2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit12Lifeisfulloftheunexpected Tuesday星期二 SectionA3a 3c 一 核心词汇block worker above burn burning alive airport till west SectionA3a 3c 二 重点短语beaboutto将要 waitinline排队等候 stareat凝视 indisbelief不信地 SectionA3a 3c takeoff起飞 turninto变成 inlinewith与 成一排 SectionA3a 3c 三 经典句子1 AsIwaswaitinginlinewithotherofficeworkers Iheardaloudsound 当我和其他办公室员工一起排队等候时 我听到一声巨响 SectionA3a 3c 2 Westaredindisbeliefattheblacksmokerisingabovetheburningbuilding 我们直愣愣地盯着燃烧着的大楼上升起的黑烟 无法相信这一切 SectionA3a 3c 四 基础复现天天练 糟糕的一天 SectionA3a 3c Watchout Jack Mybrothershoutedtome WhenIheardthis Ifelldownandwasalready1 ontheground Youreallyhavebadluck Jack Mybrotherstaredatmeandsaid Hewasright Iwashavingtheworstdayofmylife WhenI2 upinthemorning SectionA3a 3c Ifoundmyselfonthefloor Don taskmehowIgotthere becauseIdon tknow either Thegreatestsoccergamewassupposedtobe3 at7 00a m solastnightIsetmyalarmclockfor6 40a m However itdidn tgooff soIoversleptand4 it Ididn tgetuptill 11 00a m SectionA3a 3c Sotherewasabigfireburning inmyheart Iwashungry soI5 downstairstofindsomethingtoeat IransoquicklythatImissedthefirststepandfelldownstairs Thanksgodness Iwasstillalive Iwastooangrytoeat6 Iwentbacktomybedroom SectionA3a 3c Itwasinthewestofmyhouse Iturnedontheputerto7 theInternetforthereportofthegame WhenIwasabouttositdown Islippedoffthe8 Iwassoangry soIdecidedtogoouttorelax WhileIwasridingmybikeinlinewithmylittlebrother SectionA3a 3c Iknockedintomyneighbor smailboxby9 What smore Ihadtogettotheairportat2 30p m totaketheplanetoLondon ButwhenIgottothefirsttrafficlightatBayiRoad maybetwoblocksfromtheairport Imettheheaviesttrafficjams So Ihadtoruntotheairport SectionA3a 3c ButtheworstthingwasthattheplanehadtakenoffwhenIgotthere Whataterribleday Mydaydidn tgoexactly10 Ihadplanned Imissedthegame felldownstairs slippedoffthechair knockedintoamailboxandmissedtheplane SectionA3a 3c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lying sitting woke on missed went anything surf chair accident what SectionA3a 3c SectionA3a 3c SectionA3a 3c 谢谢观看


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