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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期10月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kong Fansen is educational movie, most people felt .Aan; excitingBan; excitedCa; excitingDa; excited2 . My little brother _very well. Some of his pictures are on show.AsingsBdancesCswimsDdraws3 . Peter, what time is your radio show? _ 12:00 at night _ 6:00 in the morning.AFrom; atBAt; toCAt; atDFrom; to4 . (题文)His joke made all of us_ .AlaughBlaughingCto laughDlaughed5 . -_ are these bananas?-3.99 yuan.AHow manyBHow longCHow muchDHow far6 . You did a good job, Cathy! You got the highest _ in the math exam. Really? Im so excited!AspeedBvoiceCscoreDrecord7 . What a nice bike that Sam has ! I like this kind of bike but dont have money to buy _.AitBthisCthatDone8 . Please go and wash your hands. Theyre very_.AdirtyBcleanCniceDgood9 . There are a lot of changes in _.Asame seasonsBdifferent seasonCsame seasonDdifferent seasons10 . (题文)Why _ she go to the movies with you the day before yesterday?AdoesBisCwasntDdidnt二、完型填空A little girl walked to and back from school every day. One day, wind blew hard and trees shook from side to side in the wind on her way home after school. It rained_. And rain poured down, the girls father worried that his daughter would be scared because of flashes of lightning. So he drove to his daughters school in a hurry. To his surprise, he saw her_alone in the rain. When a flash of lightning came, she stopped, looked up and smiled. _followed, she stopped, looked up and smiled. With the coming of the following flashes of lightning, she repeated the_thing again and again.After she got into the car, he wondered why she stopped, looked up and smiled when a lightning came. She replied with a bright smile, “Dad, when a flash of lightning came, I felt a bit scared. Seeing this, God would_me. I knew he was playing an interesting game with me to drive my fear. “You see, if you look at the world from a different view, the world is really amazing.11 . AhardlyBslowCheavyDheavily12 . AwalksBwalkingCto walkDwalked13 . AThe otherBOtherCAnotherDThe others14 . AsameBdifferentCsecondDopposite15 . Atake afterBtake a photo ofCtake offDtake the place of三、阅读单选Hi, Im Peter. Look at my family photo. This is my grandfather. He is wearing (戴着) glasses. The man standing next to him is my father. My grandmother has gray hair. She is a kind woman. She is holding my younger sister. She has short black hair. The woman standing behind me is my mom. There is a little boy sitting on the bench(凳子). Its me. Im playing the piano. The piano is a birthday gift (礼物) from my grandpa. Its shiny and black. My piano has 88 keys. The keys are black and white. I love my piano very much.16 . Who is wearing glasses?A. Peter. B. Peters father.C. Peters grandpa. 17 . The underlined word “she” refers to(指代) _.A. Peters younger sister B. Peters mom C. Peters grandma18 . Who is standing behind Peter?A. Peters father. B. Peters mother. C. Peters grandmother.19 . The underlined word “keys” means “_” in Chinese.A. 按键 B. 钥匙C. 答案20 . Which of the following is TRUE?A. Peter has a black piano.B. The piano is a gift from Peters grandma.C. There are 5 people in Peters family.Four students are talking about a question on the Internet. Is it better to use bicycles or to drive cars in the city?Matthew 2019-1-13 20:22I believe it is better to use a bicycle. First, bicycles are safer. A bike cannot run too fast. Secondly, cars are bad for the environment(环境). They produce a lot of harmful gases(气体). People are building more and more roads. There will be fewer homes for wild animals.Samuel 2019-1-13 20:25I dont agree with Matthew though bicycles are safer. Imagine you have a well-paid job and you choose to ride a bicycle to work. Your nice clothes would become not so clean and your hair would look terrible. You would not be able to meet your customers.Rebecca 2019-1-13 20:30Today, we should ride a bicycle because there are many problems with cars. First, driving a car is bad for the environment. Secondly, there are a lot of traffic jams. Besides, bicycles are much cheaper than cars!Olivia 2019-1-13 20:32I like a bicycle better. Riding a bicycle to and from school keeps me fit. I am now running a club to help stop pollution. More and more students in my school are joining us. Get out of your car and get on a bicycle!21 . Matthew thinks there will be fewer _ for wild animals.AroadsBfast bicyclesChomesDharmful gases22 . Samuel believes riding a bicycle may be not good for _.Ayour workByour healthCthe trafficDthe environment23 . Who is running a club to stop pollution?AMatthewBSamuelCRebeccaDOlivia24 . From the passage we can know all the four students _.Aagree to ride a bicycle in the cityBare talking on the InternetCthink cars cause more traffic jamsDthink riding a bicycle is safer四、语法填空V.阅读填空,在空白处填入适当的内容(填写1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Do you sometimes feel sad or worried? When youre feeling down, you may turn on some ice cream to eat even 25 . youre already full. It means that you are experiencing emotional (情绪化的) eating. Emotional eating means that we are26 . (use) the food to make yourself 27 . (feel) better. In fact, it usually makes you feel much 28 . (bad ) because you cant solve your problems, but youll feel sorry for overeating.Are you an emotional eater? Try to answer the following questions.29 . your answers are “Yes”, you will be an emotional eater.Do you eat more when youre not 30 . (success )?Do you eat to feel better when youre sad ,bored or worried?Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel that food is 31 . a friend of you?Some scientists32 . (study) the survey for two months. They have found that33 . (eat) emotionally is bad for our health. In order to stop emotional eating, we should find other ways about how34 . (encourage) ourselves when we feel down.五、多任务混合问题Kate and Jim are wife and husband.Like many New Age Travellers,they dont live in a house,but in a truck.For about three years they moved around the country with other travellers.Now their daughter,Lucy,is four years old,and Kate wants to change their life and come back to the city.But Jim likes the travelling life.He thinks they should live on the road.“We have a lot of good friends here.We live in the open air.How fresh the air is! If we like a place,we stay for some time.If we dont like it,we move on.I dont like cities.You must live in a small box and you should work hard for all your time to get enough money to live.Thats not life.We should stay away from cities.Lucy is a nice girl.She can learn real things about life with us on the road,” Jim says. “Yes,I like this kind of life better than city life.Travelling is interesting in spring and summer.But winter is always difficult.It is so cold that Lucy gets ill every winter.The most important thing,I think, is that Lucy needs a good education(教育) and she should have her own friends and a usual life like other kids.That means we must live in one place.Shall we move back to the city or not?” says Kate.任务一:回答下列问题。35 . Where did Kate and Jim live?_36 . Does Jim want to change his life and go back to the city?_任务二:判断正(T)误(F)。37 . Kate is tired of their travelling life. (_)38 . The life of travelling is not very good for Lucy. (_)任务三:把文中画线的句子翻译成中文。39 . _六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句40 . this, had, time, a, morning, they, good (.)_41 . listen, he, to, songs, began, English, to (.)_42 . reading, this, worth, book, is (?)_43 . get, the, at, boy, didnt, home, four (.)_44 . last, what, they, did, Sunday, do (?)_七、材料作文45 . 中国赢得2022年第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会的举办权,假如你叫王刚,你想在2022年做一名冬奥会的志愿者,请你写一封推荐信给冬奥会组委会介绍自己的情况。1. 个人情况:(1)阳光中学九年级(2)班的班长;(2)爱好:读书,读书的感悟(至少两点);(3)喜欢的颜色:自己发挥,并说出喜欢的原因(至少两点);2. 个人自荐条件:(1)自信:不害怕在全校面前演讲,善于与他人打交道;(2)办事有条理;保持一切井井有条,从来不会忘记需要做的事情;(3)乐于助人:(举1-2个事例)要求1.词数100字左右,开头和结尾不计入总字数。 2.必须包括所有要点,适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。Dear: Im very excited to hear that China has successfully bid for the success of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Id like to be a volunteer for it._If you can agree with me , I will improve myself in all aspects(方面). Im sure I will be an excellent volunteer. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Wang Gang第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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