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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The teacher let all the students _ quiet in the classroom.Ato keepBkeepingCkeepDkept2 . Id like some _.AmuttonsBcarrotCtomatoDnoodles3 . - May I go now?.No, you _.AneedntBmightntCwontDmustnt4 . Wheres the medicine? Ive looked everywhere for it.-Oh, its on the top shelf. Mum put there to make sure little Tom _ it.Awouldnt reachBhavent reachedCwont touchDhadnt touched5 . -Which country has _ population, China ,India or Japan ?-China, of course.Athe largestBthe smallestCthe mostDthe least6 . -You dont look _ today. Whats wrong?-Its the bad fever.AwellBhappilyChardDstrongly7 . My friend Lily is good atEnglish.AspeakBspeakingCspeaksDto speak8 . He doesnt do his homework _. So he always makes some mistakes.Acareful enoughBenough carefullyCcarefully enoughDenough careful9 . -Do you know _? -Yes, I do. He went by riding a bike.Ahow Bill went to the partyBhow did Bill go to the partyCwhether Bill will go or notDwhen will Bill go to the party10 . His name was/mennd/several times at the meeting.AmentionBmentionedCmentiontDmentioning11 . _ weather! Its raining again!Bad luck, we have to stay at home now.AWhat fineBHow fineCHow badDWhat bad12 . Youll makemistakes than the other students if you are careful enough.AfewerBmoreClessDmany13 . -What do you think of the book , Betty ?-Its a good one . Each time you read it , you will find _.Asomething newBnew somethingCnothing newDnew nothing14 . I wont be able to understand what you say _you speak too quickly.AifBthoughCbecauseDunless15 . -_?-Quite well ,thank you .AWhat do you doBWhat do you think of itCHow are you getting on with your EnglishDHow do you find books written by Cao Wenxuan16 . Have you ever played with robot?Sure! Its really unusual experience for me.Aan; anBa; anCan; aDa; a17 . _ your ID card number? Its 268301.AWhatBWhatsCHowDHows18 . What a _ / fan / day to climb the mountain with friends!AfunBfineCfindDfunny19 . - Can you tell me _ ?-Sorry , I dont know . I was not at the meeting , either .Awhat does he say at the meetingBwhat did he say at the meeting Cwhat he said at the meetingDwhat he says at the meeting20 . We shouldnt _ our hopes. Everything will be better.Aput upBcheer upCfix upDgive up二、完型填空A food courier(服务员) won CCTV5 Chinese Poetry Competition April4,2008. Lei Haiwei kept calm during the final of the third season of CCTV5 Chinese Poetry Competition on Wednesday night .He became the champion after_ Peng Min, a master of literature( 文学)from Chinas top university.Le, 37, from Shaoyang, Hunan Province, is now working _ a food delivery man in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province. His _ in poetry was inspired(激励)by his father. He would write poems down, _ them on the wall of the kitchen and teach him to read them from a young age.Lei missed the _ of going to university because of the school transfers(调动)when he was growing up. But that didnt _ his love for poetry. Since he was too_ to buy books, Lei would memorize poems in bookstores and write them out when he went back home. He used this special_ to accumulate(积累) more than1,000 poems.Lei moved to Hangzhou in 2008. Now, as a busy food courier, he reads and memorizes poems using his mobile phone_ waiting for food to be delivered. It helps him relax during his fast-paced life. Last November, Lei went to Beijing and began_ the TV show after standing out from more than 70,000 people who took part in the competition After winning, Lei returned to Hangzhou and continued his delivery work and the memorizing of poems.21 . AcallingBbeatingCfightingDsee22 . AasBforCinDon23 . AhobbyBinterestCsuccessDhabit24 . ApraiseBstickCdivideDreceive25 . AchanceBchoiceCchangeDticket26 . Aput downBlie downCcut downDsit down27 . ArichBpoorCshyDbusy28 . AtoolBmethodCpointDkey29 . AwhileBafterCthoughDbecause30 . AadmiringBspreadingCrecordingDproducing三、阅读单选Good evening, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends!Thank you all for coming on this very special day for every student on this stage. I know how proud you must be. As we have grown over the years, there are many steps and stages we all have gone through. From learning our shapes and colors, to getting our first kiss in middle school, or how we explained to our parents why we skipped school (逃课) because the headmaster called home. As we remember these days, things that weve done will be with us forever. But this is only the start of our journey. To graduate is one more step weve taken in our lives.Now I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get this far. First of all, thank you to all the teachers. None of us would be here without you always pushing our studying abilities to the fullest. My elder brother Johnson always said, “If anyone is mean to you, Ill take care of it.” My mom, thank you for always believing in me and putting up with me. And last but not least, my dad, for proving to me that I always need to take responsibility (责任) for my actions and deal with the results. Thank you all! I love you. And I will never fail to be thankful to the people around me.Lastly, I want to give some advice to all my classmates! The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life. Many of us may think, “This is as good as it gets!” but the future holds a bigger plan for all of us. We will make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from our mistakes and never give up. So good luck and congratulations to the class of 2016. We did it!31 . The passage is most probably _Aa suggestion letterBa greeting cardCa graduation speechDa letter of congratulations32 . What the writer learns from his dad is that _.Aknowledge is powerBone should answer for what he doesCwhere there is a will, there is a wayDa good beginning is half done33 . According to the writer, many students _Ahardly study at schoolBhate to follow others adviceCshould pay more attention to the futureDare afraid of dealing with difficulties34 . The writer told his classmates that the key to dealing with mistakes is _.Ato learn from the mistakes and never give upBto give up the studyCnot to follow others adviceDnot to pay attention to the mistakes35 . We can infer from the passage that the writer of the passage is _.Aa parentBa headmasterCa teacherDa student四、句型转换句型转换36 . They succeeded finally .(改为同义句)They succeeded_.37 . My mother didnt get a letter from her sister.(改为同义句)My mother didnt _ her sister.38 . They will finish the work in a week.(对划线部分提问)_ will they finish the work?39 . Pour the milk into the blender.(改为否定句)_ the milk into the blender.40 . I shall stay two more months .(改为同义句)I shall stay _ months.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。41 . There are three_ (box) under my bed.42 . He_ (think) its a UFO in the sky. Yes, they are.43 . Please e- mail _ (I) at linda0915126.com.44 . Are these_ (they) baseballs?45 . That yellow schoolbag is_ (her).六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Amake sureBadditionCalsoDchemicalsErarelyDo you know why your hair isnt growing? Let me share some reasons with you. First, youre not eating well. Hair health isnt just related to (与有关)the way you take care of your hair itself, it 46 . has something to do with the way you take care of your body, Second, you overheat your hair. Using heat on your hair can weaken and break it. Try using hot tools on your hair only once a week, and 47 . you buy products that allow you to control their heat settings. Third, your hair is overprocessed. If you use a lot of different 48 . on your hair, your hair might be overprocessed. Fourth, you dont take vitamins. Although vitamins dont always taste great, daily vitamins are actually good for hair growth. Taking a multivitamin daily can be a great49 . to any diet to help improve the quality of ones hair.七、单词填空首字母填空:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。Tennis is in its second life. Its first game b50 . in France. The name of the game comes from the French w51 . tennez. The English men c52 . the game tennis when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago.The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts were b53 . in every park, in every city, just like today. The two countries played against each other. At first they played for h54 . . Then they won money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to s55 . the cheating. The game also d56 . . Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned w57 . they could do about the game. They liked the game as the Englishmen did before. After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts. Tennis began to become p58 . in all the United States. Now it is one of the most e59 . games in the world again.八、回答问题请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Once again, I argued with my son, which I never really wanted to do. When I told my friend about my problems with Paul, he showed me a short article that he had read. It was titled “Disagreeing, with Good Results”.The article said that understanding another person is never easy, but it is most difficult when we do not agree with the other person. If we want to have good relationships with other people, we must learn to disagree fairly, so that we can solve our problems.The article went on to say the first rule for a good disagreement is: we must want to solve the problem. Sometimes when people argue, they do not really want to end the disagreement. Therefore, they usually shout at each other, and one person walks away just to end the disagreement. Nothing is changed. The problem is still there.The second rule is: we should make the problem clear in the simplest way possible. What exactly are we arguing about?The third rule is: we need to listen actively. In active listening, we listen to understand what the other person says rather than thinking only about what we want to say next. Before we react to the other persons ideas, we should be sure that we understand them. While we are listening, we should look for similarities in our ideas, not difference. We should look for a way to compromise to find a solution that both of us can be happy with.60 . Whats the name of the writers son?_61 . How can we solve the problems with the other people according to the article?_62 . What will happen if one person walks away to end the disagreement?_63 . Which solution should we find while listening actively?_64 . How can we get along well with others in your opinion? (请自拟一句话作答)_九、话题作文65 . 假设你们班将组织一次以“我的友情观”为主题的班会。你认为好朋友应该是什么样子的?他或她的性格、爱好是否应该和你相同?请从自身的体验出发,用英语写一篇60词左右的发言稿来阐述你的观点。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone!_Thats all. Thanks for listening!第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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