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Lesson 3 A Visit to XianUnit 1A Trip to the Silk Road七年级英语下 冀教版Lesson 3 A Visit to XianUnithe Big Wild Goose PagodaIt is over 1 300 years old.the Big Wild Goose PagodaIt isthe Drum Towerhit the ancient drumthe Drum Towerhit the ancient the Bell Towerring the ancient bellthe Bell Towerring the ancientThe Terra Cotta WarriorsThey are over 2 000 years oldThe Terra Cotta WarriorsThey ahit 击;击中击;击中ancient 古代的;古老的古代的;古老的drum 鼓鼓ring 敲敲(钟钟);打电话打电话;按按(铃铃);鸣鸣;响响bell 钟钟;铃铃enjoy 喜欢喜欢;享受享受乐趣乐趣dish 菜肴菜肴;盘盘;碟碟tour 旅游旅游;游行游行guide 导游导游;向导向导 pit 坑坑,深坑深坑;陷阱陷阱move 移动移动;搬动搬动sign 招牌招牌;记号记号New wordshit 击;击中ancient 古代的;古老的drum 1.Listen to Part 1 and fill in the blanks.(1)The wall is about kilometres long and over years old.(2)The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is over years old.(3)The Terra Cotta Warriors are overyears old.2.Listen to Part 2 and answer the following questions.(1)What does Danny want to do?(2)Can they take photos of the Terra Cotta Warriors?126001 3002 000 He wants to sit on one of the horses.No,they cant.1.Listen to Part 1 and fill inRead aloud and finish Exercise 2 in“Lets Do It”.(1)How long and how old is the wall in Xian?(2)What places of interest does Part 1 of the lesson talk about?(3)What does Danny want to do?Can he do it?(4)What does Jenny want to do?Can she do it?It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600 years old.The Big Wild Goose Pagoda,the Drum Tower,the Bell Tower and the Terra Cotta Warriors.He wants to sit on one of the horses.No,he cant.She wants to take photos.No,she cant.Read aloud and finish Exercise教材解教材解读读 1.It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600 years old.表示表示“长长度度,宽宽度度,高度高度,深度深度”等可用等可用句式句式“基数基数词词+量量词词+形容形容词词”。其。其中的量中的量词词要依数要依数词词的的单单复数而改复数而改变变。This desk is only one metre long.这这张张桌子只有一米桌子只有一米长长。Our classroom is eight metres wide.我我们们的教室有八米的教室有八米宽宽。教材解读2.Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xian.enjoy+(doing)sth.意意为为“享受享受(做做)某某事事”。They enjoy watching TV.他他们们喜喜欢欢看看电视电视。dish用作名用作名词词,在句中意在句中意为为“菜肴菜肴”。There are many delicious dishes on the table.桌子上有桌子上有许许多好吃的菜。多好吃的菜。【拓展拓展】dish用作名用作名词词,还还有有“盘盘子子”的的意思。意思。I have to wash the dishes after supper.晚晚饭饭后后,我不得不洗我不得不洗盘盘子。子。2.Eat delicious Chinese food a3.You will have a lot of fun here in this ancient city!have fun意意为为“玩得开心玩得开心,过过得愉快得愉快”。如果表示如果表示“做某事开心做某事开心”,还还要在后面要在后面加上加上v.-ing形式。形式。Danny has fun playing games with his friends.丹尼和他的朋友丹尼和他的朋友们们一起开一起开心地做游心地做游戏戏。3.You will have a lot of fun h4.I want to sit on one of the horses!one of+the+名名词词复数复数,意意为为“之一之一”。Sun Nan is one of my favourite singers.孙孙楠是我最喜楠是我最喜欢欢的歌手之一。的歌手之一。【拓展拓展】one of+us/you/them,意意为为“我我们们/你你们们/他他们们中之一中之一”。One of us goes to look for the hotel near here.我我们们中的一个人去中的一个人去这这儿附儿附近找旅近找旅馆馆了。了。4.I want to sit on one of the 5.Please stand here with me and move with me.本句本句为为祈使句。祈使句以祈使句。祈使句以动词动词原形开原形开头头,句首句首可以可以加加Please表礼貌。表礼貌。please也可以放句尾也可以放句尾,前前面要加逗号。祈使句的否定形式是在面要加逗号。祈使句的否定形式是在动词动词原形原形前加前加Dont。Please open the door.请请开开门门。Sit down,please.请请坐。坐。Dont eat in class.不要在不要在课课上吃上吃东东西。西。【注意注意】对对祈使句的回答往往使用祈使句的回答往往使用will或或wont。Work hard,please.请请努力工作。努力工作。OK,I will.好的好的,我会的。我会的。Dont talk!别说话别说话!Sorry,I wont.对对不起不起,我不会了。我不会了。5.Please stand here with me anWhy did people build the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower?What is special about the Big Wild Goose Pagoda?Search the Internet and find out more about these and other places in Xian.Why did people build the Drum Work in groups.Share the information you find in Activity 4.Then do a role-play.One or two students can be the tour guide(s)and the rest of the group can be the tourists.Task tips:What is the name of the place?How old is it?Why is it special?What interesting things can you see or do there?Discuss in groups.Then make a report in front of the class.Work in groups.Share the inforFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.1.We(visit)the Big Wild Goose Pagoda next month.2.Mike is one of the best(student)in his class.3.May I(take)photos in the museum?4.(not sleep)in the living room.Its too cold.5.My sister(enjoy)listening to music after school.will visitstudentstakeDont sleepenjoysFill in the blanks with the coHomework1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Search the Internet and find more places of interest in Xian.3.Write a passage about one of your trips.Homework


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