2020版人教版九年级上册英语 unit11 第6课时(sectionB 3a-selfcheck)测试A卷

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2020版人教版九年级上册英语 unit11 第6课时(sectionB 3a-selfcheck)测试A卷_第1页
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2020版人教版九年级上册英语 unit11 第6课时(sectionB 3a-selfcheck)测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The husband and wife have strange habits. Hed like to sleep with lamp _ at night and his wife likes to sleep with the window _.Aburning; wide openBburnt; widely openedCburnt; wide openDburning; widely open2 . Anson is a funny boy. He often makes us.Ato laughBlaughingClaugh3 . The funny story made the kid _.ALaughsBlaughingClaughDto laugh4 . (题文)(2016德州)As the _ girl in our class,Mary was chosen to take part in the running raceAkindestBfastestCstrictestDcleverest5 . He is so clever that he can always_ different ideas.AthinkBcome up withCcome upDremind6 . How about seeing a movie, Jenny? Well, I would stay at home rather than _ to the movies.AgoBgoingCgoesDwent7 . They found me _ TV when they were passing.Ato watchBwatchCwatchingDwatched8 . I didnt like Mary. She kept on _ in English.AtalkingBtalkCto talkDtalked9 . The film is _ interesting than that one.AmuchBveryCthe mostDmore10 . Our teachers always tell uson the road because its really dangerous.Ato play notBnot to playCnot playingDnot play二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意、释义、中文或提示完成下列句子。11 . -Could you tell me the c_ of Japan? -Yes, of course. Its Tokyo.12 . There are twenty _ (餐馆) in town. Which is your favourite?13 . Taizhou is an old city with a long history of more than two _(千) years.14 . My _(邻居) are friendly15 . Its too noisy here. Lets find a _(with little or no sound) place to talk about our plans for this weekend.(题文)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。16 . (小题1)Daming never drinks milk and n_do I.17 . (小题2)I h_hamburgers and ice-cream, so I never eat them.18 . (小题3)W_Im listening to music, my brother is playing the violin.19 . (小题4) My pen is on the sofa. Please p_it to me.20 . (小题5)Peter always b_things from me and he doesnt give them back on time.三、完成句子21 . Kate是一个留着长直发的害羞女孩。Kate is a _ girl _ long _ hair.22 . 多么诚实的男孩啊!他从不撒谎。What _ boy! He never _ lies.23 . 英国学生暑假比美国学生少休息几周。British students _ weeks _ for the summer holiday than American students.24 . 我弟弟总是乐于帮助其他人解决问题。My brother is always _ problems.25 . 因为看演出,昨天放学比平时稍微迟了点。Because we watched a show, school ended _ yesterday.26 . 谁能再向他们提供三本书?Who _?第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、三、完成句子1、


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