主格,在句中作在句中作主语主语,him意为意为“他他”,”,是人称代词的宾格是人称代词的宾格,在句中作宾语。在句中作宾语。Do you know him?你认识他吗你认识他吗?say goodbye to sb.意为意为“向某人道别向某人道别”。I say goodbye to my grandparents.我向我的祖父母告别。我向我的祖父母告别。3.He says goodbye to his mum.154.Wait,Danny!wait用作用作动词动词,意意为为“等待等待;等候等候”。固。固定短定短语语:wait for 意意为为“等等;等候等候”。They are waiting for their breakfast.他他们们在等他在等他们们的早餐。的早餐。4.Wait,Danny!165.You cant wear a T-shirt and shorts.【辨析辨析】wear,put on和和in(1)(1)wear穿穿,指指“穿着穿着”的状态的状态,可可以用进行时以用进行时,宾语除衣服、鞋帽外宾语除衣服、鞋帽外,还可以是首饰、眼镜、发型等。还可以是首饰、眼镜、发型等。Hes wearing a new coat.他穿着一件新外套。他穿着一件新外套。Today she wears a big pair of glasses.今天今天她戴着一副大眼镜。她戴着一副大眼镜。5.You cant wear a T-shirt and17(2)(2)put on 固定短语固定短语,表示表示“穿、戴穿、戴”,”,用法广用法广泛泛,指指“穿穿”的动作的动作,可可用作穿鞋戴帽等。用作穿鞋戴帽等。She puts her hat and coat on.她她戴上帽子戴上帽子,穿穿上外衣。上外衣。I put on my hat and go to school.我我戴上帽子去戴上帽子去上学。上学。(2)put on 固定短语,表示“穿、戴”,用法广泛,指“18(3)“(3)“in+表示颜色的词表示颜色的词”或或“in+a/an+表示颜色表示颜色的词的词+n.(表衣服表衣服)”意为意为“穿着什么样的衣服穿着什么样的衣服”。The girl in white is Mary.穿白色衣服的是玛丽。穿白色衣服的是玛丽。(3)“in+表示颜色的词”或“in+a/an+表示颜色的词196.Mum,I look nice in this green T-shirt.look用作系动词用作系动词,意为意为“看上去看上去;看起看起来来”,”,后接形容词。后接形容词。Your mum looks young.你妈妈看上去很年轻。你妈妈看上去很年轻。【拓展拓展】look还可以用作实义动词还可以用作实义动词,意为意为“看看”,”,固定短语固定短语:look at看。看。Look at me.看我。看我。6.Mum,I look nice in this gree207.Danny goes back and puts on a jacket.go back用作动词短语用作动词短语,意为意为“回去回去”。We go back to China.我们回到了中国。我们回到了中国。put on用作动词短语用作动词短语,意为意为“穿上穿上”,”,接接名词时名词时,名词可以放在名词可以放在on的前面的前面,也可以放在也可以放在on的后面的后面;接代词时接代词时,代词必须放在代词必须放在on的前面。的前面。Put on the shirt,please.请穿上这件衬衫。请穿上这件衬衫。Dont put it on.Its too hot.不要穿它。太热了。不要穿它。太热了。7.Danny goes back and puts on 21Fill in the blanks.A:Wait,Danny!Its _ today.You _ _ a T-shirt and _.B:Mum,I look nice _ this _ _.And I like _.A:Look!Its _.You may _ _ _.B:OK,Mum.cold cant wear shorts ingreen T-shirt shorts raining catch a coldFill in the blanks.A:Wait,Da22Fill in the blanks.A:Danny!Your _ doesnt _ _ _ your shorts.B:Well,I dont like to _ _.A:OK.Dont _ your _.B:Its in my _.Bye,Mum.jacket go well with wear pants forget umbrella schoolbagFill in the blanks.A:Danny!Y23Role-play1.Role play the conversation in groups;2.Role play the conversation in front of the class.Role-play1.Role play the conv24Skirt,sweater,dress and hat.These,those,this and that!Pants,shoes,shirts and socks.Take them all out of the box!Red,yellow,blue and white.Colourful clothes are so bright!Colourful clothesSkirt,sweater,dress and hat.25What does Danny like to wear?Listen and circle the correct pictures.What does Danny like to wear?26Answer the questions.1.How is the weather?2.Does Danny like to wear shorts or pants?3.What does Danny finally wear to school?4.Where is Dannys umbrella?Its cold and raining.Danny likes to wear shorts.A green T-shirt,shorts and a jacket.In his schoolbag.Answer the questions.How is t27Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.forget be ready for go well with catch a cold put on 1.Its 7:00 a.m.now.We _ breakfast.2.I dont want to _ your phone number.Can you write it down?3.Dont go outside without a jacket.You may _.4.Her new dress doesnt _ her old shoes.5._ your coat.Its cold outside.are ready for forget catch a cold go well with Put onFill in the blanks with the co28Its sunny today.Put on your T-shirt and shorts.Its snowy today.Put on your thick jacket.What clothes does your mum tell you to wear for different weather?Match the right clothes with the right weather.Then write Mum saysIts sunny today.Put on your 29一、根据括号里的提示写出单词。1.Its _(sun).You can put on your pants.2.Its _(rain)now.Dont forget your u_.3.Its _(cloud).I can put off my sunglasses.sunny raining mbrella cloudy一、根据括号里的提示写出单词。Its _(su30二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.别忘了你的雨伞。外面正在下雨。_ _ your _.Its raining.2.今天很冷。你不能穿短裤和T恤。Its _ today.You _ wear a _ and _.3.我的书包里有很多支铅笔。There are many _ in my _.4.这顶帽子的颜色和这件衬衣不协调。The _ of the hat doesnt _ _ _ the blouse.Dont forget umbrella cold cant T-shirt shortspencils schoolbag colour go well with二、根据汉语提示完成句子。别忘了你的雨伞。外面正在下雨。31Homework1.Practice dialogues after class.2.Prepare for the next lesson.Homework1.Practice dialogues


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