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仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit7和Unit8知识结构图 三门峡市第三中学佘向军 Unit7和Unit8知识结构图目录 1 Unit7和Unit8课标的总体要求2 Unit7和Unit8教材内容分析3 Unit7和Unit8知识树4 Unit7和Unit8功能用语与话题5 Unit7和Unit8语法结构图6 Unit7和Unit8习题及中考链接 课程总体目标 语言知识 情感态度 学习策略 文化意识 听说读写 语音词汇语法功能话题 动机兴趣自信意志合作精神祖国意识国际视野 认知策略调控策略交际策略资源策略 文化知识文化理解跨文化交际意识和能力 语言技能 课标对本学段的要求 1 能连贯流畅地朗读课文 2 能读懂说明文等应用文体材料 3 能从简单的文章中找出有关信息 理解大意 4 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系 5 除教材外 课外阅读量应累计达到10万词以上 1 能听懂接近正常语速 涉及情感 健康 饮食和服饰的语段 2 能从所听语言材料中获取所需信息 补充短文或完成表格 1 能根据话题进行情景对话 2 能就简单的话题提供的信息 表达简单的观点和意见 参与讨论 3 能在上述活动中使用正确的语音 语调 1 能用所学语言 根据要求写出语句连贯 意思准确的短文 2 能就简单的事件表达自己的见解 语言技能 read say listen write Unit7和Unit8教材内容分析 谈论各个国家的特色饮食 Topic1Wearepreparingforafoodfestival that引导的宾语从句 了解异国饮食文化 谈论中西方餐桌礼仪 Topic2Cookingisfun If whether引导的宾语从句 单音节副词的比较等级 Topic3Welcometoourfoodfestival 谈论美食节和健康饮食 多音节副词的比较等级 帮助学生养成健康的饮食习惯 Unit7FoodFestival知识树 so that sothat引导的结果状语从句 Topic2Differentjobsrequiredifferentuniforms what when where who why how引导的宾语从句 Topic3Let sgoandwatchthefashionshow 主句为一般过去时的宾语从句 了解异国服装文化 Unit8OurClothes知识树 谈论服装的类型 Topic1Whatanicecoat 不同职业不同着装 谈论不同场合的着装及不同体形的着装 谈论中国传统服装和异国传统服装 Unit7功能用语与话题 1 社会交往 1 邀请MayIinviteyoutoourfoodfestival Youmustcometoourfoodfestival 2 希望和愿望Hopetoseeyouthen Pleasegivemybestwishestoyourfriends 3 请求允许Wouldyoumindifwelearntomakeitfromyou Ofcoursenot 4 祝愿和祝福Welldone Let swishthemsuccess Enjoyyourselves Bestwishestoyou 5 提供帮助Wouldyoulikemetohelpyou 6 打电话Hello Extension6006 please Holdon please Hello Who sspeaking 7 就餐MayItakeyourorder MayIhavethebill please Justalittle please 8 购物Here syourchange 9 提醒注意Remembernottodrinktoomuch 2 态度表扬和鼓励Wonderful Keepupthegoodwork Welldone 3 情感 1 高兴I mpleasedtohearthat 2 惊奇Whatasurprise 3 满意That sgoodenough I mpleasedwithwhatyouaredoingforus 4 遗憾It sagreatpity 4 次序First Second Next Then Afterthat Finally 5 谈论如何筹集资金6 学习写邀请信7 谈论事物的种类8 谈论吃西餐的方式9 谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪10 谈论健康的饮食习惯11 谈论就餐 Unit8功能用语与话题 1 社会交往 1 约会Shallwemeetattheschoolgate 2 购物Couldyoutellmewheretobuyascarf 2 情感遗憾I msosorry 3 特征规格 Whatsizewouldyouliketotake SizeM 4 逻辑关系原因和结果Ilikeditsomuchthatmyfatherboughtitforme 5 谈论服装的类型I dlikethisT shirtandthecottonpantswithtwobigpockets Iwantapurplesilkhatandawoolendress 6 谈论不同场合的着装及不同题型的穿着Youshouldwearabusinesssuit Youshouldtakeoffyourshoeswhenyouentersomeone shomeinJapan Ifaslimgirlentersyourshop you dbetteradvisehertowearclothesinwarncolors likered yellowororange 7 谈论不同的着装文化与习俗 中考链接 2009 补全对话A CanIhelpyou B 76 Iwonderifyoucouldhelpme 中考链接 Yes please thanks sir Thankyou Unit7和Unit8短语总结 Unit7Topic11 tryone etrue7 getintouchwithsb8 haveasweettoothTopic21 cutup2 eatup3 tablemanners4 drinktosh sth5 takeonlyasip6 pointtosbwithsth9 farawayfromTopic31 inshort2 notonly butalso 3 atablefortwo4 havethebill5 haveabalanceddiet6 It ssaidthat Unit8Topic11 so that 2 bemadeof3 dependon4 aswellas 5 catchone seyes6 protect from Topic21 allowsb todosth2 carryout3 showgooddiscipline4 lookuglyonsb 5 advisesb todosthTopic31 either or 2 asaresult Unit7andUnit8语法结构图 宾语从句形容词和副词的比较等级结果状语从句 That引导Iknow that heisChinese If whether引导Idon tknowif whetheryouareright 疑问词 what which who Whose和where when how why 引导YoumayaskTomwhereheisgoing 宾语从句用陈述句语序Iwanttoknowwhattheyaretalkingabout b 当主句是一般过去时 宾语从句则使用相应的过去时态 Iheardyouhadabadcold 引导词 语序 时态 宾语从句 a 当主句是一般现在时 宾语从句时态不受主句影响 IthinkIcansellnewspapers c 如果宾语从句所表达的内容是客观真理或客观事实 从句的动词时态不受主句的谓语动词时态的限制 Hesaidheisforty Theteachersaidthattheearthmovesroundthesun 下一页 so that 引导意为 如此 以至于 IwassotiredthatIcouldn tgoonanylonger sothat 引导MissWangplannedverywellsothatherstudentsenjoyedagoodtrip such that 引导Janeissuchaclevergirlthateveryonelikesheralot 结果状语从句 下一页 1 直接加er est 2 以e结尾加r st 3以辅音字母 y结尾的 y变i加er est 4 部分双音节加more most 规则变化 不规则变化 构成 原级常用 as adj adv as 结构 应用 比较级常用 adj adv than 结构 最高级常用 the adj adv 最高级 in of 比较范围 比较级和最高级 bad badlyworseworstfarfarther furtherfarther furtherlittlelessleastmany muchmoremostgood wellbetterbest 下一页 形容词和副词比较等级中的注意事项 1 在同级比较结构中 第一个as前可加half twice threetimes等词来修饰 表示倍数关系 如 Therulerishalfaslongasthatone Ourschoolisthreetimesaslargeasyours 2 形容词或副词的比较级前可用much alot alittle abit even still far等词来修饰 表示不同程度 如 Herappleismuchbiggerthanmine Sheplayedthepianomuchmorewonderfullythanyou 3 借助other else或否定词 比较级形式可用来表示最高级概念 如 Heistallerthananyother anybodyelse inourclass Nobodyrunsfasterthanhim 4 the 比较级 the 比较级 表示 越 越 如 Themorecarefulyouare thefewermistakesyou llmake Themoreyouread themoreyoulearn 5 比较级 and 比较级 表示 越来越 如 Itbecomescolderandcolderwhenwintercomes Itisrainingmoreandmoreheavily 下一页 whether if的共同点与区别 共同点 都可引导一般疑问句的宾语从句 区别 1 whether引导的宾语从句中可用ornot if则不能 如 Doyouknowwhetherornotit simpolitetosmokeduringamealinFrance 2 whether引导的宾语从句可移到句首 if则不能 如 Whetherhecomesornot Idon tknow 3 介词之后的宾语从句用whether 不用if 如 I minterestedinwhethershecomesfromAfrica 4 不定式前用whether 不用if 如 Sheaskedmewhethertohavebreakfast 5 if除了 是否 还有 如果 之意 用在条件状语从句中 如 Wewillclimbthemountainifitdoesn traintomorrow 下一页 试题链接 1 Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be 2 Ithinkyou abouttherelayracenow talk 3 Ididn tknowwhomtheletter from be 4 MissWangtoldmethattheearth move roundthesun 5 Theteachertoldhisclassthatlight fasterthansound travel willbe aretalking was moves travels 下一页 1 Couldyoutellme itistrueornot A ifB whetherC thatD what 2 Wewillgoswimmingifit sunnytomorrow A willB willbeC isD are B C 下一页 考点 比较级和最高级单选题 2007年 28 I mgetting eachmonth Ican tputonmyjeans A heavyB heavierC theheavierD theheaviest 2008年 23 Howfarisittotheairport 20kilometers No it s About30kilometers A farB fartherC thefartherD thefarthest 2009年 27 Helen canIwearjeansandaT shirttotheeveningparty OK Butadressmightbe A goodB betterC badD worse短文填空 2008年 Manybuildingsare 69 than50storiestall much 2009年 Weoftentriedtogetan 67 flightthanusual butitwasn tpossible early 中考链接 B B B more earlier 返回菜单 考点 宾语从句单选题 2007年 40 Couldyoupleasetellme BusNo 32willtakeyourightthere A whereisHenanMuseumB whatHenanMuseumislikeC HowcanIgettoHenanMuseumD whichbusIshalltaketoHenanMuseum 2008年 34 MayIcomeinI msorryI mlate Comein please Butcouldyoupleasetellme A whyyouarelateagainB whatwereyoudoingthenC whoyoutalkedwithD howdoyoucometoschool 2009年 35 WhattimewillMrBrownbebacktoChina Sorry Idon tknow A whendidhegoabroadB whyheisgoingabroadC howsoonwillhebebackD howlonghewillstayabroad 中考链接 D A D 返回菜单 2009年部分省市中招试题 河北 Thenew desighed 新款 carisonshownow Iwonder A howmuchitcostB howmuchdiditcostC howmuchitcostsD howmuchdoesitcost 广州 Excuseme sir Couldyoutellme A whereisthebanknearestB whereisthenearestbankC wherethenearestbankisD thenearestbankiswhere 常德 Dearclassmates youwork resultsyou llget A themore themoreB thebetter theharderC theharder thebetter 广东 Thefilm KangFuPanda is interesting Iwouldliketoseeitagain A such thatB too toC as asD so that 连云港 Canyoutellme forthe60thChinaNationalDay Awonderfulparade 检阅 A WhatisgoingtobeholdB whoisgoingtobeholdC howmuchmoneywillberaisedD howlongwillitstart 江西 Doyouknow themanwithsunglassesis I mnotsure Maybeareporter A whoB whatC whereD how 太原 ManypeoplearetalkingabouttheH1N1flu Ireallydon tknow A whatcanIdotostopit B whytheytalkaboutitC howIcankeepmyselfsafe C C C D A B C 1 C 1Thedictionaryissoexpensive Ican tbuyit A becauseB whenC thatD if2 C 2Igotthere late Ididn tseehim A too toB such thatC so thatD so as3 B 3Itis hotintheroom wehavetogooutforawalk A such thatB so thatC as asD such as4 B 4Hehas aninterestingbookthatwewanttoreadit A soB suchC thesameD as 返回菜单 Thanksforlistening


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