人教新目标英语九年级全册Unit 13 Section B(3a-Self Check)课时练习

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人教新目标英语九年级全册Unit 13 Section B(3a-Self Check)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The bottle _coke .Would you like some ?Aare full ofBis filled withCfill withDfull with2 . If you dont know how to use the words, you can_ and ask me for help.Awrite down themBwrite them downCwrite it downDwrite down it3 . Trees and flowersevery year to make our country more beautiful.Ais plantedBwas plantedCare plantedDwere planted4 . (题文)The boys in most schools are not allowed _ long hair.AhavingBhaveChadDto have5 . My Chinese teacher is very knowledgeable _ she reads lots of books.AsoBbecauseCalthough二、阅读单选Earth Day is on April 22nd. People say thanks to the Earth and learn ways to keep the Earth safe and clean. But saving the Earth is not just for grow-ups. Kids are also taking an active part in it.The American writer and filmmaker Lynne made a film called Young Voices for the Planet. It lists a lot of stories about different kids who help to keep our environment clean.Team Marine, US A group of students at Santa Monica High School started an organization called Team Marine. They tell people why plastic bags are bad for sea animals and environment. In 2011, they successfully made lawmakers(立法者) in their city stop people using plastic bags.Felix, 15 Germany In 2007, a 9-year-old boy, Felix, started a club. Plant for the Planet(行星). It encourages children around the world to plant trees in their own countries. Felix helped plant 25 million trees in Germany and 120 million trees worldwide.Alec, 17, us When he was 12, Alec set up Kids VS Global(全球的) Warming. It teaches kids about weather change and ways to stop the world getting warmer and warmer. Alec travels widely to encourage people to help stop global warming. He has given more than 70 talks across the country.Olivia, 13, US When Olivia was 11, she heard about the 2010 oil spill(漏油) in gulf(海湾) of Mexico. She painted 500 pictures of birds to raise money for the clean-up. She raised more than $200,000 to protect(保护) birds and other wild animals.6 . Young Voices for the Planet made by Lynne is _.Aa TV playBa filmCa clubDa book7 . According to the passage, we know _ doesnt agree to use plastic bags.AFelixBAlecCTeam MarineDOlivia8 . Alec travels widely to encourage people to _.Ahelp stop global warmingBraise moneyCplant treesDprotect wild animals9 . The passage is mainly talk about how _.Aparents are planting treesBkids are saving the EarthCgrow-ups are using plastics bagsDstudents are raising money三、句型转换句型转换10 . She does her homework after supper. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ her homework after supper?11 . There are about eight parts in this book. (划线部分提问)_ parts _ in this book?12 . There is some milk in the glass. (改为否定句)There _ milk in the glass.13 . Basketball is Bobs favourite sport. (同义句转换)Bob _ basketball _.14 . It is interesting. People fly kites in spring.(合并成一个句子)_ for people _ kites in spring.四、完成句子根据语境及所给汉语提示,完成下列句子或对话,每空一词。15 . This word _(以开始) the letter “a”.16 . Who is Claire? I have never _(听说) her.17 . The waiter made a mistake in _(加起来) the bill (账单).18 . Alex _(参加) many after-class activities when he was at junior high school.19 . The government _(采取了快速的行动) to help the people in the train accident.20 . How much shall I _(付费) the phone call?You dont have to. This is free.21 . After the earthquake, the villagers were completely _(隔绝) from the outside.22 . Nelly loves fast food a lot though many others think it _(对有害) health.23 . Can the man shoot the bird _(在顶部) the tree?24 . Do you think that we should _(使用公共交通) to protect our environment?五、用单词的正确形式完成句子over take a message shower kitchen feet square metres25 . The Eiffel Tower is about 1,062 _ tall.26 . Ge Garden with an area of 24,000 _ houses over 60 types of bamboo.27 . Jims father is _ forty years old.28 . Im sorry. Daniel is not at home now. Can I _ ?29 . Do you always have a _ after getting up in this morning?六、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: Hello, May!B: Hi, Peter! I havent seen you for weeks. 1.30 . ?A: I have been to Hawaii (夏威夷).B: How was your journey?A: Great! Hawaii is a beautiful place.B: 2.31 . ?A: I went there by air.B: 3.32 . ?A: Yes, I have. I had lived there for 4 years before I came here.B: 4.33 . ?A: I traveled with my friends.B: 5.34 . ?A: I have been away for about eleven days.B: What a wonderful journey!A: Yes, it was!七、回答问题请阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。Air pollution in many cities has been more and more serious.Especially in winter,we see a lot of foggy days in North China.PM 2.5 in the air can harm human health.PM 2.5 refers to small particles(颗粒) which are 2.5 micrometers(微米) or less in diameter.Whats the cause of PM 2.5 pollution?Daily average particulate pollution (PM 2.5)The 10 worst Chinese citiesThe cities in North China are facing a more serious situation than the other parts.For example,Shenzhen and Guilin in the south of China are regarded as smogfree cities.While some cities,like Xingtai,Shijiazhuang and Baoding are among the most polluted cities.35 . What does PM 2.5 refer to?_36 . What causes the most pollution in Beijing according to the chart?What percent is it?_37 . Are Shenzhen and Guilin smog cities?_38 . Which Chinese city is polluted most seriously according to the chart?_39 . What will you do to reduce air pollution?_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、回答问题1、


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