外研版八年级英语下册测试Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.-1

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外研版八年级英语下册测试Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.-1_第1页
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外研版八年级英语下册测试Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She can danceI candanceAtooBeitherCas wellDalso2 . Dont cut in line, Wang Ming. Sorry, I will wait _ others.Ain front ofBfar away fromCin line with3 . My father wants me _ computer games before finishing my homework.Anot playBto playCto not playDnot to play4 . Jessicas parents always encourage her _ out of her opinions.AspeakBspeakingCto speakDwill speak5 . Lets_ basketball in the playground this afternoon.AplaysBplayingCplayDto play二、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One morning, a student was walking with his teacher when they saw a pair of old shoes by the roadside (路边). They thought the shoes might belong_a poor man. In fact, the_of the shoes was working nearby.The student wanted to hide (藏) the shoes and see_the man would do_he couldnt find them. But the teacher_him and said, “ Lets_a coin ( 硬币) in each of the shoes, and watch what he will do.”The student did so, and then they hid nearby.The man soon came back to get his_, he felt something hard in them. He found the two coins.Surprise came to his_He looked at the coins for a minute, and then_but nobody was there.He then knelt down (跪下) , looked up to the sky and said_aloud, in which he spoke of his_wife and children without food.The student was deeply moved (感动的), with tears in his eyes, “ Dear_,” he said, “You have taught me_lesson which Ill never_I finally understand now: Its more blessed (神圣的) to_than to receive.”6 . AtoBforCatDbehind7 . AsellerBownerCteacherDmaker8 . AhowBwhichCwhereDwhat9 . AalthoughBuntilCwhenDbecause10 . AstoppedBhelpedCallowedDagreed11 . AplayBdropCputDfind12 . AlunchBshoesCdrinkDcoat13 . AhandBfootCheadDface14 . Alooked aroundBlooked afterClooked likeDlooked at15 . AyesBhelloCgoodbyeDthanks16 . ArichBpoorCshyDcreative17 . AfatherBmotherCteacherDuncle18 . AaBanCtheD19 . AlearnBforgetCtakeDremember20 . AworkBrefuseCbuyDgive三、阅读单选Roller Coaster RideI had never been on a real roller coaster. Fear of speed, fear of heights: They just werent for me. The closest I had ever got was a kiddie-coaster when I was six. It was probably six feet tall, but I had it stopped even before we got up to the first slope.So today I just waited for my friends while they took the 53 mph roller-coaster-riding. As they stepped off the ride, they all tried to persuade (说服 ) me to follow them onto the next one. roller coasterCome on, Lisi! Jennifer said, Youre so boring! Just come with us!Its not that scary, added Jackie, Ill sit next to you.Look: This is the slowest ride in the park! Christina pointed out.Finally, I gave in and agreed to get on the roller coaster, although I still wasnt sure. Of course everyone had come out alive so far, but you never know what will happen.As we stood in line, I got more scared. It looks really big from down here, I worried out loud.Finally, we reached the front of the line. I sat in a seat with Jackie and said that I would not let go of her hand until we were safely off the ride.As soon as we started moving, I began to scream and held Jackies hand tightly. We started to climb the slope toward the highest point of the ride.WHOOOOSH!It felt as if something had broken. We started falling fast. The wind blew hard and it seemed like my face would blow off. I screamed so loud that I couldnt hear myself anymore. Oh my gosh, we werent going to stop! I knew it. This had been a terrible idea. I closed my eyes, never stopping my scream.CLUNK!The ride came suddenly to a stop. I opened my eyes. We were back where we started! I hadnt died! I stepped off the ride, tired and dizzy. My friends looked at me, searching for my reaction.Can we do that again? I said in a low voice.21 . What happened when Lisi was on a kiddie-coaster at six?AShe fell off the ride.BShe refused to step off.CShe had it stopped.DShe screamed with joy22 . Lisi finally decided to ride the roller coaster becauseAher friends persuaded herBshe loved trying new thingsCher friends enjoyed the rideDshe disliked waiting for friends23 . What did the writer think of the roller coaster ride in the end?AIt was boring and tiring.BIt was challenging but fun.CIt was scary and dangerous.DIt was safe but disappointing.四、句型转换按要求改写句子24 . You should cut up the fruit. (改为祈使句)_ the fruit.25 . I need three onions for the soup. (对划线部分提问)_ onions do you need for the soup ?26 . Andy does well in telling jokes. (改为同义句)Andy _ telling jokes.27 . She often goes shopping. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ she often _ shopping ?No, she _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词, 使句子意思完整正确。28 . With our teachers_(支持),we finally won the game.29 . People ran in all_(方向)and shouted in fear when the earthquake happened.30 . We need to protect the pandas and other animals in_(危险).31 . Wolong Nature Reserve is in Sichuan Province, youll_(容易地)find it on the map.32 . The Chinese_(政府)has made many laws to protect the wild animals.33 . Max has a good_(感觉)of humour. He often tells funny jokes.34 . _(令人遗憾地),tigers face serious problems at present.35 . He will_(返回)to his hometown after he finishes college.36 . Look_(从头到尾)this book and tell me what you think of it.37 . Daniel doesnt know how to communicate with others. He is often too_(紧张不安的)to say a word.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。38 . I spend as much time as I can _ (collect) the stamps. Im crazy about it.39 . The old man _ (miss) his wife so much that he always takes her photo with him.40 . Mother told us _ (not read) in bed.41 . _ (be) your mother at home on Sundays?42 . Jill, _ (not be) late for the meeting. It usually starts at 7:45.43 . Please come in and _ ( find) somewhere to sit down.44 . These old coins must be very_ ( value) .45 . These things are not useful. And you cant do _ (something) with them.46 . Betty collects coins, such as British _ (pound) and US dollars.七、完成句子完成句子47 . 这个故事发生在很久以前。The story happened _.48 . 我们学校有很多社团,例如象棋社团、篮球社团、舞蹈社团等。There are lots of clubs in our school, such as Chess Club, Basketball Club, Dancing Club, _.49 . 昨天我向爸爸挑战进行了一场象棋比赛。I _ my father _ a chess game yesterday.50 . 我刚刚把老师讲的都抄下来了。I _ what the teacher said just now.51 . 他粗心开车导致了这场事故。His careless driving _ this accident.52 . 从那时起,他非常努力工作。_, he worked very hard.53 . 几年后,深圳发展成为一个大城市。A few years later, Shenzhen _ a big city.54 . 如果我更加努力,我将有一份更好的工作,赚更多的钱。If I work harder, I will have a better job and _.55 . 听我的建议吧,要不然你会犯更多的错误。_, or youll make more mistakes.56 . 她列了一张购物单,以便不会忘记买什么东西。She made a shopping list _ she wouldnt forget anything.八、语法填空第三节阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My friends have different hobbies. Lily has a beautiful voice. Singing has become 57 . (she)favorite hobby. She sings Karaoke and 58 . (watch)many music videos every day and she often sings at friends 59 . (party). John can swim very 60 . (good). He usually swims in the river near his house. And he practices swimming in a swimming pool 61 . Sundays. He wants 62 . (be)a swimmer at Olympics one day. Many people are 63 . (interest)in flying model planes. Bobby is one of them. He thinks64 . is fun and relaxing. He flies model planes with his friends in the park every weekend. But now, he is busy every day 65 . he is going to be in the66 . (three)year of middle school. Can he still keep flying model planes as a hobby?第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、


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