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2020版人教新目标版七年级上英语期中试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ Ann and Jack _ carrots?ADoes;likesBDoes;likeCDo;likesDDo;like2 . Kitty has more books than , but my books are more interesting than .Amine, hersBI , hersCmine, hersDI , her3 . When you attend _ class, you go to have it.AaBanCtheD不填4 . (题文)Oh,my god! Ive left my keys in the room.Ill have to get inthe window.Its dangerous.Youd better wait for your mom to come back.ApastBoverCacrossDthrough5 . They are very happy that theyll have _ off next week.A3 daysB3 daysC3-dayDa 3-day6 . _ do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? We enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes.AWhatBWhenCWhichDHow7 . ( )14. The _ meeting room is near the reading room.AteacherBteachersCteachersDteachers8 . _bag do you want to buy? The yellow one over there.AWhatBWhoseCWhichDWhere9 . -_do you spell PEN? -P-E-N.AWhereBHowCWhatDWhich10 . Does she usually read in the library?_.She is in the library.AYes,she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, she does.DNo,she doesnt.11 . Is Hu Jun your brother? _. I love my brother.ANo, he isntBYes, he isCYes, hesDNo, he doesnt12 . _does Sam go to school?At 7:30.AWhat timeBWhatCWhereDHow13 . - _ is your pen pal from?- Hes from Australia.AWhatBWhereCHowDWho14 . Is thispencil?Yes. The pen is, too.Ayour; myByours; mineCyour; mineDyours; my15 . I dont know when _ tomorrow.I will call you as soon as he _.Awill he come; arrivesBhe will come; arrivesChe will come; will arriveDhe comes; will arrive二、完型填空I have four good friends. Theyre Jessica, Peter, Lucy and Olivia. We are in the same _ . So were classmates. Jessica swims very well, and she wants _ the swimming club. Then she can swim on Saturdays and Sundays. Peter wants to join the movie( 电 影 )club_ he likes watching movies very much, especially action movies and comedies. Jackie Chan and Rowan Atkinson are his favorite movie stars. Lucy is a pop music fan. She can _ a lot of songs. So she wants to join the singing club. Olivia wants to join the music club because she plays the piano very well. And she wants to be a pianist when she grows up. We have different interests but we often play together. I think I love_ my friends very much.16 . AclassBlessonCteacher17 . AjoinBjoinsCto join18 . AbecauseBafterCbut19 . AdoBsingCwrite20 . AitBherCthem三、阅读单选I am Lin Feng. This is a picture of my family: my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My grandparents are in Beijing now and we are in Zhejiang. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. My sister and I are middle school students. My sister is in Class 1,Grade 8 and I am in Class2, Grade 7. I have a good friend here. Her name is Zhang Ning. We are in the same(相同的) class.21 . There are _ people(人;人们) in Lin Fengs family.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix22 . Lin Fengs grandparents are in _nowABeijingBShanghaiCZhejiangDTianjing23 . Lin Fengs mother is _.Aa studentBa teacherCa doctorDa farmer24 . What class is Zhang Ning in?AClass Two, Grade SevenBClass One, Grade SevenCClass Two, Grade EightDClass One, Grade Eight25 . The passage (文章)is about (关于)_ALin Fengs familyBLin Fengs parentsCLin Fengs friendDLin Fengs schoolDo you want your children to eat fresh (新鲜的) food? Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm.What you can doFor children:Learn about different vegetables, fruits andanimals;Pick vegetables and fruits and feed animals;Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmers house;Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving.For parents:Grow up with children;Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food;Go outdoors (在户外) and relax.When9:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends From April to OctoberCost (费用) $42 for a child and $22 for a parent Email: hawthornevalleyfarmgmail.com26 . The advertisement (广告) is for .AparentsBstudentsCdoctorsDteachers27 . Children can on the farm.Aride horsesBfeed animalsChave breakfastDgo swimming28 . The farm is open days each week.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix29 . Little Bob and his mother need to pay if they want to have fun on the farm.A$42B$53C$64D$8630 . Which of the following is TRUE about the farm?AIt has the best horses.BIt is a place for children to make new friends.CIt isnt open in September.DIt has an email address.四、填写适当的句子补全对话A: 31 . . Thats my father.B: 32 . ?A: Shes my mother.B: Whos he?A: 33 . .B: And 34 . ?A: Theyre my grandparents.B: Well, have a good day!A: 35 . .五、单词填空阅读理解填词There are f36 . people in my family-two old persons(老人),t37 . middle-aged(中年)persons and a child. The two old persons are my g38 . and grandmother. T39 . names are David and Jenny. They are old . They c40 . go to work(工作). B41 . they can look after(照顾) the child at home. The middle-aged persons are Mary and Hans. Hans is the old persons s42 . . But Mary isnt their d43 . . She is their daughter-in-law(儿媳). Mary and Hans h44 . a son. He is only five years old. He a45 . go to the park with his grandparents on Sundays.六、填空根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空一词。Mike and Peter are good friends. They are students. They go to school five days a week. Mikes birthday is in the eleventh month of a year. Peters birthday is October 1st. Thats National Day. Mike likes playing basketball, but Peter likes playing soccer. Mike often wears sports shoes to play basketball. He likes white sports shoes. Mikes birthday is coming. Peter goes to a sports store with his friend, Bill. They have a look at basketballs and sports shoes. At last, they buy a pair of white sports shoes for Mike. When Mike sees the shoes, he is very happy.46 . Peters birthday is_47 . Mike likes_ in _sports shoes.48 . Peter goes to a_ with _49 . Peter and his friend _a pair of sports_ shoes Mike.50 . _Mike sees the shoes, he is very_七、话题作文51 . Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “I want to be a / an _ when I grow up”. (以“长大了我想当一名_”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。) 6%Suggested questions:1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Why?3. What do you do to be a good _?_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、填写适当的句子补全对话1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、话题作文1、


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